To all our Residents,
Well happy 2011! Along with the City Staff I hope you all survived the hectic holidays and enjoyed all your families at this time of year. As I drove around I was very pleased to see so many beautiful houses decorated at this time of year. It made our city look great. I also wanted to give recognition to our fine Fire Department. Santa was visited by many and brought many smiles to all the little ones.
While you were sleeping and nestled in your beds, our City Staff at City Hall were busy as mice. We are proud to announce the signing of a Cheddars Fine Dining to be built next to Hooters on IH 35 access, only the second one to be built in the San Antonio area. It will add to the many businesses already enhancing our City. I want to personally thank all involved and I know Selma will benefit from this for years to come.
Mayor Tom Daly
Happy Holidays to All!
It is at this time of year that we all take a look back at what has happened and to the New Year ahead. I was blessed 6 months ago in becoming the mayor of this great city. The blessing that I have received is that I have met and made so many new friends. Friends that have helped me in getting accustomed to my new position and will continue in supporting the efforts for this city to move ahead in the years to come.
I want to take this opportunity along with my wife, Yvonne, and my children, Katie and TJ to wish every one of you a very Merry Christmas. We all hope the New Year brings continued happiness for all our new friends and all the fine residents of Selma.
Mayor Tom Daly
To all our Residents,
Our first “Movie in the Park” was a huge success. We had a late kickoff, but over 200 residents wrapped themselves up in blankets and enjoyed the evening. Many thanks to my lovely wife Yvonne and her helpers Robin Campo and Linda Aguilar, who face painted for over three hours. Thanks to our Historical Commission for taking the time to teach our residents some of the important history of our great city. A big thank you also to our Fire Department for coming down and taking time out for all.
Halloween night saw our neighborhoods filled with many excited trick or treaters. I was out with my family and was happy to see our Police Department handing out glow sticks to help keep our children safe while running about. Good idea and thanks for caring.
Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. Enjoy loved ones and stay safe.
Mayor Tom Daly
Dear Residents,
What a turn out for National Night Out! It was just great. A special thanks to Sgt. Jerry Grubbs for driving me around to see you all and to Captain Albert Zuniga for coordinating all the neighborhood activities. We had 10 separate neighborhoods get together. I ’m sorry for any residents that I may have missed.
A big “thank you” to all our firefighters and policemen that showed up at these parties to represent our fine City. Let us not forget the individuals that organized all these events in the neighborhood. You all did a great job and I enjoyed my time with each of you.
Please mark your calendars for Movie in the Park on October 29th at 7:00 P.M. at the Selma Stage Coach Stop Park. Bring the whole family to see “Monsters vs. Aliens”. There will be free popcorn, drinks, face painting and lots more. It should be a great night for all. Hope to see you there!
Mayor Tom Daly
Dear Residents,
The summer has flown by! Everyone is busy getting children back to school and recovering from long vacations. While you drive through our City, hopefully you have seen the drainage improvement projects in Forest Creek and Selma Park Estates. Our four-way stop at Lookout and Evans should be completed in September. Watch for other infrastructure improvement projects as we finish this fiscal year and begin 2011.
On behalf of the Staff and myself, we want to thank everyone that attended “Meet the Mayor”. We look forward to working with our fellow citizens, knowing that together, our ideas can bring positive results to enhance the future of our fine City.
Mayor Tom Daly
On August 18th, we had our first “Meet The Mayor” night and by all reports, it was a success! Next month’s newsletter will go over events that were discussed and will give a better “heads up” for the date of our next meeting. All neighborhoods have representatives that have volunteered their time in an effort to keep you informed on activities throughout Selma (their names are displayed below). I want to thank all who has participated. Our City of Selma can always move forward with positive communication between its residents and shared knowledge of what is being done for our future. I know the summer is coming to an end and school will be starting shortly. Take a breath and please be careful everyone.
Mayor Tom Daly
To all my neighbors,
I’ve been in office for over a month and I hope that many of you have seen progress in the aesthetics throughout the City. Our men have done a great job in cutting the grass, landscaping, wood chipping and filling pot holes. Working shorthanded they have cleaned up the entrance into Mount Crest from Lookout Road and moved the one-way barricade back behind the OLPH Cemetery (enabling much needed parking in front) on Old Austin Road.
I have been recruiting residents from all our subdivisions and next month I will have a list of representatives who are eager to institute ideas to enhance Selma. This will be done with a “Meet the Mayor” night starting in August. Once again I would like to thank you for all your positive attitude and support as I get myself established in my new position. Hope you all had a Happy 4th of July.
Mayor Tom Daly
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the residents of Selma for your time and consideration during my campaign for Mayor. Everyone greeted me with a big smile and a friendly handshake. There wasn’t a day that went by that I felt unwelcome. I would like to assure each and every one of you that I cherish the chance to lead our fine city into the future. It is an honor to be able to work for you, for our community. I look forward to working with our experienced City Administrator (Ken Roberts), our City Council and our staff at city hall to bring positive moves to Selma. I invite you to help make this city what you’d like it to be by attending our city council meetings that are held every second Thursday. Your thoughts and concerns need to be heard for Selma to be the best it can be.
Thank you again,
Mayor Tom Daly