
2006 Apr | May| Jun | Jul | Aug | Oct | Nov | Dec |

The City of Selma Official Newsletter

December 2006 Newsletter

Contact Changes:

Fire Chief, Ric Braun 210-651-7831
Assistant City Administrator, Scott Lee 210-651-7830

Water Restrictions are still in effect. See restrictions.

Service Reminders:

City Hall Closure: on the 22nd & 25th for the Christmas Holiday. See the Calendar

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840.

SMOKE DETECTORS – Beginning January, the Selma Fire Department will provide and install two smoke detectors in any home within the City that does not have them. With the recent spate of injuries and deaths of residents in neighboring communities, it is the intent of the City of Selma that no resident should be without this measure of protection. If you own a home in Selma and wish to take advantage of this offer, please stop by City Hall in January and fill out a short form and release of liability and your Fire Department will come to your home and install two smoke detectors at no cost to you. Please let us help you to make your home a safer place.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch Week Four

Next Regular City Council Meeting: January 11th at 6:30pm

Recap of Council Actions from the Public Hearing and Regular Council Meeting of December 14, 2006.

Citizens to be Heard: Mrs. Wilma Heberling thanked the Council for the repaving job on Brightleaf in Selma Park Estates. She asked why the reported costs of repaving of Kitty Hawk Rd. in Universal City was cheaper, by comparison, to the estimated costs for the streets and drainage projects proposed for Selma Park Estates. Mayor Parma offered that the Kitty Hawk project was being done by TxDOT and the costs were lower by virtue of the State being the contracting agent.

Mr. David Cooney thanked the Council for their response to the petition to install speed humps and stop signs in Olympia Hills.

Mr. Al Gorge thanked Council for the Brightleaf repaving and asked if Yellowbark Rd. could be paved in the very near future.

  • Approved the Minutes of the November 9, 2006 Public Hearing and Council Meeting.
  • Approved the Minutes of the November 15, 2006 Special Council Meeting.
  • Adopted the Certified Property Tax Roll for 2006.
  • Accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning & Zoning Commission to approve the Final Plat of the West Forum Parkway/Old Austin Road Subdivision.
  • Passed a Resolution on the Tax Abatement Agreement with Costco Wholesale Corporation.
  • Passed a Resolution on the Economic Development Incentive Agreement for sales tax rebate with Costco Wholesale Corporation.
  • Passed an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Live Oak concerning the boundary/extra-territorial jurisdictional issues in the area of Selma Park Estates and Points Northeast Subdivision.
  • Passed Ordinance Number 121406-1, An Ordinance declaring a 23.716 acre parcel of land adjacent to the City of Selma to which the City has provided municipal services, including fire and police protection, and which the City of Selma has otherwise treated as part of the City during the preceding 20 years.
  • Authorized a budget amendment of $59,500 to the purchase price of a new Rescue Truck for the Fire Department.


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November 2006 Newsletter

Special Bond Election Results

Official Results of the SPECIAL BOND ELECTION held on November 7, 2006 the purpose of the bond election was to authorize “The issuance of $8,000,000 of general obligation bonds to construct street improvements and drainage improvements incident thereto”. These improvements would have been within the Selma Park Estates Subdivision.

178 votes “For”
309 votes “Against”


Stage One Water Restrictions Continue - These restrictions are as follows:

1. Water waste is prohibited to include, allowing water to run off on to a gutter, ditch, or failing to repair a controllable leak.
2. Residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural Edwards Aquifer water users should reduce water consumption by any mean available.
3. Restaurants serve water only on request.
4. Swimming pools must have a minimum of 25% of the surface area covered by evaporation prevention screens when not in use.
5. Watering with an irrigation system or sprinkler, permitted only once a week on the designated day during the hours of 12:00am to 10:00am and from 8:00pm until 12:00am.

Last Digit of Address – Watering Day

0 or 1 - Monday
2 or 3 - Tuesday
4 or 5 - Wednesday
6 or 7 - Thursday
8 or 9 - Friday

6. Watering with hand-held hose or drip irrigation permitted any day.
7. Washing impervious cover such as parking lots, driveways, streets or sidewalks is prohibited.
8. Non-commercial washing of vehicles or mobile equipment (e.g. washing vehicles at residences) is permitted only on assigned residential landscaping sprinkling/watering times with a hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle or bucket of 5 gallons or less.
9. The use of a commercial vehicle wash facilities is permitted any day.
10. Aesthetic fountains, waterfalls, etc. are prohibited

Service Reminders:

City Hall Closure: on the 23rd & 24th for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Chipper Service is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840.

Court Clerk Hours: Beginning on December 1, 2006 Selma Municipal Court Clerks will no longer be in the office until 7:00 P.M. on the day prior to Court. There has not been a sufficient customer base to continue this service. Municipal Court Clerks will be available 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. on any business day.

New Street Sweeper

The City has purchased a new street sweeper. The following is a schedule of when you can expect to see the streets swept in your subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates and Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge and Retama Springs – Week Three
Live oak Hills and Kennsington Ranch – Week Four

Fall Cleanup

Bexar Waste, once again, provided the residents of Selma with a great Fall Cleanup Services. Thanks to all the men and women of Bexar Waste for a job well done!

Next Regular City Council Meeting: December 14th at 6:30 P.M.

Recap of Council Actions from the Public Hearing and Regular Council Meeting of November 9, 2006.

The Mayor Council and all citizens in attendance were treated to a concert by the choir and strings of OLPH School in honor of Veteran’s Day.

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

Public Hearing: No individual offered testimony during the Public Hearing.

Approved the Minutes of the October 12, 2006 Council Meeting.

  • Received an informational presentation from Members of the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City School Board on the finances and projected number of students for the District.
  • Passed and approved the Selma Investment Policy Report for the Third Quarter of 2006.
  • Passed Ordinance Number 110906-02, An Ordinance designating a 16.50 acre area within the City of Selma, Texas as Tax Rebate Reinvestment Zone Number 1.
  • Passed Ordinance Number 110906-03, An Ordinance amending Section 58-51 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Selma to add various intersections to the list of streets with stop signs.
  • Passed Ordinance Number 110906-04, An Ordinance amending Section 58-71 of the Code of Ordinances to include the IH-35 Northbound Frontage Road at the Forum Parkway as a street with a Yield Sign.
  • Passed Ordinance Number 110906-05, An Ordinance adopting Division 6 of article II of Chapter 58 of the Code to prohibit u-turns on certain streets and setting a penalty for making a u-turn on a street where u-turns are prohibited.
  • Passed Ordinance Number 110906-06, An Ordinance amending Section 58-91 of the Code to set a speed limit on various streets throughout the City.
  • Approved a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission on a request for variance from Mr. Efren Beltran on his home to be constructed at 8003 Clearwater.
  • Approved a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission of the final plat establishing the Lookout Road Subdivision.
  • Approved a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve the final plat of Olympia Market Place, Unit 2.
  • Authorized the City Administrator to sign the negotiated settlement agreement with former police officer Jacob Villarreal.

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October 2006 Newsletter

Special Bond Election

November 7, 2006 the purpose of the bond election is for “The issuance of $8,000,000 of general obligation bonds to construct street improvements and drainage improvements incident thereto”. These improvements will be within the Selma Park Estates Subdivision.

Election Day November 7th – Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. till 7:00p.m.

DUE TO A RECENT CHANGE IN ELECTION LAW THERE WILL BE NO VOTING IN THE CITY OF SELMA ON ELECTION DAY. If you live in Bexar County you will vote at the Olympia Elementary School, 8439 Athenian Drive in Universal City. If you live in Guadalupe County you will vote at the Schertz Baptist Church, 600 Aero Avenue in Schertz and if you live in Comal County you will vote at the Jay Feibelman Community Center 21340 FM 3009 in Garden Ridge.

The schedule for early voting at City Hall is as follows:

October 23, 24, 26 & 27 – 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.
October 25th – 8:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m.
October 30, 31 and November 2 and 3 – 8:00 a.m. till 5:00 p.m.
November 1st – 8:00 a.m. till 8:00 p.m.

Stage One Water Restrictions Continue. Read More.

Service Reminders:

City Hall Closure: November 10th City Hall will close in observance of Veteran’s Day, and on the 23rd & 24th for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

Chipper Service is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month.
To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840.

Fall Cleanup

Bexar Waste will once again be providing Selma Residents with Fall Cleanup Services, beginning on the 4th of November and continuing through the 12th.Household hazardous waste will be accepted in the parking lot behind City Hall from 9:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. on November 4th. Dumpsters will be located in the parking lot behind City Hall for the entire 9 day period. In addition there will be a dumpster at the end of Chippewa Boulevard in Selma Park Estates.

Next Regular City Council Meeting: November 9th at 6:30 P.M.

Recap of the Municipal Development Board (MDD) Meeting
October 12th

Citizens to be Heard – There were none.

Passed the Minutes of the MDD Meeting of September 14th.

Passed a Resolution to adopt the 2006-2007 Budget for the Selma Municipal Development District.

Recap of Council Actions from the Regular Council Meeting of October 12, 2006
  • Mrs. Eleanor Stone asked if Selma could get a Post Office, a Selma specific zip code and have VIA bus service returned to the City. Mayor Parma explained that previous discussions with Congressman Smith were not promising as to a Post Office for Selma. Further, that a zip code specific to Selma would be adjunct to a Selma Post Office. As for the bus service, the Mayor explained that the citizens voted out of VIA over two years ago and until such time as the citizens petition to have that put back on the ballot there will be no bus service in Selma.
  • Mr. Ed Lyman, Superintendent of the Judson ISD gave a brief presentation on the upcoming Bond Election for the District. He stated that the bond has four propositions. They deal with three new elementary schools, one new high school, renovation of existing facilities and an early college partnership that would allow children to graduate from high school and obtain an associates degree during the same period. Mr. Faison encouraged all citizens to get out to vote in the November election.
  • Mr. Wayne Faison asked Council to consider an Ordinance to prevent residents from parking their vehicles in such a manner that they block access to sidewalks. Mr. Faison stated that in Forest Creek Subdivision this is creating a dangerous situation for children, the handicapped and those on motorized wheelchairs from safe passage down the sidewalks. Parked vehicles force these citizens into the public streets.
  • Approved the Minutes of the September 14, 2006 Council Meeting.
  • Appointed Ms. Karen Belinne to the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission with a term to expire in June of 2007.
  • Took no action on an Ordinance designating a 16.50 acre area within the City of Selma, Texas as Tax Abatement Reinvestment Zone Number 1.
  • Passed Ordinance Number 101206-02, An Ordinance designating a 16.50 acre area within the City of Selma, Texas as Tax Rebate Reinvestment Zone Number 1.
  • Passed a Resolution recommending that the Selma Volunteer Fire Department be dissolved.
  • Confirmed the appointment of Mr. Scott Lee as Assistant City Administrator.
  • Appointed Mr. Ric Braun as Fire Chief for the City of Selma effective 1 November 2006.
  • Took no action on the proposed settlement agreement on the termination of former Selma Police Officer Jacob Villarreal.

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August 2006 Newsletter

Mayor’s Corner

I want to take this opportunity to inform the citizens of the City of Selma of several items the staff and I have been working on that are now bearing fruit for the citizens of Selma.

Insurance Services Office rating
The Insurance Services Office rating classification for the city has been greatly reduced. Fire Chief Scott Lee has been the point man on this project and I congratulate him on the great news of the lowering of our fire protection rating from a 6/9, 6 (in the city limits) and 9 (outside the city limits), to a rating of 2. This change is effective on January 1, 2007. All citizens (residential and commercial) should contact their fire insurance carriers to be sure they reflect our change in rating. As Chief Lee said at the city council meeting, it was a cooperative effort between the fire department, public works, the city administration and consultants the city hired to assist in the reclassification effort. Again, congratulations to the city staff for all their efforts in this rating reclassification.

Entrance ramp for IH 35
I had previously reported to you that members of the city staff and I had several meetings with the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) and I wanted to give you some results of those meetings. To give you the background, meetings were held with the new TXDOT district engineer and his staff on June 30, 2004. Representing the city at that meeting were City Administrator Ken Roberts, Police Chief Hall, Fire Chief Lee, Mayor Pro-Tem Charles Eads and myself. At that meeting we discussed with TXDOT the need for an entrance ramp before the four way stops at Evans Road for northbound traffic and other issues relating to the IH 35 frontage road. At that June meeting, TXDOT agreed to perform a detailed traffic study (with city participation in the cost) and report back to the city. We had a follow-up meeting with TXDOT on October 29, 2004 to discuss the results of their traffic study.

I have been informed by David Casteel , San Antonio District Engineer for TXDOT that the entrance ramp project for northbound IH 35 before the Cibolo Creek bridge has been approved by TXDOT. This new entrance ramp would allow northbound traffic to enter the expressway without the need of going thru the two sets of all-way stop signs and then entering the expressway at the current northbound ramp by Gilman Honda. In addition, the study recommended a turn-in lane for Pasatiempo (the main entrance to the Forest Creek subdivision). The existing northbound ramp by Gilman Honda will not be impacted by this new entrance ramp before the Cibolo Creek. I have been informed by Mr. Casteel (head of the San Antonio TXDOT office) that the new ramp project has been approved at both the federal and state levels and is in final design stage. He further indicated that the project should be on the January 2007 contract letting. This is a TXDOT construction project that does not require any monetary contribution from the City of Selma for construction.

Thank you for your continued support. Your comments are always welcome.

Jim Parma
Mayor, City of Selma
Office phone 651-7804

Stage One Water Restrictions Continue - These restrictions are as follows:

1. Water waste is prohibited to include, allowing water to run off on to a gutter, ditch, or failing to repair a controllable leak.
2. Residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural Edwards Aquifer water users should reduce water consumption by any mean available.
3. Restaurants serve water only on request.
4. Swimming pools must have a minimum of 25% of the surface area covered by evaporation prevention screens when not in use.
5. Watering with an irrigation system or sprinkler, permitted only once a week on the designated day during the hours of 12:00am to 10:00am and from 8:00pm until 12:00am.

Last Digit of Address -- Watering Day

0 or 1 - Monday
2 or 3 - Tuesday
4 or 5 - Wednesday
6 or 7 - Thursday
8 or 9 - Friday

6. Watering with hand-held hose or drip irrigation permitted any day.
7. Washing impervious cover such as parking lots, driveways, streets or sidewalks is prohibited.
8. Non-commercial washing of vehicles or mobile equipment (e.g. washing vehicles at residences) is permitted only on assigned residential landscaping sprinkling/watering times with a hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle or bucket of 5 gallons or less.
9. The use of a commercial vehicle wash facilities is permitted any day.
10. Aesthetic fountains, waterfalls, etc. are prohibited.

Service Reminders:
City Hall Closure: September 4th City Hall will close in observance of Labor Day.

Chipper Service is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840.

Special Council Meeting/Budget Workshop: August 24th at 6:30 P.M.

Next Regular City Council Meeting: September 14th at 6:30 P.M.

Recap of Council Actions
Regular Council Meeting of August 10, 2006

Ms. Diane Lehman spoke to the decreased appraised values of her lots on Woodcliff ion Selma Park Estates. She stated that the concrete lined ditches in front of the lots were the reason for the devaluation. Ms. Lehman further asked that the ditches be filled immediately and that all property be restored to a pre-construction state.

San Antonio resident, Jean Heide again asked the City to fund the restoration the Harrison House. She went on to ask if money was the problem why was the City continuing to support the Retama Race Track? She stated that as a result of her investigation, that the track experienced a loss of $195 Million in 2005. The track has not had a final decree from its previous bankruptcy and that the Retama Development Corporation is a large liability to the City of Selma. Mayor Parma offered information to correct Ms. Heide’s misinformation. He informed Ms. Heide that the track, its operational loss and all liability are the responsibility of the bond holders. The City of Selma has no liability whatsoever in the Retama Race Track.

Mrs. John Heberling voiced concern over the accounting for the contract on the street and drainage improvements in Selma Park Estates. Specifically, how much has been spent, how many dollars remain in that contract? Mrs. Heberling then asked as to why the original estimates to correct the drainage problems that exist in Selma Park Estates have risen to $8 million from the previous estimate of $3 million. She then stated that the City of San Antonio was paving Broadway from Loop 410 to downtown without a bond issue and asked as to why Selma could not do the same. In conclusion, she pointed to the recent newspaper article that reported the current negotiations between Live Oak and Selma and the disputed boundary between the two cities and how that this issue raises her concerns as to the competency of the City.

Mr. David Cooney stated he supported the effort to improve the drainage and street projects in Selma Park Estates. Mr. Cooney said that he and his neighbors had already paid for streets and drainage improvements in their neighborhood by virtue of the price they paid for their homes. In Mr. Cooney’s opinion the proposed bond would result in a “double tax” to homeowners outside Selma Park Estates. He stated he opposes any funding mechanism that taxes all residents to benefit a few. He stated he would support a Public Improvement District that would assess costs directly to the home owner that benefits from the improvements.

Mr. Eloy Gomez to voice his concerns about the dust generated by the trucks that enter and exit the gravel pit off of East Evans Road. Mr. Gomez stated that from Monday through Saturday he and his neighbors have their property covered with dust and that the result is more than an annoyance. He stated that the dust is a health hazard. He cited the Satellite Riding Center as another effected area and the danger the dust causes to the patrons of this business.

  • Approved the Minutes of the July 11, 2006 Special Council Meeting and Public Hearing.
  • Approved the Minutes of the July 13, 2006 Regular City Council Meeting.
  • Passed Ordinance Number 08102006, an Interlocal agreement between the City, the San Antonio River Authority and the Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Selma. (Copy sent with newsletter.)
  • Passed Ordinance Number 08102006-A, that calls a bond election to ask if the City shall be authorized to issue and sell general obligation bonds in the amount of $8,000,000 for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, constructing streets and drainage in Selma Park Estates. Copy sent with newsletter).
  • Approved a variance for Earl & Associates on minimum lot size for a multi-family development off of Lookout Road.
  • Took no action on a request for variance from Mr. Jim Wilburn for his soon to be constructed Furniture King Store next to Rocky Hill Equipment Rental.
  • Accepted the recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to re-plat Lots 2, 3 and 5 to establish Lot 6 in the Olympia Hills Market (property next to Academy) to construct the Selma Costco Store.
  • Accepted the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve Special Use Permits to allow Costco to sell alcoholic beverages, tires, gasoline and groceries from their soon to be constructed facility.
  • Accepted the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to grant variances from certain setback requirements, provide 725 parking spaces and construct a metal building that will be covered entirely with brick and stone.
  • Accepted the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve the Final Plat of the Trails of Kensington Ranch and correct some minor administrative errors thereon.
  • Accepted a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve the Final Plat of the Retama springs Subdivision, Unit Three A.

Fire Protection Rating
Discussed the Insurance Service Office rating, Public Protection Classification Results for the City of Selma’s Fire Protection Rating that has been established as a “2” down from the previous rating of “6” within the City Limits and “9” outside the City. The significance of all this is that “1” is the best Fire Protection Rating in the State! Only 7/10 of one percent of all cities throughout the Nation enjoy such a rating. Residents of Selma should see a significant reduction in their Fire Insurance Premiums. A big vote of thanks goes out to Chief Scott Lee and his Department for this accomplishment.

Effective Property Tax Rate for 2007
Discussed the Effective Property Tax Rate for the City for next year. Your property taxes are going down again. Current rate is 31.9 cents per $100 of valuation. Your new tax rate will be 28 cents per $100. The lowest rate in the Randolph Metrocom area.

  • Took no action on a grievance by Patrolman Villarreal due to his not being present.

Top of page

July 2006 Newsletter

Stage One Water Restrictions - As you have heard on the local news, we are under Stage One measures of water use restrictions. These restrictions apply to all users in our City. Those restrictions are as follows:

1. Water waste is prohibited to include, allowing water to run off on to a gutter, ditch, or failing to repair a controllable leak.

2. Residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural Edwards Aquifer water users should reduce water consumption by any mean available.

3. Restaurants serve water only on request.

4. Swimming pools must have a minimum of 25% of the surface area covered by evaporation prevention screens when not in use.

5. Watering with an irrigation system or sprinkler, permitted only once a week on the designated day during the hours of 12:00am to 10:00am and from 8:00pm until 12:00am.

Last Digit of Address -- Watering Day

0 or 1 - Monday
2 or 3 - Tuesday
4 or 5 - Wednesday
6 or 7 - Thursday
8 or 9 - Friday

6. Watering with hand-held hose or drip irrigation permitted any day.

7. Washing impervious cover such as parking lots, driveways, streets or sidewalks is prohibited.

8. Non-commercial washing of vehicles or mobile equipment (e.g. washing vehicles at residences) is permitted only on assigned residential landscaping sprinkling/watering times with a hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle or bucket of 5 gallons or less.

9. The use of a commercial vehicle wash facilities is permitted any day.

10. Aesthetic fountains, waterfalls, etc. are prohibited.

Selma Stage Coach Stop – Progress continues on this long awaited project. We are remaining cautiously optimistic that the September 2006 date will hold for this contract to be placed for bid by TxDOT.

Harrison House – The City has been notified by the Texas Historical Commission that the Harrison House is now on the National Register of Historic Places. This places a greater degree of responsibility on our securing that area and the house. We have installed a new security fence and will look to all sources (both public and private) to maintain that piece of history.

Forest Creek Playground – Improvements continue in this area. The City has expanded on original donation from Continental Homes and we look forward to a convenient park for your subdivision, our visitors and rest of the citizens of Selma. The next addition will be parking spaces for folks that come to use the facility.

Service Reminders:

Chipper Service is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840.

Next Regular City Council Meeting: August 10th at 6:30pm

Recap of the Special Council Meeting
Public Hearing of July 11, 2006

Mr. Stephen Dorman, P.E. with the City’s Consulting Engineer with KSA Engineering, gave a report on what needs to be done to improve the drainage and street situation in Selma Park Estates. This subdivision is suffering from a woefully inadequate storm water runoff system and failing streets. The engineer working estimate is $8,000,000 to bring the neighborhood up to the standards that the rest of our subdivisions enjoy. Several citizens of Selma Park Estates attended and offered their thoughts, suggestions and criticism of the plan and the cost. The City is not in a position to fund this magnitude of a project within existing tax dollars. The Council voted to direct the City Administrator to begin the process to call a bond election in November to fund this project.

Recap of Council Actions from the
Regular Council Meeting of July 13, 2006

San Antonio resident, Jean Heide spoke to ask the City to increase the upcoming bond election by an additional $1,000,000 to restore, preserve and turn the Harrison House into a Community Center.

Mr. John Heberling gave a brief work history of himself and then went on to state his displeasure with the KSA presentation given by Mr. Dorman.

Ms. Diane Lehman spoke to her concern on the removal of the current drainage ditches throughout Selma Park Estates.

Approved the Minutes of the June 8, 2006 Regular Monthly Council Meeting.

  • Passed Ordinance Number 07132006, requiring the registration and permitting of fowl and livestock kept within the City Limits and limiting those same fowl and livestock to areas of not less than one acre in residential areas.
  • Passed Ordinance Number 071306 that prohibits modular homes in the R-1 (single family home) district within the City.
  • Approved a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to grant a variance for parking and number of parking spaces required under current Ordinances for the Retreat at Chelsea Park. This is the new apartment home community to be constructed by Koontz-McCombs adjacent to the Chelsea Park Subdivision.
  • Took no action on a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission on a request for variance from Mr. Jim Wilburn for his soon to be constructed Furniture King Store next to Rocky Hill Equipment Rental.
  • Accepted the recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to rezone 2.8 acres of land from Commercial to Multi-Family town homes. This property is located off of Lookout Road behind Retama Park.
  • Accepted the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve the Final Plat of the Trails of Kensington Ranch, Unit 1. This is the new Centex Subdivision off of FM 1518.
  • Accepted the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve the Final Plat of the Retama Springs Subdivision, Unit 3B. This is the Centex Subdivision on Lookout Road.
  • Accepted the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to rezone approximately sixty acres along Lookout Road from Commercial to Residential. This new subdivision of approximately 320 single family homes.
  • Accepted a recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission to rezone approximately twenty acres from Commercial to Multi-Family (town homes). This new subdivision will add approximately ninety “four-plex” town homes that will cater to the more mature adult.
  • Took no action on a recommendation from Planning and Zoning on a request for variance from the minimum lot size for the multi-family town homes in the item above. In as much as the Commission’s recommendation is in opposition to the City Staff recommendation. This will be an action item for the August Regular Council Meeting.
  • Denied an appeal from a Selma Police Officer for reinstatement after his separation from City Service.
  • Tabled a grievance at the request of the individual filing the grievance.

Top of page

June 2006 Newsletter

Stage One Water Restrictions
As you know, when the J-17 Well of the Edwards Aquifer hits 650 feet mean sea level, we all go under Stage One measures of water use restrictions. Those restrictions are as follows:

1. Water waste is prohibited to include, allowing water to run off on to a gutter, ditch, or failing to repair a controllable leak.

2. Residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural Edwards Aquifer water users should reduce water consumption by any mean available.

3. Restaurants serve water only on request.

4. Swimming pools must have a minimum of 25% of the surface area covered by evaporation prevention screens when not in use.

5. Watering with an irrigation system or sprinkler, permitted only once a week on the designated day during the hours of 12:00am to 10:00am and from 8:00pm until 12:00am.

Last Digit of Address -- Watering Day

0 or 1 - Monday
2 or 3 - Tuesday
4 or 5 - Wednesday
6 or 7 - Thursday
8 or 9 - Friday

6. Watering with hand-held hose or drip irrigation permitted any day.

7. Washing impervious cover such as parking lots, driveways, streets or sidewalks is prohibited.

8. Non-commercial washing of vehicles or mobile equipment (e.g. washing vehicles at residences) is permitted only on assigned residential landscaping sprinkling/watering times with a hose with an automatic shut-off nozzle or bucket of 5 gallons or less.

9. The use of a commercial vehicle wash facilities is permitted any day.

10. Aesthetic fountains, waterfalls, etc. are prohibited.

Selma Stage Coach Stop
Progress continues on this long awaited project. We are remaining cautiously optimistic that the September 2006 date will hold for this contract to be placed for bid by TxDOT.

Harrison House
We met with the Director and Deputy Director of the Texas Historical Commission to tour and develop a plan to obtain private restoration of the house. We will let you know more as the details develop.

Forest Creek Playground
The picnic table, waste receptacle and a fence to minimize the possibility of children getting out of the play area and into the street are all on order. These additions will be made in the coming months. Parking spaces are forthcoming.

Construction in Selma Park Estates

A Public Hearing and Special Council Meeting are scheduled for July 11th at 6:30 P.M. for the residents to discuss the recommendations from KSA Engineers. We will have the finalized costs and will identify funding options to meet this requirement.

Service Reminders:

Chipper Service is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840.

Next Regular City Council Meeting: July 13th at 6:30 P.M.

City Offices will be closed, Tuesday July 4th in observance of Independence Day.

Recap of Council Actions from the Regular Council Meeting of June 8, 2006

  • Mr. Jeff McWilliams spoke to his concerns on the possibility of increased traffic on Old Austin Road when the Fountains at the Forum are fully developed in Live Oak.
  • Mr. Jason Del Goto spoke in opposition to limiting parking on the streets of Forest Creek Subdivision.
  • Approved the Minutes of the May 11, 2006 Regular Monthly Council Meeting.
  • Accepted a recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission to approve the Preliminary Subdivision Plat of the Debco Industrial Subdivision, Unit 3. This is the property across from the Fire Station that is Texas Wire Manufacturing.
  • Accepted the recommendation from Planning and Zoning Commission on a request for Variance from the Selma Subdivision Ordinance for the Olympia Business Park, Unit Seven. This is the property across from City Hall.
  • Appointed Charles Eads as Mayor Pro Tem with a term of one year.
  • Reappointed the current Judge and Prosecutors of the Municipal Court with terms of two years.
  • Authorized $240,000 from prior year reserves to pay off the Series 1997 Water System Bonds in February 2007. This will save approximately $20,000 in interest by paying of the debt early.
  • Approved the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting of May 16, 2006.

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May 2006 Newsletter

Sausage Supper, Auction and Raffle

19th Annual Selma Volunteer Fire Department Sausage Supper, Auction & Raffle! When? May 20th at 4:00 P.M. at the Fire Dept. right behind City Hall. Auction begins at 6:00pm

Large Plates = $6.00
Small Plates = $5.00

Selma Stage Coach Stop

Contrary to what you all may have read or heard, the Stage Coach Project includes the restoration of the Stage Stop, a parking lot and a visitor’s center. There was a concept plan that showed a pavilion, basketball court, Frisbee golf course and several other additions. That was simply a concept! The only thing the City has committed to is the restoration, parking and a visitor center. Should additional money become available there may be additional facilities. We are cautiously optimistic that the September 2006 date will hold for this contract to be placed for bid by TxDOT.

Forest Creek Playground

Playground equipment has been installed. Following the Forest Creek Homeowner Association Meeting on May 2nd, residents requested additions to the area. Specifically, a picnic table and a fence to minimize the possibility of children getting out of the play area and into the street. These additions will be made in the coming months. Parking spaces are forthcoming.

Construction in Selma Park Estates

We are planning another Public Hearing in June for the residents to discuss the recommendations from KSA Engineers. We will have finalized costs for inverted crown roads with rolled curbs and storm sewers in some locations. Our intent is to finalize the solution and identify funding options to meet this requirement. The Public Hearing will be held several weeks after the June City Council Meeting. Please check next month’s newsletter for the date of this Public Hearing.

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Service Reminders - Chipper Service is provided to residents on the first Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840.

City Offices Closed Monday May 29th - In observance of Memorial Day

Animal Vaccinations/City Tags – 52 dogs and cats were vaccinated on the 8th of April and 26 residents bought new City Animal License and 26 renewed their existing license.

National Day of Prayer - May 4th , 12:00 Noon at the flag pole in front of City Hall.

Recap of Council Action from the Special Council Meeting and Public Hearing May 11, 2006

  • Ms. Burleson of Forest Creek asked that the City do more in the way of traffic studies prior to making any changes in parking within the subdivision.
  • Approved the Minutes of the April 13, 2006 regular Council Meeting.
  • Heard a presentation from Schertz Mayor Hal Baldwin and members of his staff, on the proposed drainage improvement plan for the West Dietz Creek watershed. This project would include drainage improvements behind the Bluebonnet Palace, relocate and de-annex a portion of Lookout Road and create Enterprise Drive on the Selma side of IH 35 that would align with the Schertz Parkway. No action was taken on this item. The staff members of Schertz and Selma will refine the details of the proposal and present the findings to Council at a later date.
  • Received the quarterly update on Retama Park Operations from Mr. Bob Pollock.
  • Renewed the contract with Phoenix Disaster Services through 2007.
  • Appointed Mr. Howard Wonch and Mr. Dyoil Richards to the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission with terms expiring in June 2008.
  • Accepted the Quarterly Review of the Selma Investment Accounts.
  • Adopted a revised schedule of fine and court costs for the Selma Municipal Court.
    Approved the 2006 Supplemental Budget(s) for the Fire, Police, Staff Engineering and Code Enforcement Divisions of the City Staff.
  • Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Historical Commission to join the Texas Yes Program and to designate 50% of the Selma Hotel/Motel Tax for historical preservation.
  • Took no action on a request for variance submitted by Mr. Jose Silva for his property at 7924 Deerfield Drive.

Next Council Meeting: June 8, 2006 at 6:30 P.M.

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April 2006 Newsletter

Sausage Supper, Auction and Raffle

19th Annual Selma Volunteer Fire Department Sausage Supper, Auction & Raffle! When? May 20th at 4:00 P.M. at the Fire Dept. right behind City Hall. Auction begins at 6:00pm

Large Plates = $6.00
Small Plates = $5.00

Selma Stage Coach Stop

We met with representatives from TxDOT, Federal Highway Commission and the Texas Historical Commission on April 10th. We are (getting) closer to letting the contract for the restoration of the Stage Stop and the construction of the Visitor’s Center. However, the target date for the contract is now September. We had worked very hard to get the contract out in May. Coordination of documents between two State agencies and one Federal agency have moved the date back yet once again.

Harrison/Friesenhahn House

The City has received no further information on the progress of nomination of the property to the National Registry of Historic Places. The action is with the National Parks Service for final inclusion in the Registry. We will keep you informed.

Construction in Selma Park Estates

Drainage and road construction remain in a stop work status. The Special Council Meeting and Public Hearing of April the 4th was well attended by residents of Selma Park Estates. KSA Engineers gave several options to correct the drainage issues that the concrete lined ditches have created in the neighborhood. The end result of the meeting was to task KSA to go back and cost out the option of using “inverted crown roads and rolled curbs” to restore access to homeowner’s property and eliminate the ditches as we currently see them. Essentially the streets will be the drainage system. Once the cost estimate has been established the Council will then begin to develop funding options to meet this requirement.

Live Oak Hills

Improvements on the water lines, sewer lines and eventual resurfacing and widening of Weiderstein continue. All these improvements are funded by the developer. Homes are being constructed and we should have new Selma residents in the near future.

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Service Reminders - Chipper Service is provided to residents on the first Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840.

Spring Cleanup - Bexar Waste gave us great service in our Spring Cleanup effort, thanks to Mr. Henry Gutierrez and his folks for a job well done.

Animal Vaccinations/City Tags – 52 dogs and cats were vaccinated on the 8th of April and 26 residents bought new City Animal License and 26 renewed their existing license.

National Day of Prayer - May 4th , 12:00 Noon at the flag pole in front of City Hall.

Recap of Council Action from the Special Council Meeting and Public Hearing April 4, 2006

Mr. Stephen Dorman, P.E. of KSA Engineers gave a briefing and made several recommendations on drainage issues in Selma Park Estates. Those recommendations ranged in price from $0 for the current state of the project to $4,000,000 for detention ponds and storm sewers. Following the KSA presentation several residents voiced their opinion on what should be done to correct the problem. Consensus was that none of the options presented met the expectations of the citizens. Mayor Pro Tem Eads made a motion to task KSA to develop estimates for an inverted crown and rolled curbs to serve as the drainage system in Selma Park Estates. Councilperson Melba Gregory seconded the motion and all members present voted in favor of the motion. KSA stated that the estimate should be ready within 45 days.

Regular Council Meeting April 13th

Officers Kim Molder and David Ludy received plaques to recognize their five years of dedicated service to the Selma Police Department.
Approved the Minutes of the March 9, 2006 Special Council Meeting.
Approved the Minutes of the March 9, 2006 Regular Council Meeting.
Approved the Minutes of the Public Hearing and Special Council Meeting of April 4, 2006.
Passed Ordinance Number 04122006, canceling the May 13th General Election and declaring the unopposed candidates for Mayor, Jim Parma and Councilmen Bill Weeper, Robert Stevens and Ken Harris elected.
Passed Ordinance Number 04132006, Bringing the City in line with changes to The Texas Code of Criminal procedures that allow the City to collect Municipal Court Technology Fees to sustain, maintain and purchase automated data processing equipment for the Municipal Court System.
Declined the offer of Universal City to join them in a regional animal care facility.
Took no action on a proposal to continue the contract with Phoenix Disaster Services.
Approved one variance request for Furniture King on a side setback and disapproved a variance request for relief from the IH-35 Overlay landscaping requirement.
Declined a request for variance from Gillman Honda to place a temporary sign along the IH-35 Frontage Road.
Renewed the contract of City Administrator/City Secretary Ken Roberts through April 2009.

Next Council Meeting: June 8, 2006 at 6:30 P.M.

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