9375 Corporate Dr., Selma, TX 78154-1250

City Council
Elected by Citizens of Selma, Texas



City Council

Council Meeting Minutes
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Phill Swinney

Melba Gregory

Ken Harris
Bill Weeper
Bill Weeper
Charles Eads
Charlie Eads

Minutes of Past Meetings: Council Meeting Minutes (External website)

City Council Meets Every 2nd Thursday of The Month Unless Changed During The Previous Meeting




DECEMBER 8, 2011

The Selma City Council will hold a City Council Meeting at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday, December 8, 2011 in the Selma City Hall, 9375 Corporate Drive, Selma, Texas 78154. The Order of Business will be as follows:

Call to Order
Roll Call
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

Presentation of Five Year Service Plaque Mary Lou Garcia

Presentation of Holiday Music by the OLPH Children’s Choir

Citizens to be Heard – (This time is provided for Citizens to address the City Council on issues and concerns. Please limit your time to a period of three (3) minutes. Comments shall be informative only. No Council action can or will be taken at this time. We request that you approach the microphone and state your name for the record).

1. Discussion/Possible Action on the Minutes of the November 10, 2011Selma Regular City Council Meeting.

2. Discussion/Possible Action on Ordinance Number 120811-01, An Ordinance repealing Ordinance Number 101311 in regard to taxation of goods in transit.

3. Public Hearing/Discussion/Possible Action on Ordinance Number 120811-02, Amending Chapter 54 and Adopting Section 54-33 of the Code of Ordinances to tax tangible personal property in transit which would otherwise be exempt pursuant to the Texas Tax Code Section 11.253.

4. Public Hearing/Discussion/Possible Action on a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission on an application for a zoning change applicable to that portion located in the City of Selma of +/- 93.219 acres of land bounded on the southwest by Selma Industrial Park and FM 1518; on the northwest by Live Oak Hills Subdivision, Selma, Texas; on the southeast by The Trails of Kensington Ranch Subdivision, Selma, Texas, and the City of Schertz; and on the northeast by the City of Schertz, and having the legal description of 93.219 acres of land partially in the City of Selma and partially in the City of Schertz, Guadalupe County, Texas, out of the Toribio Herrera Survey Number 68, Abstract Number 153, Guadalupe County, Texas, being the remainder of a 20.00 acre tract (designated as Tract 1), the remainder of a 9.00 acre tract (designated as Tract 2) both described by Deed recorded in Volume 689, Page 638, Official Records of Guadalupe County, Texas; the remainder of a 30.00 acre tract described by Deed recorded in Volume 692, Page 595, Official Records of Guadalupe County, Texas; the remainder of a 26.460 acre tract described by Deed recorded in Volume 883, Page 266, Official Records of Guadalupe County, Texas; and the remainder of a 28.00 acre tract described by Deed in Volume 1474, Page 62, Official Public Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. The applicant requests re-zoning this property from being C-2 (Commercial), LI (Light Industrial), and A-R (Agricultural-Ranch) Districts to R-1 Residential and Ordinance Number 120811-03, An Ordinance Amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Selma, Texas, to change the zoning of that portion located in the City of Selma, Texas of 93.219 acres of land bounded on the southwest by Selma Industrial Park and FM 1518, on the northwest by Live Oak Hills Subdivision, on the southeast by The Trails of Kensington Ranch Subdivision and the City of Schertz, and on the northeast by the City of Schertz from C-2, LI and A-R to R-1.

5. Public Hearing/Discussion/Possible Action on a request for variance from the minimum lot area for a property with R-1 Zoning as set forth in the Selma Code of Ordinances, Section 82-223(1). The current requirement for a minimum lot area is 5,600 square feet for internal lots and 6,000 square feet for corner lots. The applicant requests a minimum lot area of 4,000 square feet on that portion located in the City of Selma of 93.219 acres of land bounded on the southwest by Selma Industrial Park and FM 1518, on the northwest by Live Oak Hills Subdivision, on the southeast by the Trails at Kensington Ranch Subdivision and the City of Schertz, and on the northeast by the City of Schertz.

6. Public Hearing/Discussion/Possible Action on a request for variance from the minimum lot frontage with R-1 Zoning as set forth in the Selma Code of Ordinances, Section 82-223(2). The applicant requests a variance from the minimum lot frontage from the current 70 feet to 40 feet on that portion located in the City of Selma of 93.219 acres of land bounded on the southwest by Selma Industrial Park and FM 1518, on the northwest by Live Oak Hills Subdivision, on the southeast by The Trails at Kensington Ranch Subdivision and the City of Schertz, and on the northeast by the City of Schertz.

7. Public Hearing/Discussion/Possible Action on a request for variance from minimum lot depth front setback in R-1 Zoning as set forth in the Selma Code of Ordinances, Section 82-223(4). The applicant requests a minimum front setback of 20 feet from the current required 25 feet on that portion located in the City of Selma of 93.219 acres of land bounded on the southwest by Selma Industrial Park and FM 1518, on the northwest by Live Oak Hills Subdivision, on the southeast by The Trails at Kensington Ranch Subdivision and the City of Schertz, and on the northeast by the City of Schertz.

8. Public Hearing/Discussion/Possible Action on a request for variance from the minimum depth of rear setback for a property with R-1 Zoning as set forth in the Selma Code of Ordinances, Section 82-223(5). The applicant requests a minimum rear setback of 20 feet from the current requirement of 20 percent of the lot depth on that portion located in the City of Selma of 93.219 acres of land bounded on the southwest by Selma Industrial Park and FM 1518, on the northwest by Live Oak Hills Subdivision, on the southeast by The Trails at Kensington Ranch Subdivision and the City of Schertz, and on the northeast by the City of Schertz.

9. Public Hearing/Discussion/Possible Action on a request for variance from the minimum width of side setback for a property with R-1 Zoning as set forth in the Selma Code of Ordinances, Section 82-223(6)(a) and Section 82-223(6)(b). The applicant requests a side setback of 5 feet for internal lots and for corner lots on the part adjacent to an internal lot on that portion located in the City of Selma of 93.219 acres of land bounded on the southwest by Selma Industrial Park and FM 1518, on the northwest by Live Oak Hills Subdivision, on the southeast by The Trails at Kensington Ranch Subdivision and the City of Schertz, and on the northeast by the City of Schertz. The current requirement is the lesser of 10 percent of the lot width or 7.5 feet for internal lots and 15 feet for corner lots.

10. Public Hearing/Discussion/Possible Action on a request for variance from the 75 % masonry requirement for a property with R-1 Zoning as set forth in the Selma Code of Ordinances, Section 82-223(10). The applicant requests that masonry be required only on (i) the front of a one story dwelling on an internal lot, (ii) the front of the lower floor of a two story dwelling on an internal lot, (iii) the front and any side adjacent to a street right of way of a one story dwelling on a corner lot, and (iv) the front of the lower floor and any side of the lower floor adjacent to a street right of way of a two story dwelling on a corner lot, all on that portion located in the City of Selma of 93.219 acres of land bounded on the southwest by Selma Industrial Park and FM 1518, on the northwest by Live Oak Hills Subdivision, on the southeast by The Trails at Kensington Ranch Subdivision and the City of Schertz, and on the northeast by the City of Schertz.

11. Discussion/Possible Action on a User Subscription Agreement between the City of Selma and Extinguish Incorporated to provide an electronic means of storing all building data for the use by the Fire Department.

12. Discussion/Possible Action on the Third Quarter 2011 Selma Investment Policy Report.

Public Meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. To arrange for accommodation, please call (210) 651-6661 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the Meeting. This Notice of Meeting was posted for public viewing on the bulletin board outside City Hall on Monday December 5, 2011 at 1:00 P.M.

Ken Roberts, CPM
City Administrator/City Secretary

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NOVEMBER 10, 2011

The Selma City Council will hold a City Council Meeting at 6:30 P.M. on Thursday, November 10, 2011 in the Selma City Hall, 9375 Corporate Drive, Selma, Texas 78154. The Order of Business will be as follows:

Call to Order
Roll Call
Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

Presentation of a Ten Year Service Plaque to Captain Troncoso and Five Year Service Plaques to Lt. Bryan John and Mr. Robert Klaerner

Citizens to be Heard – (This time is provided for Citizens to address the City Council on issues and concerns. Please limit your time to a period of three (3) minutes. Comments shall be informative only. No Council action can or will be taken at this time. We request that you approach the microphone and state your name for the record).

1. Discussion/Possible Action on the Minutes of the October 13, 2011 Selma Regular City Council Meeting.

2. Discussion/Possible Action on the award of a contract to Raba-Kistner Engineers for the archeological study on the grounds surrounding the Harrison House.

3. Discussion/Possible Action on Resolution Number 111011 and ballot for the Election of Bexar Appraisal District Board of Directors for 2012-2013.

4. Discussion/Possible Action on a Memorandum of Understanding between the San Antonio River Authority and the City of Selma concerning floodplain management and related matters.

5. Discussion/Possible Action on Second Quarter 2011 Investment Policy Report.

Public Meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. To arrange for accommodation, please call (210) 651-6661 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the Meeting. This Notice of Meeting was posted for public viewing on the bulletin board outside City Hall on Monday, November 7, 2011 at 1:00 P.M.

Ken Roberts, CPM
City Administrator/City Secretary

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Last updated: December 5, 2011