The City of Selma Official Newsletter

February 2006 Newsletter

Selma Stage Coach Stop

More “News” from the folks at TxDOT and the protracted story of the Selma Stage Stop. On the 20th of December the City received and paid for another environmental study ($6,650.00) and a traffic impact study ($5,000.00) for an additional $11,650.00 towards that elusive State Grant that has yet to be received. If you recall, we have been saying for some time now that there “has been NO DECISION made on what is to finally be done with the Harrison/Friesenhahn House”. We are waiting on the results of the Master Plan Update for the contractor to recommend the best use for this and all other City owned property. We have maintained all along that there will be public hearings to give everyone a chance to comment on the recommendations. Well obviously that was not good enough for a San Antonio resident, who took it upon herself to nominate the Harrison/Friesenhahn House to the National Register of Historic Places. The City’s Historical Commission was not consulted. The City Council was not asked. The nomination form showed up here at City Hall , on December 22nd asking if the City wanted to object to the nomination. More on this and other City matters in the re-cap of City Council Actions section of this newsletter.

Live Oak Hills

Construction continues on the water and sewer mains along Weiderstein Road . In the near future, there will be a total resurface and widening of that road. These improvements are funded by the developer.

Brightleaf Reconstruction

The contractor has begun to widen and resurface Brightleaf from the “Jug Handle” to the gate at Retama Ridge. In addition, continued improvements to drainage ditches and the installation of a sewer main down Brightleaf will contribute to the long over due reconstruction in Selma Park Estates.

Grants Received

AACOG awarded the City an additional $5,000 grant. This is to cover the City’s grant “match” that brought us the brush chipper. Selma is the proud owner of a $20,000 piece of equipment that did not cost the taxpayer anything. AAGOG had previously granted us $15,000 toward the purchase price. Texas Department of Transportation has given Selma a $15,000 grant to purchase new software for our Municipal Court.

Property Tax Statements have been sent out by various taxing authorities and City Property Taxes are billed and collected by Guadalupe County . No matter what county you live in inside the Selma City Limits, Guadalupe County bills for your City Property taxes. Residents living in the Bexar County portion of the City will receive three tax statements, one from Bexar County, another from Guadalupe County (current City Property Tax) and Judson ISD.

****City Hall Closures****

All day on the 20th of February

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Service Reminders

Water usage from the 15th of November through February 15 will be used to establish sewer rates for the coming year.

Chipper Service is provided to residents on the first Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call Bill Monk @ 651-6661, ext 235.

Recap of Council Actions from the Special Meeting of January 5th

Six engineering firms gave presentations as to why they should be Selma ’s Consulting Engineer. KSA Engineers (the same firm that is updating our Master Plan) was selected, contingent upon the City Administrator being able to negotiate a contract and price for the service. Sun Belt Engineers will continue until all their current projects are completed. The City thanks Mr. Don Frazor and Sun Belt for all their hard work and dedication to this City over the last eighteen years.

Recap of Council Actions from the January 12th meeting

Approved the Minutes of the December 8, 2005 Regular City Council Meeting.
Approved the Minutes of the January 6, 2006 Special City Council Meeting.
Received a presentation from Mr. Ausba F. Pinkham, bda AE&C Mowing, on the previous award of the City mowing contract to CESA Mowing.
Awarded the City mowing contract to CESA Mowing and authorized the Mayor to sign the contract.
Appointed Ms. Becky Del Toro as Assistant City Secretary.
Appointed Mrs. Wilma Heberling to the Selma Historical Commission.
Appointed Mrs. Wilma Heberling to the office of Secretary, Selma Historical Commission.
Received an update from KSA Engineering on the status of the update to the Selma Master Plan.
Approved an Interlocal Agreement with Bexar County to appoint Dr. Fernando Guerra the Health Authority for the City of Selma .
Passed Resolution Number 011206, endorsing participation in the Partnership for Regional Water Development.
Approved the 2005 Certified Tax Roll.
Signed the 2006 General Election Services Contract with Guadalupe County .
Authorized the Mayor to sign a contract between the City and KSA Engineering to supply consulting engineering services to Selma .
Passed Resolution Number 011206-02 to register a formal objection to the nomination of the Friesenhahn/Harrison House to the National Register of Historic Places.

Next Council Meeting: February 9, 2006 at 6:30 P.M.

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