9375 Corporate Dr., Selma, TX 78154-1250

The City of Selma Official Newsletter

Selma, a unique city that leads through providing planned growth, quality of life, a safe environment, and a vision for the future.
City Hall: Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm

Emergency - Call 911



City Council

Council Meeting Minutes
External website

Commissions & Boards

Commuter Information
External website

Garage Sale Permits
External website

Forms and Permits

Legal Information

Municipal Code
External website

Mayor's Corner



Police & Fire

Request for Services
External website


Water Usage Guidelines




Newsletters 2009: Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
Newsletters 2008: Jan | Feb | March | April | May | June | July | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
Past Newsletters 2007: April | May | June | Aug | Oct | Nov

Past Newsletters 2006: Feb | Mar | Apr | May | June | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec


SANTA AT THE FIRE STATION On Christmas Eve from 5:00 P.M. until 9:00 P.M. children (of all ages) are welcome to stop by the Fire Station and have their picture taken with Santa, tour the trucks and the Fire House, grab a candy cane and enjoy this wonderful day.

PROPERTY TAX RATES: Your property taxes will rise by $0.0152/$100 of valuation in the coming year to a total rate $0.2650/$100. This raise is due to the fact that appraisals are down as are our sales tax revenues. Though 1.5 cents per $100 of valuation is minimal, it was no small consideration for your Mayor and Council. The new tax rate is necessary to maintain our current level of service, but it is never easy to raise taxes.

PROPERTY TAX STATEMENTS: No matter which county you live in, you will be getting a tax bill from Guadalupe County as they are our tax collector of record.

WATER/SEWER/STORM WATER RUNOFF FEE – As you may recall from previous editions of the Newsletter, the City commissioned a study of our current water utility rates for a comparison of our costs verses our income. Our current rates have held steady for a period of ten years and our costs have not. Hence, beginning with your November usage (your December bill) you will see an increase of 6% in your base water rates and a 6% increase in your sewer rates. Most all of the increase in sewer rates is a “pass through” since we pay the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, as does Live Oak, Cibolo, Universal City and Schertz, to process our waste water. Storm Water Management Fee of Runoff is a Federally Mandated program that directs cities to add a charge for the storm water service and the monies must be used for drainage improvement projects. The homeowner will see a $4.12 Fee per month added to their bill and our commercial customers will pay based on the amount of impervious cover they have on their respective lots. Homeowners over the age of 65 are being provided a reduced water rate. To take advantage of this provision, come by City Hall with proof of age and residency and upon verification, we will be happy to provide our senior residents with the reduced rates.

CHIPPER SERVICE – is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting, December 10, 2009:

The School Choir of Our Lady of Perpetual Help gave a concert of Christmas Music.

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

•Approved the Minutes of the November 12, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting.
•Granted a rate adjustment for commercial solid waste removal to Bexar Waste. Residential garbage rates are locked in at today’s rate for the next two years.
•Approved the Final Plat establishing The Market at the Forum Subdivision that will be home to the new branch of USAA Federal Savings Bank.
•Approved the Final Plat for the construction of Phase Four, Trails of Kensington Ranch.
•Approved the Final Plat for the construction of Phase One of Retama West Subdivision and the Final Plat for a 3 acre fully improved City Park in the Retama West Subdivision.
•Passed Ordinance Number 121009-01 amending Article II, Administration of Chapter 78 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Selma to add Section 78-45 to delegate the City Administrator the ability to approve certain plats and certain replats.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: January 14, 2010 at 6:30pm.

December 24th & 25th in OBSERVANCE of CHRISTMAS.
December 31st (close at noon) & all day January1st for NEW YEARS.
January 18th closed in observance of MLK Day.

Top of page


SELMA BOND ELECTIONThanks to all who took the time to vote in the November 3rd Bond Election. Election results were;

218 – Against 153 – For

The General Obligation Bond for the restoration of the Harrison House and creation of a city park did not pass.

PROPERTY TAX RATES: Your property taxes will rise by $0.0152/$100 of valuation in the coming year to a total rate $0.2650/$100. This raise is due to the fact that appraisals are down as are our sales tax revenues. Though 1.5 cents per $100 of valuation is minimal, it was no small consideration for your Mayor and Council. The new tax rate is necessary to maintain our current level of service, but it is never easy to raise taxes.

PROPERTY TAX STATEMENTS: No matter which county you live in, you will be getting a tax bill from Guadalupe County as they are our tax collector of record.

WATER/SEWER/STORM WATER RUNOFF FEE – As you may recall from previous editions of the Newsletter, the City commissioned a study of our current water utility rates for a comparison of our costs verses our income. Our current rates have held steady for a period of ten years and our costs have not. Hence, beginning with your November usage (your December bill) you will see an increase of 6% in your base water rates and a 6% increase in your sewer rates. Most all of the increase in sewer rates is a “pass through” since we pay the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, as does Live Oak, Cibolo, Universal City and Schertz, to process our waste water. Storm Water Management Fee of Runoff is a Federally Mandated program that directs cities to add a charge for the storm water service and the monies must be used for drainage improvement projects. The homeowner will see a $4.12 Fee per month added to their bill and our commercial customers will pay based on the amount of impervious cover they have on their respective lots. Homeowners over the age of 65 are being provided a reduced water rate. To take advantage of this provision, come by City Hall with proof of age and residency and upon verification, we will be happy to provide our senior residents with the reduced rates.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting, November 12, 2009:

Presented Service Awards to Sandra Garcia -25 years and Larry Verner - 5 years

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

•Approved the Minutes of the October8, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting.
•Voted to re-elect Ms. Tavy Murphy for a full term on the Guadalupe Appraisal District for the 2010-2011 term.
•Approved the Guadalupe County Tax Assessor’s Final Roll Report, Levy Expected Revenues Report and the Roll Grand Totals Report for 2009.
•Approved Resolution Number 111209-01, giving the Firefighter’s September 11 as a Holiday in accordance with House Bill 2113 of the Texas Legislature.
•Passed a Resolution to canvass the returns of the November 3, 2009 Bond Election and declaring the results of 153 votes for the Bond Issue and 218 votes against. The $2,000,000 General Obligation Bond Issue for restoration of the Harrison House did not pass.
•Passed Ordinance Number 111209-01 amending Chapter 66 of the Code of Ordinance of the City of Selma.
•Cast Selma’s three (3) votes to elect Mr. David Carpenter to the Bexar Appraisal District Board of Directors.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: December 10, 2009 at 6:30pm.

November 26th & 27th for the THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY.
December 24th & 25th in OBSERVANCE of CHRISTMAS.
December 31st (close at noon) & all day January1st for NEW YEARS..

Top of page


SELMA BOND ELECTION – On November the 3rd the Citizens of the City of Selma will go to the polls to decide, “Shall the City Council of the City of Selma, Texas be authorized to issue and sell general obligation bonds of the City in the principal amount of $2,000,000 for the purpose of making permanent public improvements, or for other public purposes, to wit: constructing, renovating, designing, and equipping certain public facilities comprising the Harrison House and surrounding property, such bonds to mature serially or otherwise in accordance with law; and any issue or series of said bonds to bear interest at such rate or rates (fixed, floating, variable or otherwise) as may be determined within the discretion of the City Council, provided that such rate of interest shall not exceed the maximum rate per annum authorized by law at the time of the issuance of any issue or series of said bonds; and shall the City Council of the City be authorized to levy and pledge, and cause to be assessed and collected, annual ad valorem taxes, within limitations prescribed by law, on all taxable property in said City sufficient to pay the annual interest and provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity?”

****Please, exercise your right to vote! Election Day is November 3rd. Early Voting begins on October 19th thru the 24th and again on October the 26th. ****

Our Financial Advisors have estimated that property taxes would increase by 3 to 3.5 cents per $100 of valuation for a period not to exceed 20 years, should the bond pass.


Early Voting Clerk: Sue Basham, Election Administrator/Voter Registrar
Early Voting Clerk’s Address: 215 South Milam Street, Seguin, Texas 78155
Presiding Judge, Early Voting: Sylvia Marmolejo


Guadalupe County Elections Office
215 South Milam Street
Seguin, Texas 78155

Dates and Times (except as otherwise noted) Time:

October 19, 2009 through October 23, 2009 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
October 24, 2009 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
October 26, 2009 through October 30, 2009 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.


Guadalupe County Elections Office Annex
1101 Elbel Road
Schertz, Texas 78154


St. Joseph’s Mission Both Weeks
5093 Redwood Rd.
San Marcos, Texas

Kingsbury Fire Station Both Weeks & Saturday
1060 FM 1104
Kingsbury, Texas

Forest Hills Church Both Weeks
8251 FM 1117
Seguin, Texas

Hilltop Country Church Both Weeks & Saturday
2719 FM 725 @ Klein Road
New Braunfels, Texas

New Berlin Community Center Both Weeks
8815 FM 775
New Berlin, Texas


Election Day: November 3, 2009
Election Day Polling Locations Open from 7:00 a.m. to 7 p.m.



Schertz Baptist Church
600 Aero Avenue
Schertz, Texas 78154

BEXAR COUNTY Precincts 4083, 4097, 4105, 4116 & 4164:

Olympia Elementary School
8439 Athenian Drive
Universal City, Texas 78148

COMAL COUNTY: Precinct 205

Jay Feibelman Community Center
21340 FM 3009
Garden Ridge, Texas 78266

FALL CLEANUP – Bexar Waste will conduct our bi-annual Fall Cleanup October 24th through November 1st. Household hazardous waste disposal will be on October 24th and 25th and again on October 31st and November 1st in the parking lot behind City Hall. Roll off dumpsters will be located at the end of Chippewa and behind City Hall for your convenience.

NEW POST OFFICE DROP BOX – There is a new drop box for the U.S. Postal Service in front of City Hall. Come into the parking lot in front of City Hall and the drop box will be right in front of you.

PROPERTY TAX RATES: Your property taxes will rise by $0.0152/$100 of valuation in the coming year to a total rate $0.2650/$100. This raise is due to the fact that appraisals are down as are our sales tax revenues. Though 1.5 cents per $100 of valuation is minimal, it was no small consideration for your Mayor and Council. The new tax rate is necessary to maintain our current level of service, but it is never easy to raise taxes.

PROPERTY TAX STATEMENTS: No matter which county you live in, you will be getting a tax bill from Guadalupe County as they are our tax collector of record.

WATER/SEWER/STORM WATER RUNOFF FEE – As you may recall from previous editions of the Newsletter, the City commissioned a study of our current water utility rates for a comparison of our costs verses our income. Our current rates have held steady for a period of ten years and our costs have not. Hence, beginning with your November usage (your December bill) you will see an increase of 6% in your base water rates and a 6% increase in your sewer rates. Most all of the increase in sewer rates is a “pass through” since we pay the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority, as does Live Oak, Cibolo, Universal City and Schertz, to process our waste water. Storm Water Management Fee of Runoff is a Federally Mandated program that directs cities to add a charge for the storm water service and the monies must be used for drainage improvement projects. The homeowner will see a $4.12 Fee per month added to their bill and our commercial customers will pay based on the amount of impervious cover they have on their respective lots. Homeowners over the age of 65 are being provided a reduced water rate. To take advantage of this provision, come by City Hall with proof of age and residency and upon verification, we will be happy to provide our senior residents with the reduced rates.

WATER CONSERVATION – Even with our recent rains, our drought conditions continue. We ask for your continued cooperation in voluntarily reducing your water consumption. Examples are, don’t water your lawn more than once a week, Follow the practices of the past water only after 8:00 P.M. and before 8:00 A.M. Since Selma is not totally dependent on the Edwards Aquifer for all our fresh water, we can offer our residents less restrictive watering rules than some of our neighboring cities. Help us to help you maintain an uninterrupted flow of fresh water by the use of common sense and continued voluntary conservation measures.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch -Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the Selma Special Council Meeting, September 15, 2009:

• Citizens to be Heard: There were none.
• Passed Ordinance Number 091509 levying and adopting the tax rate on all taxable property in the City Limits of Selma.
• Ratified the Tax Rate reflected in the 2009-2010 City Budget.
• Passed a Resolution regarding the lease-purchase agreement for a tractor, bat wing mower and articulating arm shredder.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of October 8, 2009:

Citizens to be Heard:

Mrs. Betty Stewart asked for further detail on the upcoming Bond Election. Specifically, how much would her property taxes rise should the bond pass? Mayor Parma informed Mrs. Stewart that the projected increase would be 3 to 3.5 cents per hundred for a period of 20 years. She asked why the project is to cost $2,000,000 and the Mayor informed her that the costs were driven, in part, by the fact that the property and the Harrison House were listed on State and National Registries of historic places. Mrs. Stewart asked for more details and Mayor Parma directed her to the City Administrator for those details.

Mr. Tom Stewart inquired as to how they could have additional speed bumps placed on selected streets in Live Oak Hills. The Mayor asked Mr. Stewart to coordinate with the City Staff for the forms required. He went on to ask as to the future plans to improve Weiderstein Road. The Mayor informed Mr. Stewart that the City of Selma and Guadalupe County have just signed an Interlocal Agreement that will repave Weiderstein from FM 1518 to the Selma City limits.

Mr. David Arroyo stated his support for the bond election and stated he would be voting for that issue.

Mrs. Julia Hadas and Mr. Ken Hadas both spoke of their support of the bond and the increase in property taxes stating a sense of community and the historical aspects both outweigh the costs.

Received the quarterly operational update from Mr. Bryan Brown on Retama Race Track.

• Approved the Minutes of the September 10, 2009 Public Hearing and Council Meeting.
• Approved the Minutes of the September 15, 2009 Special Council Meeting.
• Received a presentation from Guadalupe County Commissioner Jim Wolverton.
• Accepted a gift deed from Mr. Harold Roby for an additional 6 acres of park land.
• Accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved the preliminary/final plat of the Bunk’n Biscuit Subdivision.
• Accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and approved the preliminary/final plat of the Lookout Hollow Subdivision.
• Approved an amendment to the Selma Personnel Policy Manual and granted an additional forty hours of annual leave to all full time employees in lieu of a cost of living pay adjustment for the coming fiscal year.
• Awarded a contract for the widening and resurfacing of Mountcrest Drive and additional paving of Alton Drive per the Master Plan to V.K. Knowlton Construction.
• Passed Ordinance Number 100809-01, increasing the fee for payment by credit card of online City Utility Bills.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: November 12, 2009 at 6:30pm.

October 12th in honor of Columbus Day and on
November 11th in OBSERVANCE of VETERAN’S DAY
November 26th & 27th for the THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY.

Top of page


NATIONAL NIGHT OUT 2009 – The Mayor, City Council, Selma Police Department and Selma Fire Department all invite you to participate in the 26th Annual National Night Out sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch from 7:00-9:00 P.M. on Tuesday, October 6th. Citizens are encouraged to lock your doors, turn on your porch lights and gather with your neighbors and show your unity against criminal activity in your City. If you are interested in having a National Night Out Block Party, please call Captain Albert Zuniga at 651-7822.

WATER CONSERVATION – Even with our recent rains, our drought conditions continue. Selma is currently under no mandatory restrictions on water use, we ask for your continued cooperation in voluntarily reducing your water consumption. Examples are, don’t water you lawn more than once a week, follow the practices of the past and don’t water until after 8:00 P.M. and before 8:00 A.M. Since Selma is not totally dependent on the Edwards Aquifer for all our fresh water, we can offer our residents less restrictive watering rules than some of our neighboring cities. Help us to help you maintain an uninterrupted flow of fresh water by the use of common sense and continued voluntary conservation measures.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7827. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. City staff is not available to stack firewood. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents, have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch – Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

ANIMAL CONTROL – As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. Register your pet online. pdf logo

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the Selma Municipal Development (MDD) Board of Directors Meeting, September 10, 2009.

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

Those offering Testimony During Public Hearing: There were none.

• Accepted the Minutes of the September 4, 2008 Meeting.

• Held a Public Hearing and passed the Budget for the Selma Municipal Development District for the Fiscal Year 2009-2010.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of September 10, 2009.

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

Those offering Testimony During Public Hearing: There were none.

• Approved the Minutes and the Public Hearing of the August 13, 2009 Selma City Council Meeting.

• Passed Ordinance Number 091009-01, prohibiting the use of wireless communication devices in school zones except with hands-free devices.

• Held a Public Hearing and Passed Ordinance Number 091009-02, An Ordinance adopting a 2009-2010 General Fund, Revenue Fund and Debt Service Budget, beginning November 1, 2009 and ending October 31, 2010.

• Passed Ordinance Number 091009-03, setting the water/sewer and storm water runoff fees to be effective November 1, 2009.

• Set September 15, 2009 at 6:00 P.M. as the date and time for a Special City Council Meeting to deliberate and set the as valorem tax rate for Fiscal Year 2009-2010.

• Held a Public Hearing, accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission, and granted a Specific Use Permit for the establishment of an indoor pet boarding and grooming facility on the property previously occupied by Stones Truck and Camper Supply.

• Approved entering into an agreement for collection of unpaid franchise fees with Local Government Services, L.L.C.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: October 8, 2009 at 6:30 P.M.


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WATER CONSERVATION – As you are all aware, our drought conditions continue with little chance of rain in the forecast. Though Selma is currently under no mandatory restrictions on water use, we ask for your cooperation in voluntarily reducing your water consumption. Examples are, don’t water you lawn more than once a week, follow the practices of the past and don’t water until after 8:00 P.M. and before 8:00 A.M. Since Selma is not totally dependent on the Edwards Aquifer for all our fresh water we can offer our residents less restrictive watering rules than some of our neighboring cities. Help us to help you maintain an uninterrupted flow of fresh water by the use of common sense and continued voluntary conservation measures.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents please have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. Register your pet online. pdf logo

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of August 13, 2009.

Citizens to be Heard: Mr. David Cooney spoke in opposition to the Bond Election. Mr. Cooney stated that other municipalities were raising property taxes for “necessary causes”. Garden Ridge is raising taxes to improve their water system that Mr. Cooney described as necessary. The newly appointed Historical Commission should be charged with finding an alternative funding source rather than an election that proposes raising property taxes to restore the Harrison House. He closed by saying the bond should be voted down.

Those offering Testimony During Public Hearing: There were none.

• Approved the Minutes and the Public Hearing of the July 9, 2009 Selma City Council Meeting.

• Received a briefing from the Director of Schertz EMS and approved their being able to advertise and offer membership in the Care Membership Plan.

• Passed Ordinance Number 081309, An Ordinance Calling a Bond Election for $2,000,000 for the complete restoration of the John H. Harrison House and development of a park on the surrounding property.

• Approved the lease/purchase of a tractor, shredder and articulating arm for right-of-way maintenance.

• Approved a resolution for the Texas Municipal League to give municipalities the same property rights as private citizens to allow cities to have a voice in the designation of historical property.

• Accepted the recommendations of Water Resource Management on recommended changes to the water, wastewater and storm water runoff fees in the City of Selma.

• Held a Public Hearing and accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission for a variance from parking spaces and setback requirements for the installation of an automated teller machine and branch of the USAA federal Saving Bank in West Forum Subdivision.

• Accepted the recommendation of the Board of Directors of the Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Selma approve and ratify disbursement of $54,010.09 of administrative expenses to Bexar County.

•Accepted the recommendation of the Board of Directors of the Reinvestment Zone Number One, City of Selma to reimburse the Tax Reinvestment Zone developer the sum up to $305,233.55.

• Appointed the Selma and Bexar County Representatives to the Board of Directors of the Reinvestment Zone Number, City of Selma, Texas.

• Accepted the Selma Investment Policy Report for the period ending Second Quarter 2009.

• Authorized and approved a joint election with the City of Schertz.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: September 10, 2009 at 6:30 P.M.

Top of page

JULY 2009

WATER CONSERVATION – As you are all aware, our drought conditions continue with little chance of rain in the forecast. Though Selma is currently under no mandatory restrictions on water use, we ask for your cooperation in voluntarily reducing your water consumption. Examples are, don’t water you lawn more than once a week, follow the practices of the past and don’t water until after 8:00 P.M. and before 8:00 A.M. Since Selma is not totally dependent on the Edwards Aquifer for all our fresh water we can offer our residents less restrictive watering rules than some of our neighboring cities. Help us to help you maintain an uninterrupted flow of fresh water by the use of common sense and continued voluntary conservation measures.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents please have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. Register your pet online. pdf logo

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of July 9, 2009.

Citizens to be Heard: Mr. David Cooney former, Chairman of the Selma Historical Committee, stated his opposition to any issuance of debt by the City to restore the John S. Harrison House and the surrounding property. Mr. Cooney felt that this project should be paid from normal cash flow rather than raising property taxes in an economic downturn. He stated if the Council were to call an election on the issue he would work to defeat it.

Mrs. Wilma Heberling thanked the Council for finally finishing the project at the Stage Stop and Visitor’s Center. She spoke to her disappointment in the lack of historical artifacts in the Visitor’s Center. She mentioned her recent Letter to the Editor in the Herald that was critical of the Stage Stop restoration that, in her view, was not a restoration but rather a reconstruction. The lack of staffing at the Visitor’s Center on the weekends also concerned her. Mrs. Heberling mentioned that she was unaware of the term of the members of the prior Historical Committee and as to when those terms expired.

Those offering Testimony During Public Hearing: Mr. Ronnie Dausin spoke in opposition to the proposed re-zoning and issuance of a Specific Use Permit for the Cathy’s Critter Care at 16302 IH-35 North. Mr. Dausin owns Dausin Electric that is adjacent to the proposed business.

Mr. James Smith spoke in opposition to the proposed re-zoning and Specific Use Permit. Mr. Smith’s family owns the vacant land on the other side of the proposed Critter Care.

Mr. Dick Hale asked the Council to insure that there would be no access from the new business to Fox Lane where he resides.

Mr. Jules Manghine spoke in support of the rezoning/Specific Use Permit and to the character of the owners.

Ms. Kathy Vaughn, co-owner of the proposed Cathy’s Critter Care spoke in favor of the re-zoning and the Specific Use Permit and listed the steps they would take to insure that the concerns voiced by others would be deferred and that all stipulations placed on the Specific Use Permit would be followed.

• Approved the Minutes and the Public Hearing of the June 11, 2009 Selma City Council Meeting

• Approved the Minutes of the June 25, 2009 Special City Council Meeting.

• Received a briefing from the general Manager of the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority on an upcoming rate increase in sewer processing fees.

• Accepted a recommendation from the City’s Financial Advisor as to the best option for funding the restoration of the John S. Harrison House and surrounding property as being a $2,000,000 General Obligation Bond to be placed on the November 2009 election ballot.
• Accepted the First Quarter Fiscal Year 2009 Investment Policy Report.

• Passed Ordinance Number 070909, to provide flood damage prevention effective September2, 2009.

• Held a Public Hearing and approved a recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission on a request for re-zoning of +/- 3.341 acres of land located at the rear of 16302 IH-35 North. Passed Ordinance Number 070909-01 to codify the re-zoning.

• Held a Public Hearing and accepted a recommendation from the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission on a Specific Use Permit for +/- 3.341 acres of land located at the rear of 16302 IH-35 North. With the stipulations that the noise buffer of natural plant life would be 80 feet from the back property line and a noise buffer of like material would be along both side property lines. The property will be re-graded to prevent any runoff to adjacent property owners. There will be no rear access to the property via Fox lane now or at anytime in the future. No Certificate of Occupancy will be issued by the City until all stipulations are met.

• Appointed five members to the Selma Parks and Recreation Committee.

• Appointed five members to the Selma Historical Committee.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: August 13, 2009 at 6:30 P.M.

Top of page

June 2009

LAST CHANCE - CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS – In the March 12, 2009 Council Meeting Ordinance Number 031209 was passed establishing a new Parks and Recreation Committee and a revamped Historical Commission. This action will bring them both in line with the number of members and structure of our current Planning and Zoning Commission, (five members, one chairman appointed by the Council on recommendation of the committee members, once a month meetings or as needed, etc.). All these committees advise Council on matters in their specific areas. Hence, we are asking all interested citizens to submit a resume to the City Administrator for consideration by the Council. The Ordinance takes effect on July the 1st so the sooner we can get the membership defined the sooner citizen direct input on parks and historical issues can make its way to the Council.

June 25th – Mark your calendar and come join us in the Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting at the Selma Stage Stop Visitor’s Center at 5:30 P.M. Join us as we welcome the Randolph Metrocom Chamber of Commerce at their new home in the Visitor’s Center.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents please have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of June 11, 2009.

Presented a check in the amount of $23,400 to the 100 Club of Comal County from the funds raised this year during the Annual Police and Fire Emergency Services Bar-be-Que and auction.

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

Those offering Testimony During Public Hearing:

Mayor Parma noted that none of those offering testimony in support of expenditures to restore the Harrison House and the related costs were from the City of Selma.

Mr. Dean Weitz, Chairman of the Schertz Historical Commission, spoke in support of the restoration.

Ms. Pat Ezell of the San Antonio Conservation Society read a letter from their President in support of the restoration.

Ms. Gail Hyatt with the Schertz Historical Society spoke in support of the restoration.

Ms. Jean Heide, President of the Selma Historical Foundation and a resident of San Antonio, spoke of the City’s establishment Retama Development Corporation and the Verizon Amphitheatre’s closure and sale to illustrate that history will last while other things pass away.

Mr. Jerry Geyer of the Universal City Historical Commission spoke in support of the restoration of the Harrison House.

Ms. Shirley Owen, member of the Leon Valley and Helotes Historical Societies spoke of her support for the expenditures for the restoration.

Ms. Jesusita Duron of San Antonio spoke of her support of the restoration. No other testimony was offered.

• Approved the Minutes of the May 14, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting.
• Signed an Agreement for Community Development Block Grant Program Cooperative Agreement between the City of Selma and Bexar County.
• Held a Public Hearing on the presentation from Harry Jewett and Associates on the results of their contract to identify the best use and cost estimate for the Harrison House and the surrounding property.
• Accepted the recommendation of harry Jewett and Associates on the best use for the Harrison House and surrounding property as complete restoration of the structures and fully developed parkland at an estimated cost of $1,750,000. The means to fund this project will be addressed at the July Council Meeting.
• Authorized the City Administrator to engage the services of a financial advisor and to employ bond counsel in regard to funding the estimated cost for improvements to the Harrison House and surrounding property.
• Approved the Preliminary/Final Plat of the Retama Amphitheatre Subdivision, Unit 1.
• Approved the Final Plat of the Retama West Subdivision, Units 1, 2, 3, and 4.
• Approved the Final Plat of the Davenport Park Subdivision.


Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.


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May 2009

H1N1 (SWINE) FLU – Thanks to all our Citizens, First Responders and staff for working with us through this difficult period. Though the illness was relatively contained, it was only with your continued cooperation and support that we were able to get the message out to the churches and schools on how best to prevent and contain the spread of this new virus.

ON-LINE SURVEY – Thanks to all that participated in the survey to express your preference as to what you would like to see happen with the Harrison House and the property that surrounds it. Tallies of the results are listed below. Later this month the contractor will make a presentation of the results and his recommendation on “best use” and a cost estimate in a Public Hearing for all interested residents of Selma. Watch the website for date and time of this meeting.

1. Should the Harrison House Historical Site and the surrounding property be developed as a living history museum? 11-yes & 2-no

2. Should the property be developed as a tourist attraction for the greater San Antonio area? 9-yes & 3-no

3. Should it be a community park for the surrounding Selma area? 13-yes & 0-no

4. If it is developed as a historical park or a living history park, should the theme be a “19th Century Transportation Way Station”? 10-yes & 1-no

5. Types of facilities it should have:
Recommendations offered were; hiking trails, informational kiosks, amphitheatre, security lights, fence, informational panorama and a pavilion.

6. Should it be a Historical Library? 7-yes & 5-no

7. Should it be a Children’s Library? 5-yes & 8-no

8. Picnic tables and standard day-use facilities? 12-yes & 0-no

9. Should there be meeting rooms and classrooms? 9-yes & 3-no

10. Should there be activities focused on school children? 12-yes & 1-no

11. Should it be open to school children during the summer and/or for field trips during the school year? 12-yes & 0-no

12. Should the entire park (Selma Stage Stop & Visitor’s Center and Harrison House) be incorporated into a single park linked be a trail/bike path? 13-yes & 0-no.

13. Several buildings exist that are not of the same age and character as the Harrison House and the barn. Should these buildings be replaced, reconstructed or restored to conform to the primary historic structure’s architectural style? 10-yes & 3-no

14. The house reflects at least three periods of occupation, during which various outbuildings were constructed. Should the buildings be reconstructed or restored to reflect the evolution of the property, or follow a single theme? 10-yes & 0-no

15. Should the buildings be replaced with buildings which reflect the Stage Stop’s period of use? 5-yes & 5-no

16. If it is developed as a living-history park what kinds of facilities should it have? Recommendations offered were; Restrooms, water station, maps and information, hiking trails, informational kiosks, amphitheatre, docent office, visitor center, lights, fencing, parking and a veteran’s war memorial.

17. Should there be a caretaker’s on site? Day and/or night? (The donated frame house could be moved to the site and used for this purpose) 9-yes & 1-no

18. Should admission be charged? 10-yes & 1-no

19. If no fee is charged for admission, how will the operation of the site be financed? Recommendations offered were; Sell T-shirts & hats, State Grants, donations, sponsors and a new City Tax.

20. Suggestions not otherwise mentioned were; Frisbee golf course, put in an old stage coach on static display, hold Heritage day on the site, build a public library, build a research center and develop a wildflower farm.

ANNUAL RABIES DRIVE – on May the 2nd we had yet another successful rabies prevention/animal registration drive at the Fire Department. Thank you to all that took advantage of this event.

CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS – In the March 12, 2009 Council Meeting Ordinance Number 031209 was passed establishing a new Parks and Recreation Committee and a revamped Historical Commission. This action will bring them both in line with the number of members and structure of our current Planning and Zoning Commission, (five members, one chairman appointed by the Council on recommendation of the committee members, once a moth meetings or as needed, etc.). All these committees advise Council on matters in their specific areas. Hence, we are asking all interested citizens to submit a resume to the City Administrator for consideration by the Council. The Ordinance takes effect on July the 1st so the sooner we can get the membership defined the sooner citizen direct input on parks and historical issues can make its way to the Council.

June 25th – Mark your calendar and come join us in the Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting at the Selma Stage top Visitor’s Center. 5:30 P.M. we will join the Randolph Metrocom Chamber of Commerce in their new home and your new Visitor’s Center.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents please have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of May 14, 2009.

Citizens to be Heard: Mr. Shawn Reno of 7919 Clearwater asked the Council to consider installing street lights and speed bumps on Mount Crest Drive. Mr. Reno stated that since the Mount Crest is now open to through traffic, the volume ad speed of vehicular traffic has increased remarkably.

Mrs. Jean Heide of 3126 Manila in San Antonio, spoke to the City Administrator’s annual evaluation. She stated that Mr. Roberts was unfit to be the City Administrator and that she was of the opinion that he was less qualified than the other applicants for the position when the former City Administrator retired.

• Approved the Minutes of the April 9, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting and Public Hearing.
• Administered Oath of Office (ceremonial) to Councilwoman Melba Gregory, Councilman William Weeper and Councilman Phill Swinney for their two year term on City Council.
• Appointed Chairman Alvin Kowalik, and Commissioners Howard Wonch and Karen Belinne to a two year term on the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission.
• Passed Ordinance Number 051409, An Ordinance amending Chapter 38 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Selma, Texas, to add Article VI to regulate light intrusion and to establish a penalty for violation of the light intrusion regulation.
• Passed Ordinance Number 051409-1, An Ordinance amending Section 58-131 (a) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Selma, Texas, to eliminate designation of a portion of Evans Road as a one way street.
• Passed Ordinance Number 051409-2, An Ordinance amending section 58-51 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Selma, Texas, to add the intersection of Mount Crest Boulevard and Lookout Road to the list of streets within the City Limits of the City of Selma, Texas with stop signs.
• Approved the Fourth Quarter 2008 Investment Policy Report.
• Completed the annual performance review of the City Administrator.


Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: June 11, 2009 at 6:30pm

Top of page

April 2009

ON-LINE SURVEY – Please take a moment to fill out the survey to express your preference as to what you would like to see happen with the Harrison House and the property that surrounds it. We have engaged a contractor to come up with the “best use” and to develop a cost estimate for the price to restore the house that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. We will leave the survey on-line for approximately 10 days and then we will tabulate the results for the contractor. We will publish the results in next month’s newsletter.

Complete the survey online now.

SPRING CLEANUP – A big “THANK YOU” to Bexar Waste for another successful cleanup in our City.

ANNUAL RABIES DRIVE – The City will sponsor our annual rabies prevention drive at the Fire Station on the 2nd of May from 9:00 A.M. until 11:00 A.M. You will also have the opportunity to register your pet with us at the same time. Should your pet wander away this makes it so much easier for us to get you animal back to you. Read more. pdf logo

CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS – In the March 12, 2009 Council Meeting Ordinance Number 031209 was passed establishing a new Parks and Recreation Committee and a revamped Historical Commission. This action will bring them both in line with the number of members and structure of our current Planning and Zoning Commission, (five members, one chairman appointed by the Council on recommendation of the committee members, once a moth meetings or as needed, etc.). All these committees advise Council on matters in their specific areas. Hence, we are asking all interested citizens to submit a resume to the City Administrator for consideration by the Council. The Ordinance is effective July 1st so the sooner we can get the membership defined the sooner citizen direct input on parks and historical issues can make its way to the Council.

3rd ANNUAL JOINT EMERGENCY SERVICES BENEFIT – On May the 16th the City of Selma will once again host our annual fundraiser for the “100 Club”. All proceeds go to provide immediate financial assistance to the family of any police officer, firefighter or EMS first responder killed in the line of duty. Last year we were able to raise $22,000 for this worthy cause. Join us this year at the Fire Station from 3:00 until 7:00 P.M. for food, fun and an auction. We will have less space than in years past. The construction of your new Police Department Building will take some of the space but none of the fun!

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents please have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

ANIMAL CONTROL - As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. Register your pets with online form.

– The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of April 9, 2009.

Citizens to be Heard: Mr. Mike Mayfield spoke to his concern for the lack of paving on Deerfield. He asks if the street could be paved as soon as possible.

Mr. Gary Wisdom asked about the detention pond near his home on Deerfield and as to the removal of gate between Lookout Road and Selma Park Estates. City Engineer Larry Verner explained that the detention pond would hold the runoff water and then allow it to flow at a measured pace into the drainage ditch on Lookout. The gate has been removed and will not be replaced.

• Approved the Minutes of the March 12, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting.
• Approved the Minutes of the March 25, 2009 Special Council Meeting.
• Passed Ordinance Number 040909-1, Declaring Unopposed Candidates for the May 9, 2009 General Election Elected to Office and Cancelling the Election.
• Appointed Ms. Nichole Thomas to the Retama Development Board of Directors.
• Awarded a contract to perform street surface crack sealing throughout the City of Selma, per the Selma Master Plan.
• Accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission and granted a re-zoning request for 18 acres of land on Lookout Road from single family residential to multi-family residential.

Recap of the Special City Council Meeting of March 25, 2009

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

Council authorized the award of a contract for a study of “best use” and the Development of a cost estimate for the Harrison House and the surrounding property to Harry Jewett and associates in the amount of $20,000.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: May 14, 2009 at 6:30pm

Top of page

March 2009

FOREST CREEK SUBDIVISION NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE – The Forest Creek Subdivision Home Owner’s Association would like to invite everyone to their “Spring Clean Neighborhood Garage Sale” on April 4th & 5th from 8:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. each day. The Forest Creek Subdivision is located right behind Rudy’s BBQ.

REQUEST FOR ACCOUNT RECORDS CONFIDENTIALITY – The prospect of identity theft has become an increased danger in our everyday lives, we ask that you favorably consider filling out and returning to us the Records Confidentiality Form. As you are aware, public records can be accessed under the Texas Open Records Act. The city wants to provide the very best protection of your personal data as is possible. Your taking the time to fill this form out will be a large step in that direction.

**SPRING CLEANUP** – This year’s Spring Cleanup will be held March 21-29th. Dumpsters will be available behind City Hall and at Bluffside at Arcadia in Selma Park Estates. Household Hazardous Waste Disposal will be collected behind City Hall on March 21 and 22nd and again on March 28th and 29th beginning at 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. each day.

ANNUAL RABIES DRIVE – Please reserve May the 2nd on your calendar. Once again the City will sponsor our rabies prevention drive at the Fire Station on May the 2nd. We will provide more details on this program in coming editions of the Newsletter.

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents please have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash.

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of March 12, 2009.

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

• Approved the Minutes of the February 12, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting

• Council received their quarterly update on the operation of the Retama Race Track.

• Accepted the Annual Racial Profiling Report from Chief Syd Hall.

• Authorized the City Administrator to sign the lease of the Selma Stage Stop Visitor’s center with the Randolph Metrocom Chamber of Commerce.

• Chose Harry Jewett & Associates as the contractor to develop a “best use” for the Harrison House and surrounding property and to come up with a cost estimate for that project. Authorized the City Administrator to negotiate a price and then bring that information back to Council for an award of contract at the April Regular Council Meeting.

• Passed Ordinance Number 031209, adding provisions for the Selma Historical Commission and establishing the Selma Parks and Recreation Commission.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: April 9, 2009 at 6:30 P.M.

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February 2009

CHIPPER SERVICE is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents please have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. Complete your license online. pdf logo

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of February 12, 2009.

Citizens to be Heard: There were none.

• Approved the Minutes of the January 9, 2009 Regular City Council Meeting

• Accepted the Annual Financial Audit of the City of Selma from Armstrong & Vaughn, CPA.

• Passed an Order of General Election for Places 4, 5, and 6 of the Selma City Council for May 9, 2009

• Passed a Notice of General Election to be held on May 9, 2009.

• Passed Resolution Number 021209 Requesting Financial Assistance from the Texas Water Development Board and the Texas Environmental Infrastructure Program for a grant for water projects.

• No action to fill the vacancy of the vacancy of Retama Development Corporation Board of Directors.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: March 12, 2009 at 6:30 P.M.

Daylight Savings Time Begins on March 8th at 2am.

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January 2009

PARK DONATION – A big Thank You to Conrad and Olivia Garcia for their generous donation of two trees for Davenport Park.

RETAMA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION – Thanks to all who submitted their application for the vacancy on the Retama Development Board. Those applications have been referred to the Board for their review process. Once they have made their recommendation to the Council for Board Membership the Council will confirm that appointment. Watch the Newsletter for that announcement in the very near future.

is provided to residents on the 1st Monday of the month. To schedule the City crew and chipper please call 651-6661, ext 7840. As a reminder, chipper service is provided for the residents of the City of Selma only. Of late, some residents have hired professional landscaping services and then called for the City to come chip the contractor produced waste. This is not what this chipper service was intended to support. When professional landscape contracts are entered into by the residents please have the removal of the contractor generated waste included in the contract.

FILE FOR LIFE – Selma Fire Department has received a new stock of the File For Life cards and refrigerator magnets. Please stop by City Hall and pick up your copy. This is one way to make sure when your First Responders get to your home in time of need, they will have all the pertinent information to render you the aid you require.

STREET SWEEPER SERVICE – The City’s street sweeper will be following this monthly route schedule in our subdivisions:

Olympia & Forrest Creek – First Week of the Month
Selma Park Estates & Chelsea Crossing – Week Two
Retama Ridge & Retama Springs – Week Three
Live Oak Hills & Kennsington Ranch Week Four

During business hours on the week of street sweeping your neighborhood, it would be greatly appreciated if you park your vehicles off the street. This will enable us to do a better job in your neighborhood.

GUADALUPE COUNTY TAX STATEMENTS – As you know, Selma is in three counties and the City contracts with Guadalupe County to collect your City taxes. Please keep in mind, no matter which county you reside in, you will get a property tax statement from Guadalupe County for your City Property tax.

RESPONSIBLE PET OWNERSHIP – Of late, it seems that we have had a spate of animal calls from neighbors of folks that may not be demonstrating the best in the way of responsible pet ownership. It is your right to own a pet. It is also your responsibility to care for the animal and respect the rights of those around you. If your dog is kept out of doors and barks, if a cat meows all night long or roams about the neighborhood it is not only a nuisance, it is against City Ordinances. Should any of you encounter an annoyance from an animal during normal business hours call Mr. Van Adams at 651-7862. On weekends, after duty hours or on Holidays, please call Dispatch at 653-0033. We have Animal Control Officers on call 24 hours a day.

ANIMAL CONTROL: As a reminder, Selma has an Ordinance that requires pets to be registered and licensed with the City. These licenses are renewable every year at a nominal cost. Please bring your copies of the pet’s vaccination record and proof of spay or neuter procedures. Should your pet wander off, the tag makes it very easy for us to return your pet to you. Please, when you and your pet are out and about, we ask that you observe the requirement to keep that pet on a leash. Complete your license online. pdf logo

AFTER HOURS MINOR EMERGENCIES – The number to call on weekends, holidays and after normal business hours for City Offices is Live Oak Dispatch at 653-0033. Any major emergency should be reported through the 911 system. By minor emergency we mean water main, water pressure issues, vicious dogs or downed tree limb in the right-of-way. Live Oak Dispatch will then get the on call Public Works Employee to respond.

Recap of the City Council Meeting of January 8, 2009.

Citizens to be Heard:

Mrs. Jean Heide of San Antonio asked the Council to consider her twenty five page document on the history of the Harrison House and the surrounding acreage. She suggested Council may wish to consider forming a 501C-3 to serve as a conservancy to mimic the 501C-3 as was formed in San Antonio for Main Plaza.

Mr. Kevin Hadas thanked the Council and Mayor for allowing the input from HOA of Forest Creek.

Sarek McGuffey asked the City to keep the property surrounding the Harrison House just as it is. Stephen McGuffey, a four year resident of Selma, asked the City to bring in hiking and biking trails around the Harrison House and consider going back to the 2001 Master Plan that identified phases 2 and 3 that include an extension of the Stage Stop/Visitor Center original plan.

Kristin Hadas also supported the notion of the 2001 Master Plan and asked Council to keep the historical area to maintain its uniqueness.

• Approved the Minutes of the December 11, 2008 Regular City Council Meeting

• Accepted the traffic study and recommendation from KSA Engineers to keep the Brightleaf gate closed between Selma Park Estates and Retama Ridge.

• Approved the Levy of Expected Revenues Report from the Guadalupe County tax Assessor/Collector.

• Received a proposal from the Forest Creek Home Owner’s Association on how best to utilize the Harrison House and the surrounding 12.856 acres of land.

• Approved a staff request to let a Request for Proposal for a contract with a consultant on the best use if the Harrison House and the 12.856 acres of land that surround it to include a cost estimate to accomplish same.

• Reviewed the bids and accepted recommendations on the disposal of excess City Real Property.

• Passed Ordinance Number 010809 amending Chapter 58 of the Selma Code of Ordinances for the enforcement of traffic laws.

• Held a Public Hearing and accepted the recommendation of the Selma Planning and Zoning Commission on an application for a Special Use Permit with fourteen restrictions on the property at 1539 IH-35 for the operation of a used car lot.

Copies of all Ordinances are maintained on the Municipal Code link on the left menu.

NEXT REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING: February 12, 2009 at 6:30 P.M.

CITY OFFICES WILL BE CLOSED: Monday, January 19th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

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