The City of Selma Official Newsletter


March 2006 Newsletter

Selma Stage Coach Stop

Council was presented and approved the “100% design review” for the construction of the Visitor’s Center and landscaping. Why is this significant? Even though TxDOT has yet to respond to our previous two submissions at the 30% and 60% design reviews, we are inching ever closer to that May 2006 contract bid date for the project.

Harrison/Friesenhahn House

There has been much in the press lately about this piece of City property. The nomination of the property to the National Registry of Historic Places has been accomplished by the Texas Historical Commission over the objection of the City Council. The next step in that process takes the nomination to the National Parks Service for final inclusion in the Registry. We will keep you informed.

Construction in Selma Park Estates

The City has not made the progress that we wished to on either the reconstruction of Brightleaf or the drainage improvements in this subdivision. Our latest challenge is with AT&T to relocate their phone lines and with CPS to relocate their power poles. In addition, at the Council Meeting of February 9th, a few residents of Selma Park Estates voiced their concerns on the safety and esthetics of the drainage ditches along the side of the roads. In as much as the City has hired a new consulting engineer firm, we have stopped all work on the project. Until the Council and the residents are informed of the recommendations of the new engineer we will hold off on any further work.

Live Oak Hills

Developer born costs for the improvements in water lines, sewer lines and eventual resurfacing and widening of Weiderstein continue.

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City Hall Phones

Over this last weekend a new telephone system was activated in the Municipal Complex. Thank you for your patience while we are all learning how to use the new system! We now have added capacity for incoming calls that should prevent you form ever getting a busy signal or having your call “dropped” when you call here for service. A complete list of the new extensions numbers are provided as an enclosure to the newsletter.

Service Reminders

Chipper Service is provided to residents on the first Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call Bill Monk @ 651-6661, ext 235.

Recap of Council Actions from the February meeting

Approved the Minutes of the January12, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting.
Received a Quarterly Operational Update from Mr. Bryan Brown of the Retama Development Corporation.
Took no action on an invitation from the City of Universal City to join them in the construction of a regional animal control facility.
Passed and presented Resolution in recognition of Mr. Terry Taubert being the winner of Time-Warner’s Hometown Hero competition for Selma .
Accepted the 2005 Annual Financial Audit from Armstrong-Vaughn CPA.
Discussed the nomination of the Harrison/Friesenhahn House to the National Registry of Historic Places.
Approved the 100% design phase of the Selma Stage Coach Stop and endorsed that document to TxDOT via the Mayor’s signature.
Ordered the General Election for May 13, 2006 for the office of Mayor and three Council Members.
Discussed the possibility of a rate increase in water and sewer rates for the City. Deferred the action until the entire fee schedule is reviewed as part of the update to the City’s Master Plan.
Designated the City Administrator as the individual primarily responsible for public information coordinator under the requirements of Chapter 552 of the Government Code.
Passed Ordinance Number 020906 that defines masonry as brick or stone only for new home construction.
Approved the Final Plat of Retama Springs Infrastructure, Phase 1.
Approved the Preliminary Plat of Retama Springs Subdivision, Unit 3A.
Passed the Final Plat of Retama Springs Subdivision, Unit 4.
Passed the Preliminary Plat of Kensington Ranch Subdivision, Unit 1.

Next Council Meeting: March 9, 2006 at 6:30 P.M.

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