9375 Corporate Dr., Selma, TX 78154-1250 |
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Selma, a unique city that leads through providing
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NATIONAL NIGHT OUT October 7th 2008
NEW SERVICE – The application for a Garage Sale Permit is now available on line. Fill out your application, give us your credit card information and we will either send your Garage Sale Permit by e-mail or “snail mail”. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents please have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.
During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood. ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond. Citizens to be Heard: There were none. Recap of the Regular City Council Meeting of September 11, 2008. Citizens to be Heard: Mrs. Kay Griffin voiced her dissatisfaction with the repaving in Olympia Hills. Mrs. Griffin opined that price was the deciding factor of the new street surface rather than quality. Mr. Dave Cooney thanked the Council for their actions of an additional street light in Olympia Hills and for the repaving of the streets. Mr. Steve Young of the Judson ISD stated he would be the liaison between the City and Judson ISD and would be attending the Council Meetings on regular basis. • Passed the Minutes of the August 14, 2008 Regular Council Meting. • Held a Public Hearing and passed an Ordinance lowering the property tax rate to $0.2498/$100 valuation a drop of $0.0123/$100 valuation from last year. • Passed an Ordinance to repeal a 2002 Ordinance that would charge for emergency services to non-residents. • Passed an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Schertz to provide no-cost library services to all Selma residents. • Granted an easement to CPS Energy to provide electrical power to the new Visitor’s Center at the Stage Coach Stop. Link to copies of all City Ordinances CITY OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th NEW SERVICE – The application for a Garage Sale Permit is now available on line. Go to the City’s Website, fill in you application give us your credit card information and we will either e-mail or “snail mail” you a Garage Sale Permit.
During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood. ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond. Citizens to be Heard: Mr. Steve Young of the Judson Independent School District introduced himself and stated he would be the liaison for all issues between the City and the ISD. Mr. and Mrs. Trest of Utopia Blvd. spoke in opposition to the proposed private school on Utopia. • Approved the Minutes of the July 10, 2008 City Council Meeting. • Held a Public Hearing on a request for rezoning of Lot P-41, County Block 5046. Mr. Terry Epp and Mr. Russell Taft spoke in opposition to the requested rezoning. • Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and denied the request for rezoning of Lot P-41, County Block 5046. • Held a Public Hearing on a request for a variance to Ordinance Section 74-222 for the new sign at Journey Fellowship Church. No person testified at the hearing. • Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved the request for variance for the sign at Journey Fellowship Church. • Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved the re-plat of the Trails of Kensington Ranch Subdivision, Unit 3. • Passed Ordinance Number 081408, raising the impound fee for dos and cats to $30 for the first offense, $40 for the second offence and $50/day for each subsequent impoundment and raises the daily pound charge to $8/day. These new fees will apply effective 1 November 2008. • Passed Ordinance Number 081408-1, setting speed limits on various streets within the City Limits. • Authorized the issuance of a Tax Note to secure the funding for a new fire truck for the Selma Fire Department. The new addition to the department should arrive in approximately eight months. • Approved the disbursement of tax dollars from the City to the Reinvestment Zone Number 1, Selma, Texas to the developer. • Approved the declaration of restrictions to protect the Harrison House and the surrounding acreage listed on the National Register of Historic places. • Held an Executive Session pursuant to the Texas Government Code to discuss settlement offers of Dusti Kelly-Fleming. • Held a Public Hearing on a Special Use Permit requested by Dusti Kelly-Fleming on behalf of TECLARC, a private school to be operated on the property located at 8322 Utopia Boulevard in Selma Park Estates. Ms. Mary Martin spoke in favor of the Special Use Permit. Mr. & Mrs. Trest spoke against the permit as did Ms. Martha Escada, Mr. Paul Plummer, and Mr. David Mummey. Dusti Kelly-Flemming spoke at length in favor of the school and against the City and how she is of the opinion that the staff did not treat her application with the diligence that it deserved. • Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission on the request for a Special Use Permit for TECLARC with reasonable limitations. • Took no action on the request for re-zoning of the property described as 5992, Lot 31 in the Selma Park Estates Subdivision. • Council accepted the Draft 2008-2009 Budget from the City Secretary. • Approved and accepted the Second Quarter 2008 Investment Policy Report. Link to copies of all City Ordinances CITY OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED Monday, September 1st in observance of Labor Day
WATER CONSERVATION – Though the City is under no mandatory water restrictions at this time, we ask that you join us in an effort to conserve water resources in the City. We have available at City Hall brochures that list some “common sense” approaches to conserving our limited water resources. FOUND FAWNS DON’T NECESSARILY NEED YOUR HELP – Spring is the time for the birth of deer. Since young fawns are not strong enough to outrun predators, they are given other survival instincts. They will “freeze” in response to danger. They have been known to even play dead to get the predator to leave them alone. In the past weeks we have had very well intentioned folks find a fawn and bring it to City Hall thinking they are saving this poor baby from danger. Fawns stay in one place, without the mother doe attending it, for hours on end. If you have concerns about a fawn and whether you should act to intervene, please check out this website, http://home.austin.rr.com/dwa/Found%20a%20fawn/index.html. If you still remain convinced that you must intervene please call the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for names of licensed wildlife rehabilitator in our area. (Since these are not domestic animals our animal control personnel are not allowed to become involved with them). Monday-Friday from 8 till 5 call 1-800-792-1112. After hours and on weekends or holidays, please call 1-512-389-4848. Service Reminders:
During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood. ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. Citizens to be Heard: Mr. Jeff McWilliams spoke to the Mayor and Council on his concerns that the City is not following up with our customers on the status of customer submitted work orders. Mayor Parma instructed the City Administrator to correct the problem. Mr. McWilliams asked as to the whereabouts of a weight limit sign on the north end of Old Austin Road. Mayor Parma stated that the sign was on order and we were awaiting permission from TxDOT to give their approval to place the sign in their right-of-way. Lastly, Mr. McWilliams asked for feedback on the City’s progress on the Master Plan. Mayor Parma asked Mr. McWilliams to speak to the City Administrator on any questions he had on the Master Plan. Approved the Minutes of the June 12, 2008 City Council Meeting. Appointed Mrs. Melba Gregory to the Office of Mayor Pro Tem for a period of one year. Postponed until the August Regular Council Meeting a request for a zoning change on a +/- 0.253 acre tract of land out of the Selma Park Estates Subdivision, Number 5992, Block 15, Lot 31, Bexar County, Texas. Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved the preliminary/final plat of the John’s Welding and Construction Subdivision. Discussed an upward adjustment in the Animal Control Fees for the City of Selma. Awarded a contract to O’Haver Construction to build a new Police Department Building in the sum of $3,300,000 from the proceeds of the sale of Certificates of Obligation. Awarded a contract for the site work and construction of a the new 1 million gallon elevated water storage tank to Landmark I.L.P. and Ram II Construction in the amount of $1,325,000 and $272,500 respectively. These contracts will be paid for from the proceeds of the sale of Certificates of Obligation in the amount of $1,300,000 and an additional $297,500 from this budget years Capital Expenditures and Contingency Fund. Authorized the City Administrator to expend up to $85,000 from unspecified reserves to bid out and construct an animal control facility. Authorized the City Administrator to spend up to $60,000 from unspecified reserves to bid out and construct a structure to house the Public Works vehicles and equipment. Council adjourned in the memory of former Selma City Councilman Mike Friesenhan. Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the City Website at: http://www.municode.com/resources/gateway.asp?pid=13626&sid=43 |
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