9375 Corporate Dr., Selma, TX 78154-1250 |
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Selma, a unique city that leads through providing
planned growth, quality of life, a safe environment, and a vision for
the future. Emergency - Call 911 |
All America City Competition - Selma was a finalist in this year’s All America City Competition held in Tampa Florida on 3 thru 7 June. Out of over 600 applicants we made the top 16. Though not designated an All America City Top 10 we are proud to be included in top 16 Cities according to the National Civic League. REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS – The City is seeking volunteers to serve on the Tax Increment Finance Zone Board of Directors (TIFZ). This Board advises the Mayor and City Council on funding matters that relate to reimbursement to developer(s) that place streets, water and sewer projects in the TIFZ. These are in the form of rebates of property taxes generated after the building is done and owned by individuals. If you are interested in being a part of this important financial advisory board, please send a resume with a cover letter to City Administrator Ken Roberts at 9375 Corporate Drive, Selma, TX 78154.
During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood. ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. FOUND FAWNS DON’T NECESSARILY NEED YOUR HELP – Spring is the time for the birth of deer. Since young fawns are not strong enough to outrun predators, they are given other survival instincts. They will “freeze” in response to danger. They have been known to even play dead to get the predator to leave them alone. In the past weeks we have had very well intentioned folks find a fawn and bring it to City Hall thinking they are saving this poor baby from danger. Fawns stay in one place, without the mother doe attending it, for hours on end. If you have concerns about a fawn and whether you should act to intervene, please check out this website, http://home.austin.rr.com/dwa/Found%20a%20fawn/index.html. If you still remain convinced that you must intervene please call the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for names of licensed wildlife rehabilitator in our area. (Since these are not domestic animals our animal control personnel are not allowed to become involved with them). Monday-Friday from 8 till 5 call 1-800-792-1112. After hours and on weekends or holidays, please call 1-512-389-4848. Recap of the Regular City Council Meeting of June 12, 2008 Citizens to be Heard: There were none. Mr. Bryan Brown gave the Council an update on the operations of the Retama Rack. Presented the Comal County 100 Club with a check for $22,700. Approved the Minutes of the May 8, 2008 City Council Meeting. Approved the minutes of the May 15, 2008 Special Council Meeting. Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved a variance for the Chelsea Automotives Subdivision for storm water detention. Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved the final plat of the Chelsea Automotives Subdivision. Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved a variance for the Chelsea Mixed-Use Subdivision for storm water detention. Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved the final re-plat of the Chelsea Mixed-Use Subdivision. Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and zoning Commission and approved the final plat of the Reserve at Retama Subdivision. Awarded a contract for the rehabilitation of the streets in the Olympia Hills Subdivision to V.K. Knowlton Construction. Did not award a contract for the construction of new Police Department pending further negotiations with the apparent low bidder. Copies of all Ordinances are maintained from this link. SELMA GENERAL ELECTION: On May 10, 2008 the citizens of Selma elected Jim Parma as Mayor and Ken Harris and Charles Eads to City Council. Residents voted to continue the current ¼ cent sales tax for the maintenance of existing roads. Second Annual Emergency Services Bar-B-Q and Auction will be held at the Selma Fire Department on Saturday, May 17th. All proceeds from this event will go to the Century Club of Comal County. This organization steps in to bring cash and assistance to fallen member’s family of the police and fire departments throughout Comal County. Last year’s donation of the Combined Emergency Benefit raised $11,000 for this cause. As an added option to the dinner and the auction we will offer a “911 Light” with every donation of $100. This light is a new concept for emergency services. When the homeowner dials 911 from their home this single white strobe light begins to flash at the residence. In cities with enhanced 911 services, such as Selma, response time will be reduced significantly due to there being no lost time searching for a house number in the dark of night. The Fire department personnel will install the device and give personal instruction to the homeowner in the operation of the device. To obtain more information or to order your 911 Light please call 651-7831 or 651-7832. We look forward to seeing you all again this year at the Combined Emergency Benefit. REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS – The City is seeking volunteers to serve on the Tax Increment Finance Zone Board of Directors (TIFZ). This Board advises the Mayor and City Council on funding matters that relate to reimbursement to developer(s) that place streets, water and sewer projects in the TIFZ. These are in the form of rebates of property taxes generated after the building is done and owned by individuals. If your are interested in being a part of this important financial advisory board, please send a resume with a cover letter to City Administrator Ken Roberts at 9375 Corporate Drive, Selma, TX 78154.
During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood. ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. SOLID WASTE REMINDER – Please do not place hazardous household waste in their garbage cans for pick-up by the solid waste contractor. This is not only poor form but it is against a State Law! Please save your used motor oil, paint, insecticides, spent batteries and the like for our next Household Hazardous Waste Disposal this fall. Citizens to be Heard: There were none. A Public hearing was held to receive comments on a proposed rezoning request to convert a single family residential lot for use as a private school in Selma Park Estates.
Copies of all Ordinances are maintained from this link. SELMA GENERAL ELECTION: On May 10, 2008 the citizens of Selma elected Jim Parma as Mayor and Ken Harris and Charles Eads to City Council. Residents voted to continue the current cent sales tax for the maintenance of existing roads. SECOND ANNUAL EMERGENCY SERVICES BENEFIT BAR-B-Q and AUCTION will be held at the Selma Fire Department on Saturday, May 17th. All proceeds from this event will go to the Century Club of Comal County. This organization steps in to bring cash and assistance to fallen members’ family of the police and fire departments throughout Comal County. Last year’s donation of the Combined Emergency Benefit raised $11,000 for this cause. As an added option to the dinner and the auction, we will offer a “911 Light” with every donation of $100. This light is a new concept for emergency services. When the homeowner dials 911 from their home, this single white strobe light begins to flash at the residence. In cities with enhanced 911 services, such as Selma, response time will be reduced significantly due to there being no lost time searching for a house number in the dark of night. The Fire Department personnel will install the device and give personal instructions to the homeowner in the operation of the device. To obtain more information or to order your 911 Light please call 651-7831 or 651-7832. We look forward to seeing you all again this year at the Combined Emergency Benefit. REQUEST FOR VOLUNTEERS – The City is seeking volunteers to serve on the Tax Increment Finance Zone Board of Directors (TIFZ). This Board advises the Mayor and City Council on funding matters that relate to reimbursement to developer(s) that place streets, water and sewer projects in the TIFZ. These are in the form of rebates of property taxes generated after the building is done and owned by individuals. If you are interested in being a part of this important financial advisory board, please send a resume with a cover letter to City Administrator Ken Roberts at 9375 Corporate Drive, Selma, TX 78154.
During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood. ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. SOLID WASTE REMINDER – Please do not place hazardous household waste in their garbage cans for pick-up by the solid waste contractor. This is not only poor form but it is against a State Law! Please save your used motor oil, paint, insecticides, spent batteries and the like for our next Household Hazardous Waste Disposal this Fall. Citizens to be Heard: There were none.
Copies of all Ordinances are maintained from this link. NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: June 12, 2008 at 6:30 P.M. SELMA GENERAL ELECTION SPRING CLEANUP – Many thanks to our solid waste provider Bexar Waste for, yet another, very successful city-wide cleanup operation. CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840.
During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood. ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. Complete license request online. SOLID WASTE REMINDER – We continue to experience issues of residents putting hazardous household waste in their garbage cans for pick-up by the solid waste contractor. This is not only poor form but it is against a State Law! Please save your used motor oil, paint, insecticides, spent batteries and like items for our next Household Hazardous Waste Disposal this fall. Recap of the Regular City Council Meeting of March 13, 2008 Citizens to be Heard: Mr. Gary Wisdom presented a petition on behalf of Selma Park Estates residents requesting access to Lookout Road.
Copies of all Ordinances are maintained from this link. NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: April 10, 2008 at 6:30 P.M. SELMA GENERAL ELECTION: On May 10, 2008 the citizens of Selma will elect a Mayor and two Council Members. The first day to file for place on the ballot is February 11th. The last day to file is March 10th. SCHERTZ LIBRARY – In recent discussions with the Community Services Director of the City Schertz, it has been confirmed that 280 Selma residents have Schertz Library Cards. This service is open to any and all Selma Residents at no charge. Since the library receives funding from governmental sources other than the City of Schertz they are obliged to provide free services to other municipalities. SPRING CLEANUP – Mark your calendars! March 8th through the 16th Bexar Waste will again provide us with dumpsters at City Hall and at the Retama end of Bluffside in Selma Park Estates. We will have household hazardous waste collection on Saturday March 8 and again on Saturday March 15th in the parking lot behind City Hall. This special service will begin at 8:00 and end at 5:00 P.M. both Saturdays. CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840. Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood. ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. SOLID WASTE REMINDER – We have experienced some issues lately of residents putting hazardous household waste in their garbage cans for pick-up by the solid waste contractor. This is not only poor form but it is against a State Law! Please save your used motor oil, paint, insecticides, spent batteries and the like for our twice yearly Household Hazardous Waste Disposal. Recap of the Regular City Council Meeting of February 14, 2008 Citizens to be Heard: There were none
Copies of all Ordinances are maintained from this link. Mayor’s Corner I would like to take a moment to update the citizens on several matters. Certificate of Obligations
Items 2 thru 5 were identified as immediate needs in the utility section of our recent master plan update. Items 2 thru 5 listed above will be repaid out of the utility fund and will not impact your city property taxes. Other Major Projects
All of these “Other Major Projects” are projects identified in the recent master plan update and all of these projects will be paid by sales tax and other non property tax revenues. Stage Coach Project This project will be administered by TXDOT. Once this project is completed the city will have 12 acres of developed park land on the IH 35 access road. Other Items As you can see, it will be a busy construction year for the city. Every effort will be made to minimize the impact to our citizens as the work progresses. Thank you for your continued support. Your comments are always welcome. Jim Parma TxDOT Construction – The project to build a new northbound entrance ramp to IH 35 near Rudy’s and the new Yamaha Store is scheduled to be completed this month. The project to replace the expansion joints on the IH35 Bridge has been cancelled for the immediate future. When TxDOT re-bids the project we will keep you informed of the new dates of lane closure.
During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood. ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. SOLID WASTE REMINDER – We have experienced some issues lately of residents putting hazardous household waste in their garbage cans for pick-up by the solid waste contractor. This is not only poor form but it is against a State Law! Please save your used motor oil, paint, insecticides, spent batteries and the like for our twice yearly Household Hazardous Waste Disposal. Recap of the Regular City Council Meeting of January 10, 2008 Citizens to be Heard: There were none.
Copies of Ordinances are maintained on the City Website City Hall Closure: Martin Luther King Day |
Website designed by Belinne
Studios for KSB & sons © copyright 2006-2008 Last updated: September 18, 2009 |