9375 Corporate Dr., Selma, TX 78154-1250

The City of Selma Official Newsletter

Selma, a unique city that leads through providing planned growth, quality of life, a safe environment, and a vision for the future.
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Newsletters 2010: Jan | Feb | March | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
Newsletters 2009: Jan | Feb | March | Apr | May | June | July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
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Past Newsletters 2007: April | May | June | Aug | Oct | Nov

Past Newsletters 2006: Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec

November 2011

To all the residents,

This past week we all enjoyed a special Holiday that has meaning for almost every family throughout this country. Veteran’s Day gave us the opportunity to thank all that have served and who currently serve, for protecting this great country’s freedoms. Our very own city of freedom, “Selma” would like to personally thank all our residents who are veterans and who wear the uniform today. WE would like to express our gratitude and thanks to you all. Every day is your day for you dedicate your lives for the belief of a great nation. An event scheduled in late January, our second annual Selma/Schertz 5K run will once again be held to raise money for “Operation Comfort”, an organization that helps many of our wounded warriors in San Antonio. We will have further details in the next Newsletter.

We were very fortunate to again have a nice night for “Movie in the Park”; many of you enjoyed face painting, popcorn, drinks and a potluck dinner with our Historical and Parks and Recreation Commission Members. Special thanks for all those that volunteered and our Selma Fire Department for stopping by for the little ones and those adults who still like to pretend they are little ones.

Thanksgiving is fast upon us, it is a day for family, sharing and giving thanks for this entire Great Nation enjoys. Be safe wherever you and your family celebrate this very special day.

Thank you,
Mayor Tom Daly

Welcome New Residents

JElena Bender – Live Oak Hills
Nolan King – Retama Ridge
Lucinda Mora – Retama West
Greg Ashton – Retama West
Frances Archuleta – Kensington
Waylon Coffey – Retama West
Melissa Scott – Retama Springs
Sarah McClelland – Forest Creek
Kathy Urban – Retama Ridge
John Clowe – Kensington
Stephanie Kessinger – Olympia Hills
Avel Trujillo – Retama West
Marin Perez – Retama Springs
Ted Nguyen – Retama Springs
Loryn Windwechen – Retama Springs

Dustin Marteen – Retama Springs
David Lovett – Retama Springs
Lucinda Mora – Retama West
Alama Janice Smoot – Retama Springs
Patricia Macmanus – Forest Creek
Wiley Womack – Retama Springs
Deserae Perez – Retama Springs
James Shirley – Retama Springs
Carlos Salinas – Retama West
Regina Min – Retama Ridge
Lanita Alonzo – Forest Creek
Jeremy Heifner – Kensington
Chris Finche – Forest Creek
Debra Johnson – Kensington

The Fine China Store – Selma Parkway

SEWER AVERAGING – During the period November 15, 2011 through February 15, 2012 your water usage will determine your charge for sewer service in the coming year. We use the winter months for “sewer averaging” to insure that landscape watering is not included for this charge.

EMERGENCY CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS As most of you are aware, Selma has a call back (some call it Reverse 911) system that is utilized to inform neighborhoods or the entire City should some natural disaster or emergency occur. Your number is not shared with any other agency or data base. If you have changed phone numbers or switched to only cell service since you signed for utility service, we ask that you call Mary Lou at 651-7807 and update your phone contact information.

STAGE II WATER RESTRICTIONS – Though Selma is not totally reliant on the Edwards Aquifer for our only drinking water, we ask that all residents take a “common sense” approach to water consumption. Together we can get through this drought.

BURN BAN – Just a reminder, we are under a complete burn ban. Any outside burning is strictly forbidden until further notice. Please help us to keep you safe.


Code Enforcement has experienced a marked increase in pets “escaping” from their owner’s care. As a reminder, Selma has several ordinances for pet ownership; Section 14-3 of the Code tells residents that they have 30 days after acquiring a pet to register that animal with the City and to obtain a City License. Section 14-82 of the Code requires pets to be vaccinated against rabies and a certificate from the veterinarian must be on file at the time the pet is licensed. Section 14-83 of the Code prohibits the pet from roaming freely within the City Limits. Should the City come into possession of your pet and that pet IS registered and a vaccination record IS on file you may reclaim your pet from our impound facility with NO impoundment fee being charged to the owner. If your pet IS NOT registered with the City and the owner IS able to provide a current documentation of rabies vaccination the owner WILL pay impoundment fees and the fee to register the animal prior to it being released. If the owner CANNOT provide proof of vaccination and the animal IS NOT registered with the City the owner WILL be charged an impound fee, issued a citation for violation of City Ordinance and charged appropriate fees for non-registration, non-vaccination and for being in violation of the Ordinance(s).

These actions are not punitive but rather a manner and means to keep the residents and their pet’s safe in the City of Selma. Please help us to help you.

Pay your Utility Bill Online.Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of November 10, 2011:

Citizens to be Heard: Mr. Kevin Hadas spoke to thank the Mayor and Council for their recognition of Madeline Burdett and Jose Silva for their fund raising and organizational skills in placing the flag pole at the Stage Stop. Mr. Hadas went on to ask Council to find the money to place a water fountain at the new pavilion in the Stage Stop Park.

•Approved the Minutes of the October 13, 2011 Council Meeting
•Awarded the contract for the archeological study of the Harrison House grounds to Raba-Kistner Engineers
•Passed Resolution Number 111011, to cast Selma’s votes in the Bexar Appraisal District Election for Mr. David Carpenter
•Approved the Memorandum of Understanding between the San Antonio River Authority and the City of Selma concerning floodplain management.
•Accepted the Second Quarter 2011 Investment policy Report

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.


NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: December 8, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.




October 2011

To all the residents,

Another very successful “Neighborhood Night Out”, showed how Selma citizens can come together and enjoy socializing throughout our communities. I would personally like to thank all that opened their doors and threw the events for all to experience. It was wonderful to be able to see, meet and talk to so many of you. A very big thanks to both our Fire and Police Departments for making every single National Night Out event throughout Selma. We look forward to more events in the coming year!

In case you missed it, your Selma Police Department was a featured story on two San Antonio television stations in the past week. A very alert officer on a regular traffic stop started checking on details that led to the arrest of three persons that had stolen over $30,000 from an elderly gentleman that had trusted these so called “care givers”. Please join me in praise for our Police Department for yet another job well done.

Mark your calendars for October 29th @ 7:00 P.M., our next “Movie in the Park”. In honor of Halloween, we will be showing a movie for “kids of all ages” titled Monster House. Bring the whole family to the Stage Stop Park. There will be refreshments, a potluck, popcorn and face painting to be enjoyed by all. Hope to see you there.

Thank you and have a safe Halloween,
Mayor Tom Daly

Welcome New Residents

Jill Meska – Kensington Ranch
Megan Lefurgey – Retama Springs
Jayne Ganaed-Neef –Retama Springs
Tory Evans – Retama Ridge
Kenneth Hammock – Kensington Ranch
Erik Ranke – Retama Ridge
Mathew Hovey – Forest Creek
James & Kelly Arnold – Forest Creek
Amanda Gawlik – Live Oak Hills
Joel Millert – Retama West
Derek Duncan – Forest Creek
David Charles – Kensington Ranch
Jorge Mojica – Retama West
Brian Marshall – Retama Springs
Charles Allbriton – Retama Springs
William Morgan – Retama West
Shawn Abell – Retama Springs
Jeff & Jennifer Hensley – Kensington Ranch
Anthony & Monica Violante – Retama Springs
Christina & Jasper Blake – Kensington Ranch

Ashley Wilson – Kensington Ranch
Matt Waldrop – Forest Creek
Leroy Armendariz – Kensington Ranch
Gennifer Iley – Retama West
Kimberly Hilgenfield – Retama Ridge
Gary & Tena Gerfers – Live Oak Hills
Robert Liedl – Kensington Ranch
Lacy Bohne – Retama Springs
James Trammell – Kensington Ranch
Anthony Miranda – Kensington Ranch
Grayson Balus – Retama Springs
Mark & Amy Durst – Retama Springs
Mathew Martz – Retama Springs
William Wasil – Retama Springs
Nicholas Hartman – Live Oak Hills
Jack Kirkland – Retama West
Paul Anderson – Retama Springs

Cheddar’s Casual Café
Cavender Fiat


Selma will once again make available the pet registration and rabies prevention drive from 9:00 am until 11:00 am at the Fire Station on the 22nd of October. Dr. Henry E. Weir, DMV of Pat Booker Road Animal Hospital will be administering all vaccinations. Prices for vaccinations are as follows:


(Cash or Check Only)

Rabies $10.00 Rabies $10.00
Rabies, DHLPP $26.00 Rabies, FVRCP $25.00
Rabies, DHLPP Rabies, FVRCP,
Bordetella $39.00 Leukemia $42.00
Rabies, DHLPP,
Bordetella & Canine
Flu $63.00

Selma Pet Registration Fee: $10.00

FALL CLEANUP – November 12th through the 20th will be Fall Cleanup in Selma! Roll-Off Dumpsters will be provided by Bexar Waste at the end of Chippewa Blvd. (in Selma Park Estates) and in the parking lot behind City Hall. Household Hazardous Waste will be accepted on November 12th, 13th, 19th and 20th in the parking lot behind City Hall from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. on these dates. Be sure to bring you utility bill or your driver’s license to show you are a Selma resident.


As most of you are aware, Selma has a call back (some call it Reverse 911) system that is utilized to inform neighborhoods or the entire City should some natural disaster or emergency occur. Your number is not shared with any other agency or data base. If you have changed phone numbers or switched to only cell service since you signed for utility service, we ask that you call Mary Lou at 651-7807 and update your phone contact information.

STAGE II WATER RESTRICTIONS Though Selma is not totally reliant on the Edwards Aquifer for our only drinking water, we ask that all residents take a “common sense” approach to water consumption. Together we can get through this drought.

BURN BAN – Just a reminder, we are under a complete burn ban. Any outside burning is strictly forbidden until further notice. Please help us to keep you safe.


Code Enforcement has experienced a marked increase in pets “escaping” from their owner’s care. As a reminder, Selma has several ordinances for pet ownership; Section 14-3 of the Code tells residents that they have 30 days after acquiring a pet to register that animal with the City and to obtain a City License. Section 14-82 of the Code requires pets to be vaccinated against rabies and a certificate from the veterinarian must be on file at the time the pet is licensed. Section 14-83 of the Code prohibits the pet from roaming freely within the City Limits. Should the City come into possession of your pet and that pet IS registered and a vaccination record IS on file you may reclaim your pet from our impound facility with NO impoundment fee being charged to the owner. If your pet IS NOT registered with the City and the owner IS able to provide a current documentation of rabies vaccination the owner WILL pay impoundment fees and the fee to register the animal prior to it being released. If the owner CANNOT provide proof of vaccination and the animal IS NOT registered with the City the owner WILL be charged an impound fee, issued a citation for violation of City Ordinance and charged appropriate fees for non-registration, non-vaccination and for being in violation of the Ordinance(s).

These actions are not punitive but rather a manner and means to keep the residents and their pet’s safe in the City of Selma. Please help us to help you.


Recently, we have fielded a number of inquiries as to why residents would be receiving a tax bill from Guadalupe County when their property is located in Bexar County. To address this confusion, years back the City of Selma entered into a local government agreement with Guadalupe County to be the City’s Official Tax Collector & Assessor. Therefore, it is appropriate and customary for property owners to receive a tax bill from Guadalupe County regardless of which county the property is located in.

Pay your Utility Bill Online.Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of October 13, 2011:

Citizens to be Heard: None

•Received an operational update on Retama Park from Mr. Bryan Brown.
•Approved the Minutes of the Public Hearing & Regular September 8, 2011 City Council Meeting
•Approved the Minutes of the September 15, 2011 Special Selma City Council Meeting.
•Passed Ordinance Number 101311, to tax “tangible personal property in transit”.
•Selected Raba-Kistner as the consulting firm to perform the archeological study on the Harrison House Property. Authorized the City Administrator to negotiate a price for that service
•Awarded a contract to Slack and Company for the reconstruction of Chippewa Boulevard in Selma Park Estates in the amount not to exceed $684,089.00.
•Accepted two recommendations for improvements to the Selma Stage Stop Park and authorized the Parks Commission to raise the money for the improvements through private donations.
•Accepted the Revised Personnel Manual for the employees of the City of Selma.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.


NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: November 10, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.




September 2011

To all the residents,

Wow! Excited, overwhelmed!! All the feelings that your Mayor felt as he had the honor of raising both the National Standard and the Flag of Texas at the dedication of the new flag pole at the Selma Stage Stop on Labor Day morning. If you have not yet seen the addition, please stop by to recognize the tremendous effort that our volunteer citizens from both the Historical and Parks and Recreation Commissions have accomplished. In addition to the dedication those same folks served up a great picnic luncheon to all that were in attendance.

Not only did your City bask in that proud moment on Labor Day Morning, we also felt that way that night. Your Fire Department and Police Department, along with fire departments from surrounding cities worked together seamlessly to fight and extinguish a large brush fire very near the Lookout Hollow Apartment Complex at Lookout Road and the Retama Parkway. This coordinated effort resulted in the orderly evacuation of the apartments and some of the homes in the Retama Springs Subdivision, saving the loss of any property and without injury to any of our first responders or our citizens. We all owe a great debt of thanks to the cities of Schertz, Cibolo, Universal City, Braken VFD and the city of San Antonio for this wonderful effort. A special thanks to Ms. Christina Garza, Manager of the Lookout Hollow Apartments for her personal efforts to notify every single resident of the complex of the impending danger.

On a lighter note, mark your calendars on October 4th for National Night Out and again on October 29th. That will be our next “Movie in the Park”. More on that in next month’s Newsletter.

Mayor Tom Daly

Welcome New Residents

Ricky Austin – Kensington Ranch
Lisa Jacob – Retama Springs
Thomas D. Dennis – Kensington Ranch
Heidi Fisher – Forest Creek
Amber Shaw – Retama Ridge
Troy & Jewell Wright – Live Oak Hills
Craig & Yesica Angelo – Retama Springs
Brent & Regina Woodruff – Retama Springs
Pamela Smith – Retama Springs
Travis Roy – Kensington Ranch
Carlos & Ana Maria Rivera – Retama Ridge
Khio Phan – Retama Springs

Margaret Malley – Retama Ridge
Ray Sorrell – Kensington Ranch
Jeni Spring – Retama Springs
Noel Fachi – Kensington Ranch
Michelle Koonce – Kensington Ranch
Suzanne Ashour – Retama West
Vanessa Iracheta – Retama Springs
Angelica Flores – Retama Springs
Lovejoy Siojo – Retama West
Trena Terry – Forest Creek
Charles Penland – Live Oak Hills

On August 13th, residents of Selma Park Estates held their first (in quite some time) neighborhood wide yard sale. A special thanks to all the kind residents that contributed to fund the ad in the Herald. A special “thank you” to Mayor Daly, Naomi Hamilton, Jose Silva, Curtis Gregory, and Gloria Detrick for their work in distributing the flyers for the event. Based on the response, they are planning another neighborhood garage sale in the spring of 2012.


A public information meeting is scheduled to share information about proposed future improvements to Lookout Road. A study has determined that major improvements are needed to handle growth over the next twenty years, including widening the current lanes to six with a bridge over the Cibolo Creek.

The City requests your input on the project size, your position, either for or against and to solicit any alternatives you may have to offer.

The meeting is scheduled for September, 20, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. in City Hall.

STAGE II WATER RESTRICTIONS – Though Selma is not totally reliant on the Edwards Aquifer for our only drinking water, we ask that all residents take a “common sense” approach to water consumption. Together we can get through this drought.

BURN BAN – Just a reminder, we are under a complete burn ban. Any outside burning is strictly forbidden until further notice. Please help us to keep you safe.

NATIONAL NIGHT OUT – Mark your calendars! October 4th will be “National Night Out” in Selma. Please call Captain Al Zuniga at 651-7822 to coordinate your neighborhood events.

Pay your Utility Bill Online.Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the Selma Municipal Development District Meeting of September 8, 2011:
Approved the Minutes of the Selma Municipal Development District Meeting of September 9, 2010 Held a Public Hearing and approved the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Municipal Development District Budget.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of September 8, 2011:

Citizens to be Heard: None

•Approved the Minutes of the August 11, 2011 Selma Regular City Council Meeting
•Held a Public Hearing and approved the Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Selma City Budget.
•Set the date of September 15, 2011 at 5:30 P.M. to hold a Public Hearing and set the Property Tax rate for Fiscal Year 2011-2012.
•Held a Public Hearing and adopted Ordinance Number 090811-01, approving a Zoning Map for the City with an effective date of 9/8/11.
•Approved a plat establishing the Creekside Subdivision on Lookout Road.
•Granted a Special Use Permit to Keller Materials to open a landscape supply business on Corporate Drive.
•Tabled an agenda item to make changes and updates to the Selma Employee Personnel manual

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.


NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: October 13, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.



August 2011

To all the residents,

It is budget time at City Hall. The staff has prepared a draft budget that will be acted upon during the 8, September City Council Meeting. It is my pleasure to inform you that it appears your property taxes will be staying exactly the same at $.2793/$100 of valuation. Your garbage collection fees will be going up by $1.00/month (our last raise in residential garbage rates was eight years ago). As you may have heard in the local media, the Edwards Aquifer Authority is holding hearings on a proposed Edwards Aquifer Management Fee from the current rate of $36/acre feet to an astounding $116/acre foot. As you will recall from your water bill this is a cost that is paid by every water customer of the Selma Water System as well as customers of other water services that rely on the Edwards Aquifer for their water. As a City we have joined the fight to try and stop this outrageous increase in fees. We will keep you informed in future Newsletters.

Mark the date of September 5th (Labor Day) at 10:00 a.m. for the dedication of the new flag pole at the Stage Stop. Volunteers from your Selma Parks & Recreation and Historical Commission raised all the money to buy the flag pole, light and flags. Please join us for this dedication ceremony.

The next “Meet the Mayor” will be the evening of September 15th at 7:00 P.M. here at City Hall. All residents are welcome to ask questions and learn just how we are moving to the future in keeping Selma a vital and productive city for all who live in and around us.

Mayor Tom Daly

Welcome New Residents

David Robinson – Forest Creek
Janet Smartt – Retama Ridge
Robert & Mayra Kent – Forest Creek
Phillip & Sarah Hull – Retama Ridge
Brand Nickell – Retama Ridge
Diana Gray – Retama Springs
Randy Diaz – Chelsea Crossing
Sarah & Vincent Hearn – Forest Creek
Jefferey Nieto – Retama Springs
Stephanie Garcia – Retama Springs
Lorena Stewart – Kensington
Hopeton Brown – Retama Springs
Elsa Luna – Chelsea Crossing
Rena Gil – Retama Springs
Margaret O’Connor - Kensington

Laura Perez – Retama West
Marcy Palmer – Live Oak Hills
Kevin Troost – Retama Springs
Solmarie R. Lopez – Forest Creek
Chris Jimenez – Kensington
Mikel Hunt – Retama Springs
Julia Warden - Kensington
Nichole Poston – Kensington
James Dunworth – Chelsea
Arlyne Sorrells – Kensington
Jennifer Jackson - Kensington
Darrell Williams – Kensington
Jennifer Jackson – Kensington
George Garcia – Kensington

•JAP Inc.

STAGE II WATER RESTRICTIONS – Though Selma is not totally reliant on the Edwards Aquifer for our only drinking water, we ask that all residents take a “common sense” approach to water consumption. Together we can get through this drought.

Pay your Utility Bill Online.Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of August 11, 2011:

Citizens to be Heard: Mrs. Madeline Burdett spoke to thank all the generous donations from residents both individuals and businesses that gave the money to place a flag pole and light in front of the Stage Stop.

•Presented checks of $7,260 to the 100 Club of Comal County and a check of $7,260 to the 100 Club of Guadalupe County from the proceeds of the Annual Fire and Police Bar-B-Que.
•Accepted the Minutes of the July 14, 2011 Public Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting.
•Accepted the Investment policy Report for the quarter ended March 31, 2011.
•Awarded a contract to Triple R Contracting for crack sealing of roads in the amount of $130,000.
•Approved the disbursement of $440,941.97 from the Tax Increment Fund to the developer of Retama Springs Subdivision.
•Re-appointed all existing Members to the Board of Directors of the Reinvestment Zone Number One with terms expiring in August 2013.
•Passed Ordinance Number 08111-01 to permit the sale of newspapers to occupants of motor vehicles under certain conditions.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.


NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: September 8, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.




July 2011

To all the residents,

What a month! Our Historical Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission both put on a great display of community appreciation. They first provided a small farmers market at the Selma Stage Stop that included both local fruits and vegetables. Then they provided hamburgers and hot dogs on the 4th of July to many residents at the new pavilion. They have been working hard at appropriating donations for a lighted flag pole that is planned for the Stage Stop. If you attended, it was a great opportunity to meet your neighbors. A great big thank you to all who were involved in the organization of this event.

On another cooperative note, we were able to provide a much needed clean up along FM 1518, from IH-35 to the Selma City Limits. Thanks to Commissioner Jim Wolverton for his coordinating the action to get the members of the Adult Probationers from Guadalupe County to do this service project.

Our Fire and Police Departments were very busy again showing Selma Spirit. First, members of the Police Department Bar-b-que Team travelled to Rockport to provide food for the children with Muscular Dystrophy at their summer camp. Your Fire Department participated in the Schertz Jubilee 4th of July parade and took home the trophy for finest equipment displayed. Their most important gesture was their joint participation in rendering honors along IH-35 to honor the service and memory of Marine Lance Corporal John Farias on his final trip from New Braunfels to the National Cemetery at Ft. Sam Houston.

The next “Meet the Mayor” will be the evening of September 14th at 7:00 P.M. here at City Hall. All residents are welcome to ask questions and learn just how we are moving to the future in keeping Selma a vital and productive city for all who live in and around us.

Mayor Tom Daly

Welcome New Residents

Steven Senft – Kensington
Jeffery Correa – Kensington Ranch
Charles Bicknell – Kensington Ranch
Scott Warnberg – Retama West
Jennifer Davidson – Forest Creek
Christopher Eddins – Retama Springs
Dorcas T. Stokes – Forest Creek
Antonio Luna – Retama Springs
Holly Miller – Chelsea Crossing
Mallory Plasentillo – Retama West
Xuan Tran – Forest Creek
Reginald Bowles – Retama Springs
Chad Wetherill – Kensington Ranch
Franklin Weatherspoon – Forest Creek

Henry Savoy – Olympia Hills
Brian Krask – Kensington Ranch
Lauren Greenup – Retama Springs
Andrea Medlock – Forest Creek
Kathy Phoenix – Retama West
David Del Toro – Kensington Ranch
Brad Ostwald – Kensington Ranch
Jamie Trevinio – Live Oak Hills
David Gates – Forest Creek
Jacob Lehman – Kensington Ranch
Jess Castro – Retama West
Eric Lacouture – Selma Park Estates
Paris Williams – Retama West

•Lane Bryant – Forum
•River City Community Church – Lookout Road
•Orange Leaf - Forum

The City is still accepting applications for vacancies on the Reinvestment Zone Number 1, Board of Directors and on the Parks & Recreation Commission. Any citizen wishing to assist in these vital Boards should submit a resume to the City Administrator for consideration to fill this vacancy.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of June 7, 2011:

Citizens to be Heard: San Antonio resident, Mrs. Jean Heide, congratulated Council for starting the archeological study process on the area surrounding the Harrison House. She then went on to give a history of how immigrants came to call Selma home. Selma resident, Madeline Burdett, thanked all that attended the Historical/Parks Commissions 4th of July celebration at the pavilion in the Stage Stop Park.

•Presented a 5 year Service Plaque to Police Officer Cecil Chamberlin
•Received an operational update on Retama Park Racetrack from Mr. Doug Vare.
•Approved the Minutes of the June 7, 2011 Public Hearing/ Regular City Council Meeting.
•Appointed Mr. Jose Silva to a vacancy on the Selma Parks and Recreation Commission with a term expiring June 2013.
•Appointed Mr. Gerald Williams to a vacant position on the Retama Development Corporation Board of Directors.
•Approved a two year extension and price adjustment to Bexar Waste for solid waste removal.
•Held a Public Hearing and then accepted the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission on an application for a zoning change to +/- 2.933 acres of land having the address 16262 IH-35, Selma, Texas. The applicant requests rezoning from C-1 Commercial to C-2 Commercial Zoning District. Adopted Ordinance 071211-01 recording the zoning change.
•Accepted a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission on a plat establishing the Blue Bonnet Golf Driving Range Subdivision.
•Directed Staff to issue a Request for Qualifications for an archeological study of the grounds around the John S. Harrison House.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: August 11, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.





June 2011

To all the residents,

Here comes summer, and it looks like it’s going to be a hot one! Just in time, our new pavilion at the Stage Stop has been completed. The new benches and picnic tables easily sit over 50 people, and is a great addition to be enjoyed by all our residents and family members.

The City would like to give a big thank you to the Blue Bonnet Palace and its owner Leonard John for hosting our Fire & Police Annual BBQ and Auction Fundraiser. It was a big success that was enjoyed by all. Plenty was raised to benefit the 100 Clubs of Guadalupe and Comal Counties; thanks to all that participated.

Our second Movie-in-the-Park brought hundreds of residents! We were able to sit back, snack on popcorn and cold drinks while watching “Yogi Bear” on the big screen. Special thanks to our Fire Department for coming out to show off one of our fine trucks that protect our City. It was definitely a fun time for all.

One other item that needs to be mentioned; our historical commission has published its first pamphlet on some of Selma’s history, including the locations of all the cemeteries in our city. We are currently reorganizing our City website and once it is updated, all this will be available online. Until then, you can pick up a pamphlet at the Stage Stop Visitor’s Center.

Have a safe and comfortable summer,
Mayor Tom Daly


Welcome New Residents

John Hernandez - Forest Creek
Anna Lackness - Kensington
Dane & Sheryl West - Chelsea Crossing
John & Donna Klimczyk - Retama West
Grace Coultier - Retama West
Robert & Tracy Merritt - Kensington
Alisha Davis - Retama Springs
Anna Garcia - Retama Springs
Brandon Smith - Kensington
Cheryl Johnson - Kensington
Edward & Candace Wallace - Kensington
Lynn Randall - Kensington

Kulab Tucker - Live Oak Hills
Karl & Laura Eichholtz - Retama West
Susan Roller - Kensington
Naomi Janato - Retama Springs
William Devin Maddox - Kensington
Randall Housley Chelsea - Crossing
Daniel Isacc Saenz - Retama West
Joseph Heimer - Kensington
Ray & Brenda Ruiz - Retama West
Adam Peugh - Kensington
Joshua Samoro - Kensington

New Businesses
• Vermeer Equipment – IH35 & Alamo Parkway
• Revolution Church on Corporate Drive
• Long time Selma Corporate Citizen, TexStar Trucking, is building a new 10,000 SF building on its current property on Jordan Road
• River City Church has purchased the Verizon Property and will construct an 8,000 SF sanctuary and school on the property.

Though Selma is not totally reliant on the Edwards Aquifer for our only drinking water supply, we ask that all residents take a “common sense” approach to water consumption. Together we can get through this drought.

The City is still accepting applications for vacancies on the Reinvestment Zone Number 1, Board of Directors and on the Parks & Recreation Commission. Any citizen wishing to assist in these vital Boards should submit a resume to the City Administrator for consideration to fill this vacancy.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHANGE - CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of June 7, 2011:

Citizens to be Heard: John Heberling inquired as to why the city was split into four voter precincts.

•Conducted the ceremonial swearing in of candidates elected in the May 14, 2011 General Election.
•Approved the Minutes of the May 12, 2011 Regular City Council Meeting.
•Approved the Minutes of the May 19, 2011 Special City Council Meeting.
•Appointed members to the Planning & Zoning Commission, Historical Commission and the Parks & Recreation Commission with terms expiring in June 2013.
•Tabled the Public Hearing and recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to grant a variance to construct some homes in the new Selma Gardens Subdivision with a square footage of 1,350 square feet.
•Held a Public Hearing and then accepted a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission and passed Ordinance Number 060711-01 to grant a Specific Use Permit that would allow a church in a Light Industrial Zoning District.
•Accepted the recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission on a plat to establish the Vermeer Equipment Subdivision.
•Received a briefing from TEDSI Infrastructure Group on the Master Plan for Lookout Road.
•Appointed Mrs. Melba Gregory as Mayor Pro Tem with a term expiring in June of 2012.
•Passed Ordinance Number 060711-02 amending Chapter 42 of the Code of Ordinances.
•Passed Ordinance Number 060711-03 authorizing the collection of fees for services provided by Fire Department Inspectors.
•Passed Ordinance Number 060711-04 amending Chapter 62 of the Code of Ordinances.
•Passed Ordinance Number 060711-05 authorizing the revision of Appendix A – Fee Schedule of the Code of Ordinances.
•Passed Resolution Number 060711-01 approving and authorizing Selma’s participation in the Cibolo Valley Local Government Corporation.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

CITY OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED Monday July 4th in observance of Independence Day.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: July 14, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.




May 2011

To all the residents,

It has been one year since you elected me as your Mayor. Our accomplishments have been rewarding to us all. Many thanks to the City Council, volunteers and City Staff who were all instrumental in our progress.

This month we were extremely fortunate to have six individuals vying for three seats on Council. Congratulations to all who succeeded in their pursuit. But overall congratulations to you all on being professional and expressing so much love for our City. It has been appalling how the cities around us have presented themselves throughout the local newspapers. Never did any of our candidates lower themselves for a position that should be embraced by all that committed to running. You should all be proud of yourselves as are the residents who thank you for wanting to serve in their collective best interest. This is yet another example of how wonderful Selma is and the residents that live here.

Lastly, “Hey Booboo”. Yogi Bear and the rest of us want to thank you all for attending Movie in the Park. School is quickly coming to an end in a few weeks, remember to enjoy your family time together and enjoy the summer ahead.

Mayor Tom Daly

Unofficial Election Results
(These results cannot be referred to as “official” until the Council canvasses the votes on May 19th)

With less than a 3% voter turnout:

City Council Place Four:
David Grant Voeller 133
William H. Weeper 138

City Council Place Five:
Cindy Hall 122
Phillip Swinney 156

City Council Place Six:
Melba Gregory 169
Jose A. Silva 124

Thanks to all who voted, all who ran and congratulations to those who won.

Welcome New Residents

Joshua Klemme - Kensington Ranch
Eric Labarge - Forest Creek
Theresa Casals - Retama Springs
Diana Atkins - Retama Springs
Jeremy Hobson - Kensington Ranch
Leonard Dauphinais - Forest Creek
Alfred Dominguez - Retama West
Marvin Carey - Retama Ridge
Michael Keating - Forest Creek
Ramonalisa Aviles - Kensington Ranch
Veronica Mendez - Forest Creek
Jesus & Esmeralda Archiga - Live Oak Hills

Elizabeth Nash - Kensington Ranch
Robert White - Kensington Ranch
Stephanie Zuniga - Retama Ridge
Julie Boyd - Kensington Ranch
Charles Stanenka - Live Oak Hills
Bryan Scott - Retama Springs
Angela Kruse - Live Oak Hills
Michael Scheibe - Retama West
Anacani Reyes - Forest Creek
Andrew Elders - Retama Springs

There are vacancies on the Selma Parks & Recreation Commission, the Selma Board of Directors, Reinvestment Zone #1, and on the Retama Development Corporation. If you are interested, please submit a brief resume to the City Administrator, 9375 Corporate Drive, Selma, Texas 78154 or by email: kroberts@ci.selma.tx.us

By virtue the fact that we are not totally dependent on the Edwards Aquifer for our water supply, residents of Selma are not under “Stage One Restrictions” implemented in San Antonio. We only ask that common sense prevails. Conserve as you can and don’t be wasteful of your fresh water supply.

SELMA FIRE AND POLICE ANNUAL FUNDRAISER FOR THE 100 CLUBS, May 21st – The Bluebonnet Palace at the corner of Lookout Road and Enterprise Drive has graciously offered to host this year’s event. With more parking, an air conditioned building and a professional sound system this will be a much more “user friendly event”. Please plan to join us beginning at 1:00 P.M. and lasting until 9:00 P.M. Bar-B-Que Plates served from 4:00 till 7:00. There will be rides for the kids, an auction, a silent auction, plenty of food and desserts to eat, plenty to drink a live band and help us to support the 100 Clubs of Guadalupe and Comal Counties.

The City has experienced a marked increase in stray animals in the last few months. As a reminder, per Selma City Ordinance Number 11884-1, Section 14-1, “owner” of an animal is further defined as “a person keeping or harboring an animal. An animal shall be deemed harbored if it is fed or sheltered for three (3) consecutive days or more”. Hence, if you feed or provide shelter to an animal for three or more days, it is your animal and that animal has to be registered and immunized in accordance with City Ordinance.

Lately, we have noticed a high number of soliciting materials on mailboxes. As a reminder, it is against federal law to tamper or use postal mail boxes for any other purpose, such as distributing flyers. Even tucking a folded brochure behind the mailbox flag is against the law.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHANGE - CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of May 12, 2011:

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

•Presented a check for $6,651.80 to Ms. Janis Roznowski of Operation Comfort. These dollars were raised at the First Annual Selma-Schertz Five Kilometer Run.
•Accepted the Minutes of the April 14, 2011 Regular Selma City Council Meeting.
•Called a Special Council Meeting for May 19th at 2:00 P.M. to canvass the results of the May 14th Selma General Election.
•Changed to date of the June Regular City Council Meeting to June 7th at 6:30 P.M.
•Heard a presentation from the City’s Consulting Engineer on options for infrastructure improvement projects in Selma Park Estates.
•Approved a work authorization under the Master Plan to proceed with cost estimates and design work to improve Chippewa and Arcadia Boulevard in Selma Park Estates.
•Accepted the Second Quarter, Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Budget Execution Review and approved two budget amendments.
•Passed a Resolution amending prior guidelines and criteria and adopting amended guidelines and criteria for granting Tax Abatements in designated Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zones.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

CITY OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED Monday, May 30 in observance of Memorial Day.





April 2011

To all the residents,

How exciting the next month is for all the residents of Selma, not only do we have a local bicycle event starting and ending in our City, we also have our second “Movie in the Park” and our annual Fireman/Policeman barbecue benefiting the 100 Clubs of Comal and Guadalupe Counties. All proceeds from this event go to support family members of fallen Police Officers, Emergency Responders and Firemen. With our Police Department’s Barbecue Team taking first Place in the “Wild Hogs Explosion” in Bandera, how can you not want to check out their winning ways?

For the “Movie in the Park”, I want to thank all of you who called or e-mailed me with your suggestions. After careful thought we have picked “Yogi Bear” as the movie that will be shown. It is a fun movie that can be enjoyed by all. I look forward to seeing you all that night, May 14th at 7:30 P.M. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy this special event.

Mayor Tom Daly

Save The Date
On May 14th we will have another
“Movie in the Park”. Our featured film will be “Yogi Bear”.

Welcome New Residents

Shirley Rappaport – Retama Ridge
William Rivera – Selma Park Estates
Laura Guerra – Retama West
Virginia Mitchell – Forest Creek
James Sanders – Retama West
Eric Martin – Retama Springs
Rufus Baird – Retama Springs
Joshua Cournoyer – Kensington Ranch
Mechell Muthuveeran – Kensington Ranch
Sylvia Kuzniar - Retama Springs

Edward Beissner – Forest Creek
Marilyn Jung – Retama Springs
Donna Tanke – Kensington Ranch
Marshulee Sherman – Kensington Ranch
Augustin Estrada – Olympia Hills
Ernest Hooper – Retama Springs
Dalia Burgos – Retama West
Robert Capps – Kensington Ranch
Chad Reid – Kensington Ranch
Jason Lincoln – Live Oak Hills

Welcome New Business Residents
Rush Bus

By virtue the fact that we are not totally dependent on the Edwards Aquifer for our water supply, residents of Selma are not under “Stage One Restrictions” implemented in San Antonio. We only ask that common sense prevails. Conserve as you can and don’t be wasteful of your fresh water supply.

There will be General Election held on May 14, 2011. Early Voting will be held May 2nd through May 10th. at City Hall. This election will be to elect three (3) City Council Members. Application Packets for a place on the ballot will be available beginning the 14th of February here at City Hall.

There will be two opportunities for the voters of Selma to “Meet the Candidates”. Neither of these events are sponsored or affiliated with the City. The first opportunity will be on the evening of April 27th at the Schertz Civic Center from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Your second opportunity will be at the Bluebonnet Palace on April 30th from 11:30 A.M. until 2:00 P.M. Please note: Due to requirements of the Texas Open Meeting Act, no more than two incumbent Council Members can be in the room(s) at any one time. (Three Council Members constitute a quorum) After one Member departs then the remaining Council Member will take their turn.

SELMA FIRE AND POLICE ANNUAL FUNDRAISER FOR THE 100 CLUBS, May 21st – The Bluebonnet Palace at the corner of Lookout Road and Enterprise Drive has graciously offered to host this year’s event. With more parking, an air conditioned building and a professional sound system this will be a much more “user friendly event”. Please plan to join us beginning at 1:00 P.M. and lasting until 9:00 P.M. Bar-B-Que Plates served from 4:00 till 7:00. There will be rides for the kids, an auction, a silent auction, plenty of food and desserts to eat, plenty to drink a live band and help us to support the 100 Clubs of Guadalupe and Comal Counties.

The City has experienced a marked increase in stray animals in the last few months. As a reminder, per Selma City Ordinance Number 11884-1, Section 14-1, “owner” of an animal is further defined as “a person keeping or harboring an animal. An animal shall be deemed harbored if it is fed or sheltered for three (3) consecutive days or more”. Hence, if you feed or provide shelter to an animal for three or more days, it is your animal and that animal has to be registered and immunized in accordance with City Ordinance.

Spring Cleanup
Yet once again Bexar Waste provided our Citizens with an outstanding Spring Clean Up. Unfortunately, we are going to have to change the way we run the Fall Clean Up. Some folks took the opportunity to drop off open containers of oil, petroleum distillates, paint, refrigerators (with Freon still in the compressors) and other dangerous items during the evening and late afternoon hours. This increased the costs to Bexar Waste for additional cleanup and contractor costs for hazardous waste disposal. Hence, in the fall we will have the cleanup dumpsters available during four weekends while the site will be manned by Bexar Waste employees. The dumpsters will be delivered in the morning & removed at the end of the day on respective Saturday and Sundays.

Lately, we have noticed a high number of soliciting materials on mailboxes. As a reminder, it is against federal law to tamper or use postal mail boxes for any other purpose, such as distributing flyers. Even tucking a folded brochure behind the mailbox flag is against the law.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHANGE - CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of April 14, 2011:

Citizens to be Heard: Mr. Harry Greene spoke in support of Ordinance Number 041411-01. Ms. Stefanie Del Toro presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the City Administrator for his support in her May graduation from The University of the Incarnate Word.

•Presented a Ten Year Service Plaque to Police Sgt. David Ludy.
•Accepted the Minutes of the March 10, 2011 Regular Selma City Council Meeting.
•Passed Ordinance Number 041411-01 allowing the limited use of golf carts to City Streets with speed limits less than 35 MPH.
•Passed Resolution Number 041411, to lease CopSync, an electronic means for Selma Police Officers to check for “wants and warrants” on vehicles and operators during traffic stops. Heretofore we have used the SAPD system. That system is no longer available.
•Accepted the Racial Profiling Report for 2010 from the Selma Police Department.
•Accepted the Fourth Quarter 2010 Selma Investment Policy Report.
•Conditionally approved the City’s participation as a member of the Cibolo Valley Local Government Corporation.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.





March 2011

Attention All Residents

It’s here, our brand new 75 person pavilion. We broke ground just these past few weeks, right across from the Selma Stage Stop parking lot. The new pavilion will have plenty of room for parties and barbeques. Electricity will be available for many other uses. I hope you all enjoy this wonderful new amenity that enhances our beautiful city.
If you did not get a chance to see in the February 20th issue of the San Antonio Express Newspaper, our fine city was listed as the area’s fastest-growing community since 2000! With additional growth in Retama West, Retama Springs and Kensington Ranch, we will continue growing, and soon we’ll be bringing a fourth city park back in Retama West. We will keep you updated on this great addition in the months to come.

Last I would like to bring to your attention that soon on May 21st we will be having our annual Fire and Police barbeque & auction fundraiser behind city hall. Let’s all place this on our calendars, because all proceeds will go to the 100 Clubs of Comal and Guadalupe County.

Thank you and stay safe,
Mayor Tom Daly

Save The Date
On May 14th we will have another “Movie in the Park”.
Please call 651-7804 and tell us what movie you would
like to see.

Welcome new additions to our Selma Family
•Sydnee Jaylyn Fojtik, born 12/20/2010 to Shelby and Samantha Fojtik
•Dylan Hunter Henk, born 1/18/2011 to Derek and Rachel Henk
also welcomed by big brother Dustin
•Laken Marie Hadas, born 2/5/2011 to Kevin and Kirsten Hadas

Welcome New Neighbors

Carlos Escobedo – Selma Park Estates
Paulina Flores – Selma Park Estates
Rene Benavidez – Selma Park Estates
Joan Caulfield – Retama Ridge
Chad Wedeking – Retama West
Christopher Collins – Retama West
Duong Thuy Dao – Retama Springs
Paul Salinas – Retama Springs

Angelica Spencer – Kensington Ranch
Sergio Martinez – Kensington Ranch
Rodrick Dailey – Kensington Ranch
John Santiago – Kensington Ranch
Pearl Anderson – Kensington Ranch
Dierdre Gentry – Forrest Creek
Tony Rose – Forrest Creek

Welcome New Business Residents
Compass Trading Company
AGS Cake Supplies

There will be General Election held on May 14, 2011. Early Voting will be held May 2nd through May 10th. at City Hall. This election will be to elect three (3) City Council Members. Application Packets for a place on the ballot will be available beginning the 14th of February here at City Hall.

The City has experienced a marked increase in stray animals in the last few months. As a reminder, per Selma City Ordinance Number 11884-1, Section 14-1, “owner” of an animal is further defined as “a person keeping or harboring an animal. An animal shall be deemed harbored if it is fed or sheltered for three (3) consecutive days or more”. Hence, if you feed or provide shelter to an animal for three or more days, it is your animal and that animal has to be registered and immunized in accordance with City Ordinance.

Spring Cleanup
March 26th through April 3rd will be this year’s Spring Cleanup. Dumpsters will be behind City Hall and near the park in Selma Park Estates. Household Hazardous Waste disposal will be provided behind City Hall on March 26th & 27th and again on April 2nd and 3rd between the hours of 8am to 4pm.

Lately, we have noticed a high number of soliciting materials on mailboxes. As a reminder, it is against federal law to tamper or use postal mail boxes for any other purpose, such as distributing flyers. Even tucking a folded brochure behind the mailbox flag is against the law.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of March 10, 2011:

Citizens to be Heard:Mr. Pat McMillan spoke to make Council aware of the 2nd Annual Pedal Fest that will be held at Our Lady of Perpetual Help on April 30th. All proceeds from the bike race go to support the school at the church. Mr. David Cooney spoke to Council to commend them for extending the contract of the City Administrator. Mrs. Betty Stewart spoke to her concern on the mounting problem with litter along side of the roads in the City. Mrs. Stewart asked Council to consider a weekend project headed by each neighborhood to pick up the litter with the City providing waste containers to dispose of the trash. Mr. Kevin Hadas addressed the Council to say they did the right thing by extending the contract of the City Administrator. Mr. Hadas also complimented the quality of service he receives from Mr. Johnny Casias.

•Accepted the Quarterly Operational Update of Retama Park, presented by Mr. Bryan Brown.
•Accepted the Minutes of the February 10, 1011 Council Meeting.
•Accepted and approved a Permanent Injunction and authorized the City Administrator to sign the Permanent Injunction for the City.
•Passed Ordinance Number 031011-01, granting a Transmission and Distribution Electric Utility Franchise to Guadalupe Valley Electrical Cooperative.
•Accepted the Annual Review of the Selma Investment Policy and that it should be continued for another year.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: April 14, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.




February 2011

To All the Residents of Selma,

The first Selma/Schertz 5K run was outstanding. We had over 300 runners participate in raising money for a wonderful cause, Operation Comfort. Many thanks to our very own Bluebonnet Palace for letting us use their wonderful facility and welcoming all the runners during the event. I would also like to thank the Texas Physical Therapy Specialist, in the Forum, for organizing this event, along with a huge help from both the City of Selma and the City of Schertz. The staff of both cities worked brilliantly in making this race a huge success. Job well done, next year should be tremendous.

Now is also the time for me to thank our Police Department, Fire Department and Public Works Department these past few weeks. Between the major accident on IH 35 and the ice and snow that hit our City last week, your city staff kept the streets safe. A special thanks to Chuck Runge for staying the night and morning spreading sand on our streets and intersections! We should all be proud of these individuals.

Mayor Tom Daly

Welcome New Neighbors

Lorena Pena – Retama Springs
Enrique Santini – Kensington Ranch
Toddrick Neil – Retama Springs
Magda Rivera – Retama West
Clair Basillo Suzuki – Forest Creek
Monique Vernon – Kensington Ranch
Aaron Young – Kensington Ranch
Terrance Galamison – Forest Creek
Bryan & Jessica Ball – Forest Creek
Kelly Kuydendall – Retama West
John Sholes – Live Oak Hills
Patricia Gilmore – Retama Springs
Stephen Gonzales – Kensington Ranch

Kyle Bruns – Forest Creek
Steven Groce – Kensington Ranch
Thomas Brotherman – Retama West
Wen Chian Lee – Kensington Ranch
Alisa Brezek – Kensington Ranch
Robert & Dasa Young – Kensington Ranch
Debra Ann Clarke – Retama Springs
Dan & Christina White – Retama West
Ronald Hayes – Retama Springs
Amalia Monsiviai – Retama Springs
Lora Trevino – Retama Springs
Christine Tally – Selma Park Estates

There will be General Election held on May 14, 2011. Early Voting will be held May 2nd through May 10th. at City Hall. This election will be to elect three (3) City Council Members. Application Packets for a place on the ballot will be available beginning the 14th of February here at City Hall.

The City has experienced a marked increase in stray animals in the last few months. As a reminder, per Selma City Ordinance Number 11884-1, Section 14-1, “owner” of an animal is further defined as “a person keeping or harboring an animal. An animal shall be deemed harbored if it is fed or sheltered for three (3) consecutive days or more”. Hence, if you feed or provide shelter to an animal for three or more days, it is your animal and that animal has to be registered and immunized in accordance with City Ordinance.

Unfortunately our graffiti “artist” struck again inside & outside of the new rest room in Davenport Park. This time they did some major damage inside the facility as well. It has been cleaned up and repaired. Any resident noticing such acts in the City are urged to contact the Police Department as soon as possible so we can take care of the situation.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of February 10, 2011:

Citizens to be Heard: Ms. Maggie Titterington, President of the Schertz Chamber of Commerce presented the Mayor with a plaque recognizing the City’s continued Membership in the Schertz Chamber. Mr. Jim Parma spoke in support of the Contract for Employment of the City Administrator.

•Approved the Minutes of the Public Hearings and Regular Monthly Council Meeting of January 13, 2011.
•Accepted the City’s Annual Financial Audit from Armstrong, Vaughan & Associates CPA.
•Accepted the First Quarter 2010-2011 Budget Execution Review.
•Adopted Resolution Number 021011, ordering a General Election on May 14, 2011 for the purpose of electing three Council Members.
•Accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved a plat establishing Retama West Unit 2.
•Accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved a plat establishing Retama West Unit 3.
•Accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved a plat establishing the Selma Gardens Subdivision.
•Accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved a plat establishing the Cheddar’s Casual Cafe Subdivision.
•Approved a contract with City Administrator/City Secretary Ken Roberts through April 2015.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: March 10, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.

City Offices will be closed February 21st in observance of President’s Day.



January 2011

To All the Residents of Selma,

Well happy 2011! Along with the City Staff I hope you all survived the hectic holidays and enjoyed all your families at this time of year. As I drove around I was very pleased to see so many beautiful houses decorated at this time of year. It made our city look great. I also wanted to give recognition to our fine Fire Department. Santa was visited by many and brought many smiles to all the little ones.

While you were sleeping and nestled in your beds, our City Staff at City Hall were busy as mice. We are proud to announce the signing of a Cheddars Fine Dining to be built next to Hooters on IH 35 access, only the second one to be built in the San Antonio area. It will add to the many businesses already enhancing our City. I want to personally thank all involved and I know Selma will benefit from this for years to come.

Mayor Tom Daly

Welcome New Neighbors

James Cathey - Olympia Hills
Demetria Harris – Forest Creek
Dianne Mendez – Kensington Ranch
Natosha Leas – Kensington Ranch
Chalawanda Kelly – Retama Ridge
Andrea Almanzar – Retama Springs
Greg Hanes – Retama Springs

Carrie Specht – Forest Creek
Robert Urrabazo – Forest Creek
Michael O’Neill – Kensington Ranch
Jacqueline Sincere – Kensington Ranch
Laura Sandoval – Retama Ridge
Robert Jimenez – Retama Springs

Welcome New Business
Bluebonnet Bunk & Biscuit

Demolition of the old Police building and construction of much needed additional parking at the City Hall Complex and improvements to the current drainage situation along Weiderstein Road in Live Oak Hills.

The event will be held on January 22, 2011 and all proceeds will go to an organization known as Operation Comfort. This organization helps wounded warriors participate in local sporting events. Anyone interested in volunteering or donating please contact City Hall at 651-7858. You can register online for race at http://www.texpts.com/5k.htm

VOLUNTEER – The City is still accepting applications for a vacancy on the Reinvestment Board Number One Board of Directors. Any citizen wishing to assist in the vital Board should submit a resume to the City Administrator for consideration to fill this vacancy.

ALARM PERMITS – January is the month that residents of Selma are asked to renew their alarm permits. Please stop by the Police Station and renew your permits this month.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

SEWER AVERAGING – Reminder; November 15 through February 15th is the period of time the City will be doing sewer averaging that set your rate for the coming year.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of January 13, 2011:

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

•Accepted the Minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting of December 9, 2010.
•Approved an application to re-zone 21.3 acres of land on Lookout Road from Multi-Family to Residential, Single Family Homes.
•Approved an application to re-zone 20.7 acres of land off the Retama Parkway from Multi-Family to Residential, Single Family Homes.
•Granted a series of variance from the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances to 20.7 acres of land off the Retama Parkway.
•Granted a series of variances from the Subdivision and Zoning Ordinances to 21 acres of land off the Retama Parkway.
•Passed Ordinance Number 011311-01 amending Section 38-253(2) the Noise Ordinance.
•Passed Ordinance Number 011311-02 amending Section 10-82 of Division 2 of Article III of Chapter 10 of the Code of Ordinances, modifying the permit requirements for Mass Gathering Permits.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: February 10, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.



December 2010

Happy Holidays to All!

It is at this time of year that we all take a look back at what has happened and to the New Year ahead. I was blessed 6 months ago in becoming the mayor of this great city. The blessing that I have received is that I have met and made so many new friends. Friends that have helped me in getting accustomed to my new position and will continue in supporting the efforts for this city to move ahead in the years to come.

I want to take this opportunity along with my wife, Yvonne, and my children, Katie and TJ to wish every one of you a very Merry Christmas. We all hope the New Year brings continued happiness for all our new friends and all the fine residents of Selma.

Mayor Tom Daly

Welcome New Neighbors

Eddie Garcia – Forest Creek
Natalie Bowen – Forest Creek
Brandon Brysch – Forest Creek
Javier Vasquez – Selma Park Estates
Paul Wolf – Kensington Ranch
Craig Arcuri – Kensington Ranch
Jason Clay – Retama Springs
Zechary Gray – Retama Springs
Brent Rogers – Retama Springs

Peter Hughes – Forest Creek
Rose Garza – Forest Creek
Jimmy Galindo – Forest Creek
Greg & Jane Johnson – Selma Park Estates
Autumn Armstrong – Kensington Ranch
Adam Davis – Retama Springs
Mike & Elda Martinez – Retama Springs
Alejandro Beltran – Retama Springs
Ashley Martinez – Retama Springs

Please bring your children (of all ages) by the Selma Fire Station between 4 and 8 P.M. on Christmas Eve for treats, fire truck tours and candy. Have your picture taken with Santa and a free fire truck!

In the summer we congratulated our Code Enforcement Officer Van Adams on his daughter being selected for a full scholarship to the University of Virginia for volleyball. Well, congratulations again. Freshman McKenzie Adams was named the 2010 Atlantic Coast Conference Freshman of the Year and named by the American Volleyball Coaches Association’s East Regional Freshman of the Year after recording 264 kills, the ninth-highest total by a freshman in school history. Keep up the great work McKenzie!

The City is accepting applications for a vacancy on the Reinvestment Board Number One Board of Directors. Any citizen wishing to assist in the vital Board should submit a resume to the City Administrator for consideration to fill this vacancy.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

SEWER AVERAGING – Reminder; November 15 through February 15th is the period of time the City will be doing sewer averaging that set your rate for the coming year.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.


The event will be held on January 22, 2011 and all proceeds will go to an organization known as Operation Comfort. This organization helps wounded warriors participate in local sporting events. Anyone interested in volunteering or donating please contact City Hall at 651-7858. You can register online for race at http://www.texpts.com/5k.htm

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of December 9, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

•Accepted the Minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting of November 10, 2010.
•Heard an operational update and proposed funding alternatives from Mr. Bryan Brown for the Retama Race track.
•Accepted the Third Quarter 2010 Investment Policy Report.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: January 13, 2011 at 6:30 P.M.







November 2010

To all our Residents,

Our first “Movie in the Park” was a huge success. We had a late kickoff, but over 200 residents wrapped themselves up in blankets and enjoyed the evening. Many thanks to my lovely wife Yvonne and her helpers Robin Campo and Linda Aguilar, who face painted for over three hours. Thanks to our Historical Commission for taking the time to teach our residents some of the important history of our great city. A big thank you also to our Fire Department for coming down and taking time out for all.

Halloween night saw our neighborhoods filled with many excited trick or treaters. I was out with my family and was happy to see our Police Department handing out glow sticks to help keep our children safe while running about. Good idea and thanks for caring.

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. Enjoy loved ones and stay safe.

Mayor Tom Daly

Welcome New Neighbors

Steve Garcia – Retama Springs
Jim Kirkpatrick – Retama Springs
Steve Hudson – Retama Springs
Stacy Cameron – Retama Springs
Ruth Warren – Retama Ridge
Joshua Jobst – Kensington Ranch
Niles Rurack – Kensington Ranch
Sandra Curtis – Forest Creek
Janet Galvin – Forest Creek

Brett Shannon – Retama Springs
Andrew & Michelle Scott – Retama Springs
Ji Kim – Retama Springs
Keith Dyer – Chelsea Crossing
Jacqueline Hall/Alan Stewart – Retama Ridge
Taylor Rogal – Kensington Ranch
Doreen Harris McCoy – Kensington Ranch
Dwight Mason – Forest Creek
Yvonne Mungia – Selma Park Estates

Welcome New Businesses to Selma
Ron Hovey – RV & Boats – Moving into Voodoo Halloween

Representatives from both cities teamed up this past weekend to organize with local physical therapist in organizing the first ever joint 5K run between our two fine cities. The event will be held on January 22, 2011 and all proceeds will go to an organization known as Operation Comfort. This organization helps wounded warriors participate in local sporting events. Anyone interested in volunteering or donating please contact City Hall at 651-7858.

Lookout, Margie’s Lane, Corporate and Jordan Drive have been repaved. The four-way stop sign at Lookout and Evans appears be have added to the safety of that intersection.

Next up, Weiderstein Road in Live Oak Hills will start seeing work done.

The City is accepting applications for a vacancy on the Reinvestment Board Number One Board of Directors. Any citizen wishing to assist in the vital Board should submit a resume to the City Administrator for consideration to fill this vacancy.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

SEWER AVERAGING – Reminder; November 15 through February 15th is the period of time the City will be doing sewer averaging that set your rate for the coming year.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of November 10, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

•Accepted the Minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting of October 14, 2010.
•Passed Ordinance Number 111010-01, granting Centerpoint Energy a franchise agreement to supply gas to certain parts of Selma.
•Awarded a contract to demolish the old Police Building and to provide additional parking at the Selma Municipal Complex.
•Rezoned a 20+ acre tract of land off the Retama Parkway from multi-family to residential.
•Passed Ordinance Number 111001-03 prohibiting noise from automobile radios & music amplification devices from disturbing the peace of others.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: December 9, 2010 at 6:30 P.M.





October 2010

Dear Residents,

What a turn out for National Night Out! It was just great. A special thanks to Sgt. Jerry Grubbs for driving me around to see you all and to Captain Albert Zuniga for coordinating all the neighborhood activities. We had 10 separate neighborhoods get together. I ’m sorry for any residents that I may have missed.

A big “thank you” to all our firefighters and policemen that showed up at these parties to represent our fine City. Let us not forget the individuals that organized all these events in the neighborhood. You all did a great job and I enjoyed my time with each of you.

Please mark your calendars for Movie in the Park on October 29th at 7:00 P.M. at the Selma Stage Coach Stop Park. Bring the whole family to see “Monsters vs. Aliens”. There will be free popcorn, drinks, face painting and lots more. It should be a great night for all. Hope to see you there!

Mayor Tom Daly

Welcome New Neighbors

Raymond Jimenez (Live Oak Hills)
Brook Johnson (Forest Creek)
Dave Howse (Forest Creek)
Andrew Harms (Forest Creek)
April Davenport (Kensington Ranch)
Tonie Byas (Kensington Ranch)
Robert Morrison (Kensington Ranch)
Rebecca Allen (Kensington Ranch)
Bert Van Riessen (Retama Ridge)
Ken & Lorretta Pasley (Retama Springs)
Mike & Becki Babcook (Retama Springs)
Dana Steele (Retama Springs)

Dustin Hunt (Selma Park Estates)
Mike Lawson (Forest Creek)
Thomas Bolling (Forest Creek)
Carlos Riobueno (Forest Creek)
Roxanne Hernandez (Kensington Ranch)
Kathy Dickerson (Kensington Ranch)
Nichole Heige (Kensington Ranch)
Yakov Mayzel (Retama Ridge)
Juan Rivera (Retama Ridge)
Ron & Sharon Richards (Retama Springs)
Eduardo Rodriguez (Retama Springs)
David Muchado (Olympia Hills)

Welcome New Businesses to Selma
Furnish 123 (Forum)
Freebirds (Next to USAA)

Please bring your children (of all ages) to the Selma Fire Department from 6:00-9:00 P.M. Our Firefighters will be happy to “treat” them to some goodies whether they can “trick” them or not!

Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour on Sunday November 7th!

Mark your calendar! Fall Cleanup has been scheduled for the 6th through the 14th of November. Dumpsters will be provided behind City Hall and at Davenport Park in Selma Park Estates for your convenience. Household Hazardous Waste Disposal will be provided on November 6th & 7th and again on the 13th & 14th behind City Hall.

Not only are they busy with Movie in the Park, they are still working the Tri-City Primitive Trail with Schertz and Universal City. This may be a long term project for all three cities.

These folks will be out to help with Movie in the Park and they are still working the history of the cemeteries here in Selma.

The City is accepting applications for a vacancy on the Reinvestment Board Number One Board of Directors. Any citizen wishing to assist in the vital Board should submit a resume to the City Administrator for consideration to fill this vacancy.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of October 14, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: Ms.Loretta Huddelston, on behalf of the San Antonio Conservation Society complimented the Mayor for reestablishing the Historical Commission. She read a letter from the Society’s President offering their support in bringing Selma’s Historical Past to its rightful place. Mr. Tom Stewart spoke in opposition to the previously proposed Tax Increment Finance Zone for the Live Oak Hills Subdivision.

•Accepted the Minutes of the Public Hearing and Regular City Council Meeting of September 9, 2010.
•Accepted the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of September 16, 2010.
•Passed Ordinance Number 101410-01, banning texting while operating a motor vehicle in Selma.
•Passed Ordinance Number 101410-02, to list the new four-way stop at Evans and Lookout to the streets in Selma with stop signs.
•Awarded a contract for a Traffic Impact Analysis and Master Plan for Lookout Road.
•Awarded a contract to resurface a portion of Lookout, Jordan, Margie’s Lane, Corporate Drive and Weiderstein Road.
•Awarded a contract for drainage improvement along Weiderstein Road in Live Oak Hills.
•Passed Ordinance Number 101410-03 to refinance the 2001 Certificates of Obligations saving the City $158,000.
•Rescheduled the November City Council Meeting to the 10th to avoid a conflict with Veteran’s Day.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: November 10, 2010 at 6:30 P.M.







September 2010

Dear Residents,
The summer has flown by! Everyone is busy getting children back to school and recovering from long vacations. While you drive through our City, hopefully you have seen the drainage improvement projects in Forest Creek and Selma Park Estates. Our four-way stop at Lookout and Evans should be completed in September. Watch for other infrastructure improvement projects as we finish this fiscal year and begin 2011.

On behalf of the Staff and myself, we want to thank everyone that attended “Meet the Mayor”. We look forward to working with our fellow citizens, knowing that together, our ideas can bring positive results to enhance the future of our fine City.

Mayor Tom Daly

Welcome New Neighbors

Joan Johnson – Selma Park Estate
Rebecca Hagen – Forest Creek
Brian Jarvis – Forest Creek
Yvette Casarez – Forest Creek
James Tibb – Forest Creek
Nehi Saenz – Forest Creek
Mansour Zarei – Live Oak Hills
Dawn Harris – Live Oak Hills
Chris Richardson – Kensington Ranch
Kimberly Terry – Kensington Ranch
Janie Snyder – Kensington Ranch
Allison Henley – Retama Springs
Candido Villanueva – Retama Springs
Jacob Fossler – Retama Springs
Lynda McHorse – Retama Springs
Linda Moul – Retama Springs
Jose Rodriquez – Retama Springs
Casey Avolin – Retama Springs
Yogeshwar Srikrishnan – Retama Springs
Robyn Nowlin – Retama Springs
Clayton Pollok – Retama Ridge
George Strawder – Retama Ridge

Welcome New Businesses to Selma
Voodoo Halloween Store – IH35

Our Selma Fire Department was proud to send three members of the Department, Captain Mario Troncoso, Firefighters Miguel Camareno and Jacob Gonzales to the Jerry Lewis Multiple Sclerosis Telethon on September 9th with a check for $9,800. Our entire crew collected these dollars during their annual “Fill the Boot Campaign”.

Don’t forget! National Night Out is Tuesday October 5th. We have posted banners throughout the City as a reminder. Please have your representatives contact Captain Al Zuniga (651-7822) and advise him of your plans. I will be driving from neighborhood to neighborhood that evening to meet with as many of you as I can. I look forward to seeing each and every one of you that night.

They are continuing their discussions with Schertz and Universal City to move further towards the creation of a “Tri-City Primitive Trail along the Cibolo Creek. We are aiming for the first leg of the trail to be open by year’s end.

Movie in the Park!
We will hold our first “Movie in the Park” Event on Friday, October 29th starting at 7pm at the Stage Stop Park. The movie we will watch is, “Monsters vs. Aliens!” Provided will be drinks, popcorn, and face painting. Also, city staff from the Fire Department will bring a fire truck for the kiddos to explore! Please make plans to bring lawn chairs, blankets or any other seating arrangements.

Working on a brochure that will capture the highlights of Selma’s place in history. These will augment the current brochure that is at the Stage Stop.

The City has purchased some fifty reflectors for placement on the stop sign poles at our most highly traveled intersections. Not only will these reflectors bring more attention to the intersection but the hope is to make our City a safer place to drive.

•We are working with CPS Energy for additional street lights in Chelsea Crossing and Selma Park Estates.

•Olympia Hills will have a bicycle lane leading from the Forum up to the bicycle lane in Universal City.

•Small Pavilion will be added to the FM1518 Park.

•Bridge on Weiderstein is the responsibility of the City of Schertz. We are correcting the paving issue on Weiderstein and are working drainage issues in that area.

•Kensington Ranch unit 4 new development will bring an additional 100 homes to Selma.

•Lookout Hollow Apartments will be leasing in October with 390 apartment homes available at full build out.

•Drainage projects in Olympia and the Retreat at Chelsea have been let.

•Retama Springs/Retama West will add an additional 300 homes to the Centex Subdivision.

The City is accepting applications for a vacancy on the Reinvestment Board Number One Board of Directors. Any citizen wishing to assist in the vital Board should submit a resume to the City Administrator for consideration to fill this vacancy.

Will be held at the Fire Department on October 16th from 1:00-3:00 P.M. Please take advantage of the opportunity to vaccinate your pets at a reduced rate over what you might pay at your vet. You can also register your pet with the City at the very same time.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHANGE - CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of September 9, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: Mr. Steve Young, Judson ISD spoke to the coming bond election of the district. He gave a brief overview of the three propositions and went on to explain what each is intended to do for the district. Ms. Karen Rutledge of Selma Park Estates spoke to a recurring problem she has experienced with water runoff and foul odors from neighboring septic tanks. The City Engineer was directed to look into the problem and get it resolved.

•Presented a twenty year service award to Ms. Loretta Corkran
•Passed the Minutes of the August 12, 2010 City Council Meeting
•Passed Public Library Interlocal Agreement with the Cities of Schertz and Selma
•Approved the concept to refinance the Series 2001 Certificates of Obligation Bonds with a potential savings to the City of over $93,000.
•Approved the Budget(s) for the City for Fiscal Year 2010-2011
•Accepted the Second Quarter Investment Policy Report.
•Accepted the recommendation from the Reinvestment Zone Number One from the Tax Increment Fund for reimbursable expenses to the developer.
•Set a Special Council Meeting for September 16th @ 4:00 P.M. to set the tax rate for the coming year.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: October 14, 2010 at 6:30 P.M.

City Offices will be closed on October 11th in observance of Columbus Day.



August 2010

On August 18th, we had our first “Meet The Mayor” night and by all reports, it was a success! Next month’s newsletter will go over events that were discussed and will give a better “heads up” for the date of our next meeting. All neighborhoods have representatives that have volunteered their time in an effort to keep you informed on activities throughout Selma (their names are displayed below). I want to thank all who has participated. Our City of Selma can always move forward with positive communication between its residents and shared knowledge of what is being done for our future. I know the summer is coming to an end and school will be starting shortly. Take a breath and please be careful everyone.

Mayor Tom Daly

Olympia Hills - Dave Cooney & Peter Moser
Forrest Creek - Angela Lynn & Kevin Hadas
Live Oak Hills - Raquel Laurel, Lisa Garza & Tom Stewart
Kensington Ranch - Daniel Vera, Brian Beheler & Cindy Tanner
Chelsea Place - Chris/Summer Trapp & James Rothrock
Retama Springs - Ivan Thompson & Genie Cooper
Retama Ridge - Floyd Rainey & Chuck Cupp
Selma Park Estates - Lance Burton, Jose Silva & Fred Acuna

Welcome New Neighbors

James & Cynthia Cox (Forrest Creek)
Glenn Sons (Live Oak Hills)
Guillermo Maldonado (Chelsea Place)
Esther Flores (Retama Ridge)
Lindsey & Maxine Jackson (Rearm Ridge)
Amy Ross (Kensington Ranch)
Sergio Martinez (Kensington Ranch)
Juan Gonzalez (Kensington Ranch)
Charles Kast (Kensington Ranch)
Judith Mittlestadt (Kensington Ranch)
Michael Sinks (Kensington Ranch)
Joanne McKenzie (Kensington Ranch)
Antonio Sara (Kensington Ranch)
Michael Myers (Retama Springs)
Manual Gonzalez (Retama Springs)
Angelica Salton (Retama Springs)
Anthony Esquivel (Retama Springs)
Gregory Ratcliff (Retama Springs)

Welcome New Little Citizen
Christian Pettwav was born July 9th (Live Oak Hills)

Welcome New Businesses to Selma
USAA Selma Financial Center
Plato’s Closet

Ms. McKenzie Adams, a graduate of Steele High School and daughter of Code Enforcement Officer Van Adams, has been recognized as an outstanding national ranked athlete in volleyball. She has received numerous awards including four straight years of first team all district nominations and 2009 San Antonio Express News Volleyball player of the year. McKenzie is ranked 24th out of the top 100 players in the nation. Her long-term goal is to make the Olympic team and represent our country. In the mean time, under a full four year scholarship, she will be giving it her all for the University of Virginia. Good Luck McKenzie, we’re proud of you.

National Neighborhood Night Out will be on Tuesday night, October 5th. With the help from your neighborhood representatives and many resident volunteers, we hope that each neighborhood can make this successful. Selma Police and Fire representatives will be out to each neighborhood event to show off our wonderful city equipment. Let’s start planning now.

Our traffic assessment has come back in favor of a 4-way stop sign at the Evans and Lookout intersection. We hope that by the end of September there will be 2 flashing lights in both directions, painted crosswalks, and a 4-way stop. We know many have been concerned and we will continue to pursue further avenues to keep this area safe.

Your Parks & Recreation Commission met for the first time this past month. We discussed that each park will be fitted with larger pavilions, with an even larger pavilion allocated for the Stage Stop by next summer. We have budgeted money for trees to be planted throughout the City and in our parks for more coverage.

Your Historical Commission met on August 3rd, with a promising agenda for the future. Knowing fore well that they are new and starting to gel as a team, they have researched their new ideas further to develop a plan that they will present to the Council to bring Selma’s history to its rightful place. We should look forward to many positive ideas from these individuals.

Construction will begin shortly to correct the drainage problem in front of Forest Creek.

Speed bumps have been installed on Turfway Park (Retama Ridge) and corrected on Weiderstein Road.

Bridge construction on Weiderstein Road is under the control of the City of Schertz. Your city representatives are working hard to finalize the situation.

CPS will be installing additional street lights on Mount Crest and Brightleaf.

We will be filling in many large holes found behind the Stage Stop park in an effort to make it safe for further use.

Painting of the Stage Stop overhead sign for easier recognition has been accomplished.

New pavilion at Davenport Park is in place.

New apartment complex, “Lookout Hollow” will be accepting new Selma residents before Christmas.

Pay your Utility Bill Online.Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHANGE - CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of August 12, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: Judge Renee McElhaney spoke to her service to the citizens of Bexar County from her position as Judge of the 73rd District Court. Mr. Clayton Pollock spoke to his concern of the spacing of street lights along Lookout Road, Ordinance restrictions on fencing in the front of homes and the requirement for a five foot setback in side yards makes his area all but useless.

•Council heard an operational update from Mr. Bryan Brown regarding Retama Park
•Approved the minutes of the Public Hearing/City Council meeting of July 8, 2010.
•Reappointed Mr. Daryl Dullnig as Municipal Court Prosecutor and Mr. Tom Howe as Assistant Prosecutor with terms expiring June 2012.
•Received a conceptual briefing from Mr. David Earl on the proposed formation of a Tax Increment Finance Zone for the Live Oak Hills Subdivision.
•Tabled a Public Library Interlocal Agreement between the Cities of Schertz and Selma.
•Approved a Resolution to authorize the Comal Appraisal District to purchase the land and building located at 904 South Seguin Avenue in New Braunfels for their new office at no cost to the citizens of Selma.
•Approved the termination of the discount for early payment of ad valorem taxes due to non-utilization by the citizens.
•Held a Public Hearing and approved a recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission to rezone 4.674 acres of land on Lookout Road from residential to planned unit development. Passed Ordinance Number 081210-01.
•Held a Public Hearing and accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission to rezone 2.0689 acres of land on Lookout Road from light industrial to planned unit development. Passed Ordinance Number 081210-02
•Held a Public Hearing and accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission to approve an application for a specific use permit on two lots on Lookout Road for a landscaping products business and a single family residence. Passed Ordinance Number 081210-03.
•Held a Public Hearing and accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission to adopt the Zoning Map of the City of Selma Texas and to pass Ordinance Number 081210.
•Passed Ordinance Number 081210-04, to modify the requirements as to construction bonds and establishing an effective date.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: September 9, 2010 at 6:30pm.

City Offices will be closed on September 6th in observance of Labor Day.



JULY 2010

To all my neighbors,

I’ve been in office for over a month and I hope that many of you have seen progress in the aesthetics throughout the City. Our men have done a great job in cutting the grass, landscaping, wood chipping and filling pot holes. Working shorthanded they have cleaned up the entrance into Mount Crest from Lookout Road and moved the one-way barricade back behind the OLPH Cemetery (enabling much needed parking in front) on Old Austin Road.
I have been recruiting residents from all our subdivisions and next month I will have a list of representatives who are eager to institute ideas to enhance Selma. This will be done with a “Meet the Mayor” night starting in August. Once again I would like to thank you for all your positive attitude and support as I get myself established in my new position. Hope you all had a Happy 4th of July.

Mayor Tom Daly

Drainage Issues – I am happy to announce that we have awarded a contract to handle three major drainage issues in our City. They are (1) Entrance to Forest Creek in front of Rudy’s. (2) Entrance to Brightleaf (3) Access street behind the Forum and Olympia Parkway. We hope to see work start before August.

Welcome New Neighbors

William Adams (Retama Springs)
Vincent Hearm (Retama Springs)
John & Amy Henderson (Retama Springs)
Arlando Bass (Retama Springs)
Danial Bezerra (Retama Springs)
Will Wright (Retama Springs)
Nathan Hippe (Retama Springs)
Cecily Jones (Retama Ridge)
Amber Defore (Retama Springs)
Roman Garcia (Retama Springs)
Corrie Peach (Kensington Ranch)
Patrick Stephans (Kensington Ranch)
Lisa Weatherspoon (Forest Creek)
Rosemary Silvers (Forest Creek)
Tom & Nikki Blackburn (Forest Creek)
Ronni Manning (Chelsea Crossing)
Lisa Peralta (Selma Park Estates)
Larry Warner (Retama Ridge)
John Rathmell (Retama Ridge)
Terrance & Rebecca Canny (Retama Ridge)
Brittany Davis (Kensington Ranch)
Gary Thompson (Kensington Ranch)
Elaine Gonzales (Kensington Ranch)
Donald Stephans (Kensington Ranch)

Please contact our offices if there are any newborns to our community.

Three Cheers – On Wednesday, June 23rd, your Selma Police Department Bar-B-Q Team went to the Muscular Dystrophy Association Summer Camp in Rockport to cook lunch and dinner for approximately 120 campers and staff members. A big thank you to Chief Syd Hall, Captain Albert Zuniga, Officers Cecil Chamberlin, Jerry Grubbs, Robert Wagner and Robert Catalano for volunteering to work this event..

Parks and Recreation/Historical Committees Back on Line – We have filled out our committees with four new volunteers. Our Committee representatives are: Parks & Recreation – Richard Hamilton (Chairman), Jeffery McWilliams, Kevin Hadas, Susy Williams and Sharon Phillips.
Historical: Harry Greene (Chairman), Ruben Castro, Gerald Williams, Robin Campo and Madeline Burdett. We will have our first meeting to discuss future planning throughout our City on July 21st at 7:00 P.M. at City Hall. We will be having a guest. Mr. Dean Midlick, who is currently on the Schertz Parks and Recreation Board.

Stagecoach Decorations – Hope you all enjoyed the decorations for the Forth of July at our Historic Stagestop. Look for future during the year for upcoming special events..

Fourth of July – Both our Fire Department and Police Department participated in the Schertz Jubilee Parade and in the Olympia Hills Homeowner’s Parade. As always, they made our City proud!

Lookout Road/Evans Road – We have initiated a traffic assessment, do out shortly that may enable a four-way stop sign at the intersection. We have had concerns from residents about traffic and frequent accidents that have occurred. In the mean time we have cut down trees at the intersection to improve visibility.

Graffiti – Unfortunately we had some graffiti in the outside of the new rest room in Davenport Park. It has been cleaned up and looking new again. Any resident noticing such acts in the City are urged to contact the Police Department as soon as possible so we can take care of the situation.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHANGE - CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of July 8, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: Mr. Tom Stewart spoke to his concern as to the continued presence of tar on the newly resurfaced Weiderstein Road. Staff Engineer Larry Verner stated that he had met with the Guadalupe County Road Superintendent today and he is of the belief that the issue can be resolved by applying a mixture of lime and water to “cure” the oil emulsion. Mr. Verner told Mr. Stewart that the City is aware of the issue and is working to resolve the problem.

•Mr. Brown was not available to give an Operational Update on the Retama Racetrack. This item will be rescheduled for the August Council Meeting.
•Accepted the Minutes of the June 10, 2010 Selma City Council Meeting.
•Held a Public Hearing then Passed Ordinance Number 070810-01 on storm water drainage.
•Held a Public Hearing then passed Ordinance Number 070810-02 on storm water runoff fees.
•Passed ordinance Number 070810-03 designating a portion of Old Austin Road to be one-way.
•Passed Ordinance Number 070810-04 on flood damage prevention.
•Awarded a contract to mitigate drainage issues at Pasatiempo and the IH 35 Frontage Road and drainage along Utopia Boulevard.
•Denied the request of Bexar Metro 911 for budget approval.
•Appointed Madeline Burdett to the Selma Historical Committee with a term expiring in June 2012.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: August 12, 2010 at 6:30pm.



JUNE 2010


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of Selma for your time and consideration during my campaign for Mayor. Everyone greeted me with a big smile and a friendly handshake. There wasn’t a day that went by that I felt unwelcome. I would like to assure each and every one of you that I cherish the chance to lead our fine city into the future. It is an honor to be able to work for you, for our community. I look forward to working with our experienced City Administrator (Ken Roberts), our City Council and our staff at city hall to bring positive moves to Selma. I invite you to help make this city what you’d like it to be by attending our city council meetings that are held every second Thursday. Your thoughts and concerns need to be heard for Selma to be the best it can be.

Thank you again,
Mayor Tom Daly


Nate Tyler Rabe – born 5/21/2010
Emily Faith Reno – born 5/31/2010


Joe & Cynthia Saldana (Chelsea Crossing)
Adolfo & Alma Marquez (Live Oak Hills)
Virginia Lee (Kensington Ranch)
Kelly Davidson (Kensington Ranch)
Dominic Dale (Forest Creek)
Frank Joy (Forest Creek)
Tracy Hunt (Retama Springs)
Garrett Holt (Retama Springs)

CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES to Mr. Scott Lee on his retirement from the City of Selma after 22 years of selfless & distinguished service.

ANNUAL POLICE & FIRE BARBEQUE – We would like to thank everyone who made our annual event a success. Your donations and the help from all our volunteers helped generate over $18,000 to be given to both the Guadalupe and Comal County 100 Clubs.

FILL THE BOOT – Selma Firefighters and the “Fill the Boot” campaign raised over $9,000 on May the 19th in support of the fight against Muscular Dystrophy.

OLPH BIKE RODEO – Memorial Day Weekend brought our city its first bike rally. Starting at 7am with a family 5 mile bike ride around Selma to finishing with a 100 mile ride throughout the Metrocom. Many thanks to our Selma Police Department, OLPH representatives, Boy Scout Troop 343 and all that volunteered.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHANGE - CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of June 10, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: Ms. Viola Mackewich stated that her SCUCISD property taxes were too high. The matter was referred to SCUCISD Superintendent Greg Gibson. Superintendent Gibson spoke to introduce himself to the Mayor and Council and to express his desire to keep the City informed of the actions of the school district and for the City to keep him informed of developments that would impact the student load of his school district.

•Presented an Award for Service to Former Mayor Jim Parma.
•Presented a ten year service award to Sgt.
John Hargis.
•Presented checks of $9,442 to the 100 Club of Comal County and the 100 Club of Guadalupe County. These were the proceeds from annual Fire & Police Bar-B-Q.
•Accepted the Minutes of the Regular Selma City Council Meeting of May 13, 2010.
•Appointed Council Person Melba Gregory as Mayor Pro Tem for a term expiring in June 2011.
•Reappointed Mr. Dale Doan and Mr. Dyoil Richards to the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission for a two year term expiring in June 2012.
•Appointed Mr. Kevin Hadas and Ms. Sharon Phillips to the Selma Parks and recreation Committee with terms expiring in June 2012.
•Appointed Mr. Robin Campo to the Selma Historical Committee with a term expiring in June 2012.
•Reappointed Judge John Hrncir as Selma Municipal Judge with a term expiring in June 2012.
•Completed 2nd Quarter 2010 Budget Execution Review and adopted budget amendments.
•Passed Ordinance Number 061010-01 to prohibit illicit discharges into the City’s Sanitary Sewer System.
•Accepted the Master Lease Agreement between California First National Bank and the City of Selma to replace six Selma Police vehicles.
•Accepted the First Quarter Investment Policy Report.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

City Offices will be closed - on Monday, July 5th in observance of Independence Day.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: July 8, 2010 at 6:30pm.

Top of page

JUNE 2010


I would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of Selma for your time and consideration during my campaign for Mayor. Everyone greeted me with a big smile and a friendly handshake. There wasn’t a day that went by that I felt unwelcome. I would like to assure each and every one of you that I cherish the chance to lead our fine city into the future. It is an honor to be able to work for you, for our community. I look forward to working with our experienced City Administrator (Ken Roberts), our City Council and our staff at city hall to bring positive moves to Selma. I invite you to help make this city what you’d like it to be by attending our city council meetings that are held every second Thursday. Your thoughts and concerns need to be heard for Selma to be the best it can be.

Thank you again,
Mayor Tom Daly


Nate Tyler Rabe – born 5/21/2010
Emily Faith Reno – born 5/31/2010


Joe & Cynthia Saldana (Chelsea Crossing)
Adolfo & Alma Marquez (Live Oak Hills)
Virginia Lee (Kensington Ranch)
Kelly Davidson (Kensington Ranch)
Dominic Dale (Forest Creek)
Frank Joy (Forest Creek)
Tracy Hunt (Retama Springs)
Garrett Holt (Retama Springs)

CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES to Mr. Scott Lee on his retirement from the City of Selma after 22 years of selfless & distinguished service.

ANNUAL POLICE & FIRE BARBEQUE – We would like to thank everyone who made our annual event a success. Your donations and the help from all our volunteers helped generate over $18,000 to be given to both the Guadalupe and Comal County 100 Clubs.

FILL THE BOOT – Selma Firefighters and the “Fill the Boot” campaign raised over $9,000 on May the 19th in support of the fight against Muscular Dystrophy.

OLPH BIKE RODEO – Memorial Day Weekend brought our city its first bike rally. Starting at 7am with a family 5 mile bike ride around Selma to finishing with a 100 mile ride throughout the Metrocom. Many thanks to our Selma Police Department, OLPH representatives, Boy Scout Troop 343 and all that volunteered.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHANGE - CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of June 10, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: Ms. Viola Mackewich stated that her SCUCISD property taxes were too high. The matter was referred to SCUCISD Superintendent Greg Gibson. Superintendent Gibson spoke to introduce himself to the Mayor and Council and to express his desire to keep the City informed of the actions of the school district and for the City to keep him informed of developments that would impact the student load of his school district.

•Presented an Award for Service to Former Mayor Jim Parma.
•Presented a ten year service award to Sgt.
John Hargis.
•Presented checks of $9,442 to the 100 Club of Comal County and the 100 Club of Guadalupe County. These were the proceeds from annual Fire & Police Bar-B-Q.
•Accepted the Minutes of the Regular Selma City Council Meeting of May 13, 2010.
•Appointed Council Person Melba Gregory as Mayor Pro Tem for a term expiring in June 2011.
•Reappointed Mr. Dale Doan and Mr. Dyoil Richards to the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission for a two year term expiring in June 2012.
•Appointed Mr. Kevin Hadas and Ms. Sharon Phillips to the Selma Parks and recreation Committee with terms expiring in June 2012.
•Appointed Mr. Robin Campo to the Selma Historical Committee with a term expiring in June 2012.
•Reappointed Judge John Hrncir as Selma Municipal Judge with a term expiring in June 2012.
•Completed 2nd Quarter 2010 Budget Execution Review and adopted budget amendments.
•Passed Ordinance Number 061010-01 to prohibit illicit discharges into the City’s Sanitary Sewer System.
•Accepted the Master Lease Agreement between California First National Bank and the City of Selma to replace six Selma Police vehicles.
•Accepted the First Quarter Investment Policy Report.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

City Offices will be closed - on Monday, July 5th in observance of Independence Day.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: July 8, 2010 at 6:30pm.

Top of page


MAY 2010

SPRING CLEANUP – Thanks to Bexar Waste for another great Spring Cleanup last month.

CALL FOR A VOLUNTEERS – Eleanor Stone & Rudy Moreau have moved out of the City and their positions on the Parks & Recreation Committee are now vacant. Ms. Nichole Thomas has declined to be reappointed to the Historical Committee so there is one vacancy to be filled there. Any Selma resident interested in serving on either Committee is encouraged to send in a brief statement of interest and experience to the City Administrator. The Mayor and Council will hopefully have a group of volunteers to choose from in the June or July Council Meeting.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

UTILITY PAYMENTS – We continue to experience an extraordinary number of water service accounts that were subject to disconnect for nonpayment. Utility payments are due on the 15th of each month. If the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday, payments will be posted on the next business day. Payments received after 8:00 A.M. on the 2nd business day after the due date are subject to a 10% late charge (of your total bill). Payment must be received within 10 days of the due date. Payments received after this 10 day period will result in termination of service. A reconnection fee of $30.00 will be required along with the initial bill amount plus the 10% late fee. The City provides several payment options to avoid additional costs, automatic draft on the 15th of the month from your checking account, on-line payment through the City’s website and a 24 hour a day drop box behind city hall. Please note, customers who utilize bank on-line payment services, please schedule the payment to arrive BEFORE late fees are assessed or service is terminated.

CHANGE - CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the FIRST WEEK of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of May 13, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: Mrs. Christine Riedel thanked Mayor Parma for his service to the City of Selma. Mrs. Riedel made mention of the increased traffic on Lookout Road and her concerns with speeding vehicles. She asked for consideration of increased enforcement by the Police Department. Mayor Parma thanked her for her input and tasked the City Staff to look for resolution to her concerns and to report back to Council on their recommended solutions.

•Canvassed the votes of the Selma General Election of May 8, 2010
•Administered the Oath of Office to Mayor Tom Daly, Councilmen Ken Harris and Charles Eads with an effective date of 14 May 2010.
•Accepted the Minutes of the Regular Selma City Council Meeting of April 8, 2010.
•Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved the re-plat and final subdivision plat of The Trails of Kensington Ranch Subdivision, Unit 3A.
•Held a Public Hearing and passed Ordinance Number 051310-01 in regard to declaring the property and premises at 8511 Phoenix Avenue a health hazard and nuisance and directing the City Attorney to file suit in District Court for abatement.
•Passed Resolution Number 051310-01 to give the City Administrator the authority to pursue Eminent Domain if all other negotiations are unsuccessful.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

City Offices will be closed - on Monday, May 31st in observance of Memorial Day.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: June 10, 2010 at 6:30pm.

Top of page

APRIL 2010

MUNICIPAL ELECTION – Mayor Jim Parma will face Mr. Tom Daly for the Office of Mayor. Councilmen Charles Eads and Councilman Ken Harris have no opponent. Early Voting will begin on April 26th and run through April the 30th from 8:00 A.M. till 5:00 P.M. On May 3rd and 4th Early Voting will be from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. Election Day is Saturday, May 8th and the polls will be open from 7:00 A.M. until 7:00 P.M. All voting will take place at the Selma City Hall. Please exercise your right to vote!

HOUSE NUMBERS – Help us to help you. City Ordinance Number 66-103 states in part, “Street address of each single-family structure shall be illuminated by a bulb of at least 60 watts, and/or shall be in a contrasting color. All such numbers shall be easily visible from the street”. When you need emergency services, make it easier for us to provide that help by having your house number clearly visible when the first responders are trying to get to you.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of April 8, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

Mayor and Council presented a fifteen year service award to Officer Ernest Zambrano and a five year service award Corporal Jonathan Kennedy.

•Approved the Minutes of the March 11, 2010 Regular City Council Meeting .
•Accepted the Forth Quarter 2009 Investment Policy Report.
•Authorized the expenditure of no more than $45,000 to acquire Lots 17 and 18, Block 27 in Selma Park Estates.
•Completed the Annual Performance Review of the City Administrator/City Secretary.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: May 13, 2010 at 6:30pm.

Top of page

MARCH 2010

SPRING CLEANUP – April 17th through the 25th will be this year’s Spring Cleanup. Dumpsters will be behind City Hall and near the park in Selma Park Estates. Household Hazardous Waste disposal will be provided behind City Hall on the 17th & 18th and again on the 24th & 25th between the hours of 8:00 until 4:00.

FM 1518 PARK – Your newest City Park is now open on FM 1518 right across the road from the Selma Industrial Park entrance. The park was developed on City owned land with all improvements and equipment provided by Centex Homes. As construction continues in Retama West, hopefully we will be opening a new park with a soccer field before the end of the year.

Pay your Utility Bill Online. – Your City has our online bill paying up to speed and operational. If you wish to pay your utility bills on line please go to the City’s Website and follow the instructions for this new customer service feature.

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting, March 11, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: Mr. Tom Daly spoke to a petition he presented to the Council signed by over 70 resident of Selma Park Estates to place lights over the gang mailboxes in their neighborhood. As an alternative to CPS Energy that supplies the street lights throughout the City, Mr. Daly asked that consideration be given to solar lights. Mr. Steve Young of the Judson ISD spoke to the ground breaking of their newest elementary school scheduled for March 25th. Mr. Young mentioned that the growth estimates for the coming years shows more growth on the west side of IH35 in the coming years.

•Approved the Minutes of the February 11, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting.
•Accepted the Annual Racial profiling Report from Chief of Police Syd Hall.
•Granted variances to the Zoning Ordinance to the Retreat at Retama.
•Rezoned the property at the Retreat at Retama from Multi Family to Town Home.
•Accepted the First Quarter 2010-2011 Budget Execution Review.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: April 8, 2010 at 6:30pm.

Top of page


HOUSE NUMBERS Help us to help you. City Ordinance Number 66-103 states in part, “Street address of each single-family structure shall be illuminated by a bulb of at least 60 watts, and/or shall be in a contrasting color. All such numbers shall be easily visible from the street”. When you need emergency services, make it easier for us to provide that help by having you house number clearly visible when the first responders are trying to get to you.

WATER/SEWER/STORM WATER RUNOFF FEE – As you may recall from previous editions of the Newsletter, the City commissioned a study of our current water utility rates for a comparison of our costs verses our income. Our current rates have held steady for a period of ten years and our costs have not. Hence, beginning with your November usage (your December bill) you will see an increase of 6% in your base water rates and a 6% increase in your sewer rates. Most all of the increase in sewer rates is a “pass through” since we pay the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, as does Live Oak, Cibolo, Universal City and Schertz, to process our waste water. Storm Water Management Fee of Runoff is a Federally Mandated program that directs cities to add a charge for the storm water service and the monies must be used for drainage improvement projects. The homeowner will see a $4.12 Fee per month added to their bill and our commercial customers will pay based on the amount of impervious cover they have on their respective lots. Homeowners over the age of 65 are being provided a reduced water rate. To take advantage of this provision, come by City Hall with proof of age and residency and upon verification, we will be happy to provide our senior residents with the reduced rates.

CHIPPER SERVICE – is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting, February 11, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: Mr. David Delao spoke to his concern of drainage and the dirt that follows onto Alamo Derby. Mayor Parma advised Mr. Delao that the Request for Service link on the City Website was just the means to get this request into the proper department for resolution.

Chief Hall accepted a five year service award on behalf of Officer Jerry Grubbs.

•Approved the Minutes of the January 14, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting.
•Accepted the Annual Financial Audit for the City of Selma by Armstrong and Vaughn, CPA
•Passed the Order of Election for the Selma General Election on May 8, 2010.
•Accepted the contract for Election Services between the City and Guadalupe County.
•GVEC did not attend the Meeting. They will mail the Franchise Payment.
•Adopted a Revised Selma Investment Policy.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: March 11, 2010 at 6:30pm.

Top of page


Message from Mayor Parma - Please click on this link to read.

HOUSE NUMBERS Help us to help you. City Ordinance Number 66-103 states in part, “Street address of each single-family structure shall be illuminated by a bulb of at least 60 watts, and/or shall be in a contrasting color. All such numbers shall be easily visible from the street”. When you need emergency services, make it easier for us to provide that help by having you house number clearly visible when the first responders are trying to get to you.

WATER/SEWER/STORM WATER RUNOFF FEE – As you may recall from previous editions of the Newsletter, the City commissioned a study of our current water utility rates for a comparison of our costs verses our income. Our current rates have held steady for a period of ten years and our costs have not. Hence, beginning with your November usage (your December bill) you will see an increase of 6% in your base water rates and a 6% increase in your sewer rates. Most all of the increase in sewer rates is a “pass through” since we pay the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, as does Live Oak, Cibolo, Universal City and Schertz, to process our waste water. Storm Water Management Fee of Runoff is a Federally Mandated program that directs cities to add a charge for the storm water service and the monies must be used for drainage improvement projects. The homeowner will see a $4.12 Fee per month added to their bill and our commercial customers will pay based on the amount of impervious cover they have on their respective lots. Homeowners over the age of 65 are being provided a reduced water rate. To take advantage of this provision, come by City Hall with proof of age and residency and upon verification, we will be happy to provide our senior residents with the reduced rates.

CHIPPER SERVICE – is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting, January 14, 2010:

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

•Approved the Minutes of the December10, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting.
•Designated the land occupied by the William Davenport Park in Selma Park Estates as City Park Land.
•Designated the land occupied by the F.M. 1518 Park as City Park Land.
•Passed a Resolution in support of the 2010 Census.
•Passed an Ordinance that establishes a new 20 year franchise agreement between the City and CPS Energy to provide natural gas and electric service.
•Denied a request for variance for the Retreat at Retama Subdivision.
•Passed an amendment to Section 62-122 of the Code of Ordinances to add certain definitions to the City Water Ordinance.
•Passed an amendment to Section 62-205 of the Code of Ordinances in regard to separate water service connections.
•Accepted the Third Quarter 2009 Investment Policy Report.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: February 11, 2010 at 6:30pm.

CITY OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED - January 18th in observance of MLK Day.

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